35 Replies to “Step #1: Daszak Removed from Commission”

    1. Anthony “Josef Mengele” Fauci says he expects vaccines for younger children by end of year or early 2022.


      Meanwhile WHO is actually conservative on the issue, at least at the moment.

      “There is not yet enough evidence on the use of vaccines against COVID-19 in children to make recommendations for children to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Children and adolescents tend to have milder disease compared to adults. However, children should continue to have the recommended childhood vaccines.”


    1. It would be beneficial if Dr. Daszak would identify as Jeffrey Epstein or Seth Rich.

    2. Yep. Anything with “Eco” in the title is based on ideolological lies, and is regressive, corrupt, and government funded.
      4 ways of saying the same thing.

    1. Cause Mankind is a plague in their world.
      Gang Green is fully behind The Dread Covid Theatre,all the same people and all the same deceptions.
      Retribution will be sweet.
      As we did not attack these characters,yet every indication says they have declared war,war to extinction, on us.
      Now their evil is writ large on the world,we can reward them.

      1. Cause Mankind is a plague in their world.

        That was the driving ideology behind the Club of Rome: “Earth has a cancer and that cancer is man.”

        1. MAURICE STRONG….
          Your De-Population Town crier of the 60’s

          One of many Rockefeller pets – Gerald Butts being another (WWF CEO)

        2. I wonder why “they” all don’t commit suicide in the most ecological way possible. the planet would be so much better off.

  1. When are they going to put all these guilty bastards on trial. They killed millions of people. They can choose their punishment, hanging or firing squad but my personal preference is drawing and quartering.

    1. scar, never going to happen as the intellect of the average person is that of a slave. One has to be capable of fighting PHYSICALLY against one’s enemies in order to remove those enemies. Cowards become slaves and remain slaves. the whu who flu has proven that beyond any argument, AND I MEAN ANY ARGUMENT.

  2. Anyone who has anything to do with the increasing the contagiousness (and deadliness) of a virus, or any disease, should be taken out back, put up against a wall and shot.

    There is no valid reason to increase infection rates of any population other than ghoulish control of said population.

    If there was an actual Satan, he could not have some up with anything worse than letting highly infectious diseases loose onto an innocent population.

    Fauci (and several others) is the closest thing we have to an actual Satan. He needs the death penalty for what he did … and toss in Andy Cuomo while you at it. He is responsible for thousands of deaths in NY.

    Most politicians are nothing but smiley-face murderers.

  3. Christopher Langan – Arguably the man with the world’s highest IQ of 195 and perfect SAT score weighs in on what’s really going on. I don’t care much about whether or not he’s the smartest man alive but he makes some points that I don’t disagree with.

    “First, according to the usual definition of “vaccine”, the current injections are not “vaccines.” They are just another strain of dangerous technology that the parasitic overclass is funding and using for the purpose of global domination and control.

    A mass human die-off would be traumatic and threaten the status quo. If the human population crashes and the economy follows suit, the elite will have nothing, no innate superiority or adaptivity, that might protect them and conduce to their survival. Hence, they prefer mass sterilization and a slower (but still rapid) population decline.

    Obviously, the parasitic overclass is worried that its environment is being destroyed by human overpopulation. Unfortunately, it’s right about that – whereas the Earth and its resources are finite, population growth is exponential. But there are at least three major problems with their approach.

    (1) Instead of addressing population control the right way, by upgrading the population through education and genetic hygiene, appealing to what is best in the human species, and convincing it to control its own reproductive behavior for its own good and that of the Earth, they prefer to lie and sneak around behind everyone else’s back, conning and threatening us into “vaccination” on false pretenses. Hence, their conspicuous neglect of Logos. Instead of upgrading humankind, they are degrading it, relying on a combination of public ignorance, misplaced trust, and dead-end ideas and ideologies like atheism, materialism, communism, multiculturalism and forced ethnic “diversification”, tyrannical “global governance” to snooker humanity into compliance.

    (2) While the global elite desperately want total control of the planet including its human population, they are neither intelligent nor morally good enough to deserve it, and have no idea how to properly use it to the advantage of the human species and the planet as a whole.

    (3) This is reflected in the fact that their control agenda is limited to quantity control and totally excludes quality control. They assume that all the true genetic wealth of mankind resides in themselves despite their conspicuous lack of merit (genius, moral rectitude). Subscribing to an outworn idea called “Social Darwinism”, they simply assume that everyone else, no matter how much better and how much smarter one may be, is inferior and expendable and should be either culled or sterilized, or downbred, deracinated, and melted into a vast mocha-colored slave race for elite convenience.

    In short, by virtue of stuffing their pockets and pushing everyone else around, the elite consider themselves a “Master Race”, a kind of global livestock breeding association to which the rest of the species is nothing but a herd of docile cattle to be bred for servility and barely enough intelligence to follow orders. This has been clearly and irrefutably documented by, e.g., the “White genocide” agenda described a century ago by R.N. Coudenhove-Kalergi, originally funded by the Rothschilds, Warburgs, and other international banksters and now pursued as international policy throughout the Western World.

    It’s easy to see where this leads, and it’s nowhere good. Personally, I’m willing if necessary to do severe physical harm to anyone attempting to force one of these injections on me, and the same should be true of any other decent self-respecting person.”

    1. Burton…

      His Description of the “master race” were/are Defacto….. N A Z I’s
      Said Rothschilds – Warbergs- Rockefellers & many more American – European Elites who FINANCED Adolf & his attempt at installing a “master race”

      Had that Evil Filthy Global Lot not funded him & his thugs, they would never have made it to the annals of history. Today we have the 21st Century version of said Elitist vermin: Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Gates, Fauxi et all, along with the earlier gangs progeny.

      Same Filth – Different Generation: Global Capitalists ALL.

      1. steak, and the RCC vilifying , demonizing, and trying to destroy the Jews for 1500 years had no impact. This asshole burton mentions losses me as soon as he tries to lump atheists in with the rest he calls dead end ideology. Religion, every brand, is dead end. Oh, and 195 would not make him the smartest man, as that number stands at 228, and is attributed to a female. Also, and number above 140 SBS should be suspect, as it is vary difficult to be accurate past that level.

        1. Gym; your words are the most amazing collection of drivel that have ever appeared on this website in one run-on paragraph. Is the use of “losses” for “loses” your version of intelligent communication or are you just being – in your own words – vary (sic) difficult?

    2. Langan’s life story is living proof that there is no such thing as white privilege.

    3. burton, he has said nothing that I have not said. Jeebus, I must have the same IQ. IQ, a meaningless number.

    1. Art, yes, immediately. But hey, you know what I have said about cowards.

  4. The damage is done, the meme is set.
    Only those interested in the affairs of men will know.
    The proletariat, if they know anything at all of this, will never know the truth, they are too busy making a living for their families.
    The mass media cartel will hide the truth.
    There is this insidious way the media cartel dismisses anything that does not suit the propaganda.
    Remember when they would say things about Trump when he talked about variety of possible uses of existing drugs as a protection against the Wuhan virus? Like there is no evidence, there is no proof and other such moments of propaganda?
    To simply state that there is no evidence is completely meaningless without providing information how they came to it.
    For your everyday proletary is the only information they get and stick with it without looking into the matter.
    Not necessarily their fault. They basically accept that the media cartel is telling them the truth.
