7 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Internet”

  1. Le Corbusier and his followers did more damage to the cities of the western world than Adolf Hitler—and for very similar reasons.

    Like Hitler, Charles-Édouard Jeanneret was a failed artist (the architecture trade had been suggested by his art teacher, who quickly saw that Jeanneret had no talent). Le Corbusier saw “capitalism”—and the Jews—as obstacles to realizing his own Philistine visions of utopian urban renewal, which he expected fascist and communist tyrants to dispose of for him.

    The Soviets adored him. So too do the Chinese Communists and the western globalists.

    For warehousing debt- and tax-slaves, “machines for living” made of concrete with a lifespan of one or two generations at most, are cheap and easy to build on an industrial scale—and ensure that what their children inherit is unfit for human habitation.

    Only the cream of the elite are to be allowed to live in houses that are well-built and attractive enough to be worth leaving to one’s heirs and successors.

    1. And Le Corbusier emerged out of the German Bauhaus movement
      The History summary says it all …

      The Bauhaus movement championed a geometric, abstract style featuring little sentiment or emotion and no historical nods, and its aesthetic continues to influence architects, designers and artists.

      The current genre of contemporary architecture is to design “buildings as machines”. Hence the cubism, steel, and glass. Gone is the human-scale of Architecture. Enter the machine. The machine will take care of you. You are now a cog in that machine. Enjoy!

  2. Thank you so much for this posting! I have copied it and sent it to all of my friends.
    I graduated Bachelor of Interior Design, Faculty of Architecture, University of Manitoba in 1975. The U of M was enamoured of what my father called “Fortress Architecture”, AKA “Brutalism in the international movement. Ugly massive buildings with skinny windows through which you could shoot an arrow or a sniper’s gun.

    1. When this particular friend of mine was an architect (she switched to nursing; not one for taking things easy), I had a running gag about her designing me a castle. I don’t remember why, but one day, I asked her to design me a huge stone building with crenellated walls, several towers, a central living area, some underground levels, lots of long and narrow windows, a semicircular swimming pool that went all around the outside, and a huge door that would open over it for access to the outside world. She replied. “You can’t fool me, Mr. Dis… That’s a castle”!!!

      Later, when we saw a model of Saruman’s Dark Tower at a convention, and I suggested she build me that instead as a compromise, she demurred, muttering something about how Saruman never needed planning permission from his local council…

      Middle Earth had it easy!!!
