Turkeys Little Fascist Dictator

Turkey’s Islamist dictator is kicking out ten ambassadors, including the Canadian ambassador. When I was stationed in Turkey many years ago, it was fairly secular and had some great nightclubs. But like in many other muslim dominated countries it is becoming more fundamentalist. Time to kick it out of NATO.

27 Replies to “Turkeys Little Fascist Dictator”

  1. Oh OJ, you pretend to hate fasicsts while apparently supporting the fascists who keep importing savages, ie NATO leaders.
    Every single wealthy NATO led country is being flooded with immigrants.
    The best thing would be for everybody to leave NATO, and let Turkey be the only remaining signatory.
    Of course, that goes against your narrative, so…whatever.
    You should be ashamed of yourself.

  2. Erdogan and Xi are egotistical dictators with grandiose visions and egos to match. Erdogan wants to make the Ottoman Empire great again. Xi wants to out-Mao Mao.

    1. …unlike western countries, who want…what? To out-Stalin Stalin? To out-Hitler Hitler?…to become door-mats for banksters?
      Tell me, what does your home country want to do, or mine, or Canada, for that matter?
      Erdogan and Xi don’t run the show here, do they? If they do, why? Could it be that we are ruled by traitors? Can we blame others for our own rulers? I say “no, we cannot.” The fact that we elected aholes who will sell us out the the ahole with the biggest purse is not the ahole’s with the biggest purse’s problem, it is our problem.

  3. Canada desperately needs to bail on NATO. Stay in NORAD but look across the Pacific not the Atlantic. The Eurotrash aren’t our friends, they’re parasites. Let Putin exercise regional dominance. He’ll be better for western civilization in the long run that the Brussels retards and the faggy-assed Krauts.

      1. No, but I did serve with 4 CMBG back in the 80s and know precisely how retarded Canada’s role in NATO is. Over to you.

        1. I was in the 23rd Hamilton Medical Co, never served overseas. Canada is SNC Lavalin, maybe with a few more Bromfmann assets. SNC Lavalin doesn’t give a crap about us, just like GE, GM, Johnson&Johnson, Proctor&Gamble, etc doesn’t care about the Americans, but, back in the day, our governments would siphon some money outta these aholes for Canada, much like Japan does with Sony and Toshiba…now its the other way around in the west, with us bailing out these aholes, at best, and us not even being able to buy from them, at worse.

    1. Pootinistan hasn’t been a part of Western Civilization (aka Civilization) since 1612 and none is ever better off dominated by the Siberian Mongols. Ever. That’s irrespective of whether Canada would be better off with NATO or without. On that, I would prefer Canada to collapse, but for as long as Canada is to exist as a single country then there is downside of staying in NATO.

      1. And yet Russia is become more Christian while Europe is drowning in dyscivilisational secularism. I’d rather be ruled by Putin than Merkel. But if you’re attracted to her East German milfiness, giddyup.

        1. Yeah that’s nice. Look up on growth of pisslam in russia. Russia is more mooselimb than any country in EUrinal including Fwance… which in russia’s case may well be an improvement.

          “Orthodox Christianity is much closer to Islam than Catholicism is,” ~ Volodia Pootin
          Truer words were never spoken.

    2. Amen.

      In a sane world, the western border of Russia would be the Rhine, and she would be the richest country on the planet.

      The Germans would not have a problem with this. There would be no Germans left in Europe to object to it.

      1. I take it, there would be no Poles, Czeks, Slovaks, Hungarians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Romanians, Fins etc left either in that Siberian Mongol paradise?

        No, in a sane world russia would cease existing in late 1940s when US had enough nukes to, once and for all, cleanse the planet from the Siberian Mongol disease.

        1. “…in late 1940s when US had enough nukes to, once and for all, cleanse the planet…”

          It didn’t.

          Try considering the notion that the very people you claim you want to support would be the very first ones slaughtered in your stupidity. That you are advocating for as much death and destruction as achieved by the Socialist dictators of the 20th century. Are you a closet Socialist? You seem to like their methods.

          Try considering the notion that you are psychotic idiot.

          1. “It didn’t.”

            Did so. About three hundred nukes ready to drop. That would have been enough to take out the leadership and biggest population centers. The horde in Europe would then be contained and run out of resources when logistics at home evaporated. Then Dalek them. And whola: a world without Russia. A better world. A free Eastern Europe. No decolonization. No problems with Arabs. No problems with Chicoms. There is a reason everyone who shares a border with russia hates russians.

            The rest of what you say is relativist nonsense.

          2. Colonialista, your still advocating mass murder, which means you are still a psychotic idiot. The world would be better without Colonialista.

          3. No I advocate war. War waged according to enemy’s rules of engagement. Not doing it cost more lives than doing it would have. A greatest historical blunder comparable only to not eradicating Islam when Mongols offered alliance to that effect.

            Also your pearl clutching is amusing.

          4. “The world would be better without Colonialista.”

            From your lips to God’s ears, brother.

          5. Glad to see your last lobotomy is still working ray/angel/whatever name you’re posting under now.

  4. Islam teaches its adherents that all you have to do is steal other people’s stuff: Assets, land, women etc. because they belong to
    infidels and it is your right to do that in Allah’s name. So basically, it is a giant organized Nazi crime syndicate with Allah’s blessing.

    Islam creates nothing useful. It just steals stuff. It’s total garbage.

  5. … rule of law? …. judiciary system?
    Who are they talking about? Turkish government?
    What law? What judiciary? Where? Who?
    Help me out here.

  6. The USA built or paid for military roads and air bases throughout Turkey in particular and the middle east in general to bring progress to the “masses”. The result was a flood of ignorant semi serfs out of the backwoods to the then “Euroized” cities once the roads were completed. Politicians like erdogan quickly realized their potential in numbers to overthrow the established corrupt order via the honest count city ballot boxes so he and his like became their “something for nothing, free stuff for all” champions. And the rest is history.
    You might say it went from the importation of “Jello” being forbidden as a token old regime gesture, to even being suspected of thinking about “Jello” being forbidden. lol
