16 Replies to “Awkward”

  1. Even low life gets it right sometimes.
    Not that they allow it, though they have a point to hit you over the head.

  2. On the US-Afghan front, I’ve yet to hear any jokes about military brass praising the wokeness of their armed forces and how successfull they were in performing 20 sex changes operations undere difficult battlefield circumstances.

    I guess it’s too early and significant to make jokes of, but there are many people, from the C-in-C down the ranks, throughout the whole deep state, that are responsible for this absolute shit-show (I don’t use the term lightly) and should be taken out and …
    It could be worse, however; Nanci Pelosi is #3 in the chain of command inheritance. Gulp 8-0

    I think the best way out of this for the Dems is to suddenly discover that Fraud, yes Fraud, had taken place in the elections and that Trump had won. Then hand over power to him.

    If the Demns had not realized that they had lost all credibility with stealing an election, they will never again win a seat withpout stealing all elections. Expect more paranoid political show trials and CIA/DHS /FBI witch hunts of the innocent to crowd out other bad news, such as the ever-expected results of the election audits

  3. Taliban > Woke, ergo the culture that will thrive under the Taliban will be superior to the culture that thrives under the leftoids who now rule the west. Woke culture is based entirely on dismantling all western norms, all of our concepts of truth and beauty, it is a void, a negation of something. The same cannot be said of Islam.

  4. Uh huh … the Taliban are real Free Speech advocates. And just like the leftists in America … they believe Free Speech has a cost. In America, it will cost you your job, your career and reputation. You will be doxxed and harassed.

    The TalieeBaaaaahn? They simply behead the speaker of any “offensive” speech.

  5. It’s possible Justin could do better after a Taliban haircut.
    Headless Justin loses his best asset, his face but also his biggest drawback, his brain.
    Toss up.

    1. Those santa fezes some of the Taliban wear, along with a long shaggy beard, would look great on our PM. He’s also be awesome at manning the machine gun from the back of the pickup, I’d say.

  6. False equivalency but still awkward, for so many other reasons – enabling US Islamists, abandoning allies, projecting incompetence.

    Remember you can trust the Taliban, especially when they lie, which they do serially.

    Love their claim women and girls will still be educated under their totalitarian thumb, BUT in accordance with Sharia law, which states boys and men can’t be educated with girls and women, so separate schools are required for males and females.

    Not coming soon: Taliban plan to build schools and universities for girls and women after they’re kicked out of the existing ones.

  7. L – Political Islam has been waiting for almost 1400 years for Western Civilization to lose confidence in itself. This via a brain parasite(Cult. Marxism/nihilism) similar to the one that affects some species, making them offer themselves, in abject surrender, to their nearest predators.

    China has added Afghanistan to it’s stable of “allies” Pakistan, Iran et al, with which it uses to destabilize it’s enemies or those it wishes to conquer e.i. India, NATO nations, Africa.

    This is the reason there is little if any criticism of Communist China’s ongoing slavery/genocide of Uighurs(Muslims) from the M.B. or other organs of political Islam in the West.

    Once political Islam has served it’s institutional destruction role,(Lethbridge, only a recent case) the C.C.P. will waltz in to to take formal control of Canada’s rich natural resources. The price to buy off the shiny pony and President in/name only Stumblin’ Joe, was much lower than they anticipated.

    After the education and media institutions were infected with aforementioned brain virus, the rest of Canada are falling like dominoes.

    1. The Brain Virus you speak of is the Frankfurt School’s Critical Theory. It has proven to be very effective.

      1. So effective its proponents/carriers don’t realize the infection will cost them their heads, too. Useful idiots.

  8. We’re damned fools, literally, if we rely on the cultural deficiency of the Taliban or any other threatening group, to save us from our own degeneracy.
