24 Replies to “Mischief Is Important”

  1. Jeez – 85 vehicles in the motorcade to the Vatican and not even one with a porta-potty? I mean what the Hell!
    Gonna have to bump the m’cade up to 86!

      1. I don’t think he was even there. It looks like a cardboard cutout replacement for the photo op. Maybe he was still in the bathroom wiping up.

  2. Our President shits the bed every night … incontinent and incompetent. Come get me FBI. For disparaging our Dear Leader.

    1. The Canadian version,
      Whenever asked why I won’t get (The Clot shot) I answer with…
      Because that Groping Blackface Failed Drama teacher in a suit in Ottawa (DEMANDS) I get one, that’s why.
      Come and get me RCMP!

    2. He’s regular, that’s a good thing. Every morning he goes poop at 6:30.

      Shame he doesn’t get out of bed until 9.

  3. I thought he’d have had a Code Brown on stage in front of the cameras three months ago. I guess the White House is really good at covering sh1t up.

  4. Put the man in a home and take care of him. Then arrest the democrat communist committee that has been running America into the ground. It is the only sane thing to do.

  5. Biden was so happy when he thought he heard the Pope say he can keep receiving communism that he shit himself.

  6. I remember seeing GWB jr. jokes in this vein back when I was a teenager, about GWB being incapable of looking after himself. They created a self-fulfilling prophecy with Biden.

    First, Alec Baldwin getting brutally owned by his words to the max for his tasteless jokes about Dick Cheney’s hunting accident, to this.
