Smells like More of the Same


today was supposed to mark the end of all lockdown restrictions in his benighted land. Unfortunately, freedom has had to be “postponed” until July 19th, supposedly because of the “Delta variant”, which is puttering along nicely while the ChiComs fine-tune the Epsilon variant in time for its soft launch in Chad or Bolivia around July 12th.

46 Replies to “Smells like More of the Same”

  1. Someone!? Please help me! What “Delta” is being referred-to in the “Delta variant”? I live near the San Joaquin Delta here in N.CA … should I be worried that I will STILL contract the dreaded ChiCom/Fauci virus so close to home!? Is it coming from the Mississippi River Delta? The Nile River Delta? The Amazon River basin Delta?

    Since the ChiCom/Fauci virus is cautiously named after a “place” … not a “people” … I am confused as to WHICH PLACE is being referred-to by calling it the “Delta variant”?

      1. ‘D’ for Delta, then ‘E’ for Echo, then ‘F’ for Fauci?

        “Run! Get to da Choppa! The Delta Vari Ants are coming!”

    1. As I understand it the scheme is to name each new variant after a letter in the Greek alphabet as opposed to naming it after the country (India) it originated from, cause, you know…racist.
      Delta is the fourth variant and as such is ascribed the fourth letter in the alphabet…”Delta”.
      Good news…20 letters left.

      1. I think this new naming protocol should be made more explicit: “the delta variant of the Wuhan virus” or “the delta variant of virus of the Chinese flu”. There.

      2. Close but not quite.
        The reason they switched to this naming scheme is, the left couldn’t stand being called out as hypocrites for screaming “racism!” at anyone who referred to the original virus as the ‘china virus’, while they themselves continued to refer to the variants by their country of appearance.

  2. Maybe all y’all Canadians ought to rise up and have yourself a little revolution.

    Oh wait, sorry, you’re Canadians. Never mind.

      1. Because this is a Canadian blog, and I didn’t read the link, so my assumption was that the extended lockdown was going on in Canada? Because it saddens me that the Canada of my youth – polite but virile, filled with strong and resourceful mostly independent men and women – no longer exists, as a couple decades ago they seemed to have lined up to eagerly endorse Socialism even moreso than Californians?

        1. As an old, once free Canadian male, I am sick and tired of my so called fellow citizens and their inability to think. That is correct, Canadians no longer have the ability to think. Now put your damn mask on and blow your local tyrant. The more things change the more they stay the same. This post is similar to one I did quite some time ago. Actually before the whu who flu became the cause du jour. Canadians have been stupid for a long time now.

      2. It isn’t but the point stands. Canadians won’t cross the street without the Ok from mommy government, and having their feeble hands held by her. If we every had a revolutionary movement, it would be rolled up in short order as their friends and family members raced to the phones to report them, to get praise from mommy.

      3. Because you both are SUB( Below)jects. Or in Germaninish, uber, under, men.

        Sorry. Nice people.

        Unarmed. Actually, long before taking. The bended knee, physical, mental, occured well before arms taking , of supplicants. Serfs. Slaves.

        You are in the slaughter pen now.

  3. Kenji – No, this has nothing to do with any river delta. “Delta” is the name of one of the letters in the Greek alphabet. It was recently decided that 1) all flavors of SARS-CoV-2 would no longer be called by their slightly useful numbering convention, which actually showed which variant a particular strain was from, (eg B.1.117 is descended from the B1 variant) because numbers are too hard for us stupid people, and 2) unlike every other disease in human history, you are not supposed to call the WuFlu the WuFlu, the Wuhan Virus, Kung Flu, or anything like that because RACIST (it causes urban black males to beat up on old Chinese ladies while being videoed apparently), and this applies to all the various mutation variants too. Thus, no more UK Variant (B1117); it’s now the Alpha strain. And now more Brazil variant (P1), I think that one’s now the Gamma strain. The India variant (B1.167.2 [ there are .1, .2, and .3 sub-variants] ), the one that is about to take over the world, is now called the Delta variant.

    1. By the same logic this could cause rampant Graecophobia in the population and lead to violence committed against Greeks, especially the ancient ones.

    2. “Delta” … as in the change … the difference … between the ChiCom virus and some other mutated version that will defeat my vaccinations?

      Greek letters are sooooooooo white supremacist. I learned that from CRT. And the fact this is a math and science notation!? OMG! Double, Triple, RACISM!

      Wouldn’t it be better to simply call it the “Dot.Indian” variant?

  4. England is currently at 3 daily deaths per 10 million of the population.
    WTF are these doofus dilettantes talking about?
    Ah, but “cases” are up 104%? Cases rising, from a historic low rate, and deaths are not.
    So, what’s the emergency? “Panic Attack.”

    1. Shamrock, the f-ing pcr test is bullshit. The test was crap, is crap and will continue to be so until people say nope, no more tests. Test are not sick people and no one who has tested positive has died. Prove me wrong, give me valid autopsy numbers. You can’t, in fact no one can. Saying someone had covid is not the same as saying they died of covid, in fact it is worlds apart.

      1. Whether or not that’s so, it doesn’t change that cases are not correlating with deaths. This shit is over.

  5. Hey Francisco,

    when you provide links, can you trim off the ?fbclid=IwAR1DbeN6GFNKS8kFFifJHClqgleIyljOXi5-jZFcspaXnOjAOpYZ96mWWac

    we don’t need more facebook tracking than we already have…. and it also connects us to you

    1. Stop with the links shit. I never provide links. You got a computer find the shit. Jeebus, you all know how to type and search.

  6. Do I really have to tell anyone just how stupid Canadians are? Put your f-ing mask on and shut up. It was, is and continues to be a freaking flu. Only the terminally stupid think otherwise.

  7. And, the goal posts will be moved again. Bureaucrats are giggling everywhere. “Isn’t this shit fun?!”, they chortle.

  8. I personally find it very interesting that the new Delta variant does not have symptoms like flu, the way the original virus does. The new Delta variant has symptoms exactly like the common cold. So we have regular COVID which is flu-like and now we have Delta COVID which is common cold like. So you now need to go get a PCR test for symptoms of either a cold or a flu. Since the Manitoba government has admitted under cross examination during the legal action brought about by the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms that they have a false positive rate of 56% for their 40-45 cycle PCR tests, they are ensuring many more positive cases as excuses to keep us locked down forever.

    1. Yes indeed…”delta” is just like a common cold.


      …you’ve had both shots. then it is 6.4 time more deadly than if you were unvaccinated. (CFR of .64% instead of .1% for the unvaccinated, according to data collected by the NHS)


        1. Found the report. It could be explained by the fact that vaccinated are older and unvaccinated are younger simply because of how the vaccination program was structured and the older you are the more likely this will kill you. It’s still a ridiculously low rate of death overall for locking down society and there’s no real evidence of antibody enhanced infection. Yet. This bears close following.

  9. Question for the genetics PhD’s…can a virus attack the mRNA vaccinated cells that are currently producing the spike protein, and “hijack” them to make a virus instead? If so, that’s a pretty powerful bio-weapon.

    1. I don’t think so since the vaccine makes you produce the spike protein but not anything else, or so we are told. I am far more concerned about antibody dependant enhancement of a second viral release by China as a bioweapon. Imagine they have a second virus with activity enhanced by antibodies to the spike protein? I am also very concerned about the reports I have seen of the spike protein itself being toxic and accumulating in the ovaries and changing menstrual cycles. Since we don’t call anyone infertile until they have been trying to get pregnant for a full year, and then a bunch of other causes would have to be ruled out which could take months to years, we won’t know for a while if fertility has been affected. I am also mildly concerned about the reports that the mRNA in the vaccine contains sequences that could act like prions. Zombie apocalypse here we come.

    1. That was obviously a like like most of the rest of the stuff the public health officials have told us. If a public health official told me water is liquid at room temperature, I personally would go and check my tap first.

  10. I believe this is the longest anything ‘made in china’ has ever lasted.

    1. They are perfectly capable, when they care to, of building things to last.

  11. Since they’re naming the virus variants after Delta House, perhaps we can look forward to the Wormer variant, the Otter variant and maybe in 2022 we’ll be placed on “Double Secret Probation” by Cryin’ Brian Pallister.

    Please disperse. Nothing to see here. All is well.

  12. On a side note, the Graphic DesignHealth minister of Canaduh, will allow fully shot Canaduhians to travel out of country and return.
    But, despite double doses, they need negative COVID tests before leaving, and then tested again after arriving back.
    COVID tests to travel are $300 each.
    You just can’t make this up!

    If one is double dosed, isn’t that person immune, safe, etc, as the lying government officials have said?

    The stupidity of the sheep in this country is astounding
