I Want A New Country

Handout nation;

Liberals have leveraged their illegitimate position by sending money from wealthiest provinces, through grants and equalization payments, to their Liberal strongholds. […]

But the extent of this giveaway to Quebec and notably Atlantic Canada is greater than most people realize, according to a recent article in Halifax’s Chronicle Herald by David Mackinnon, a former civil servant in Nova Scotia and Ontario. He was born in P.E.I. and has been a senior fellow at the Atlantic Institute for Market Studies in Halifax.

He warns Atlantic Canadians that their “bubble” is about to burst because it is unsustainable. This warning is timely considering Alberta is about to hold a referendum demanding changes in equalization transfers this fall. Confederation’s other “sugar daddy” Ontario should do the same.

Mackinnon, however, points out that equalization transfers are only a quarter of the money that the federal government has shovelled into Canada’s poorest provinces.

h/t Paul Harvey pg2

90 Replies to “I Want A New Country”

  1. How is that not election interference? By targeting remote leftist strongholds, the government is effectively PAYING (remunerating) for votes. This practice should be beyond illegal.

    We have LOST our Democracies! It’s almost as if by importing most of the bloody third world into our countries … we’ve imported their corrupt and broken political systems. Who didn’t see that coming?

    1. “This practice should be beyond illegal.”

      Beyond illegal? WTF does that even mean? Shoot on sight? You Americans…

      1. Nonsense. I’d settle for a severed hand or two. That’ll keep em out of the cookie jar. You know … standard Islamic justice.

        1. Yes. Expecting Americans to not bastardize the English language is nonsense. irregardless heh

          1. Beyond illegal?? That would be illegal AND immoral? Irregardless is not a word. The word is regardless. If you are employing feeble humour, make it more obvious.

          2. “That would be illegal AND immoral?”

            So it’s your position that most things that are illegal are moral?
            Irregardless is a famous example of American bastardization of the English language.
            The italics script on the word emphasizes it as an example. Not obvious enough for you, Einstein.

    2. I still find it curious that Little Potato could promise the Press $600 million just before an election, and nobody – including Andrew Who – publicly denounced it as a bribe, or as illegal in any way.

      I expect this situation to markedly improve once the LIE-berals give themselves the power of censoring social media. /sarc -_-

      1. *
        you get the government you deserve…
        just wait til justin’s people pass that
        bill allowing them to censor the


    3. Also, importing third world people substantially increases their environmental footprint. Unless, of course, all Canadians lower their standard of living expectations.

      1. Canada’s environment has gotten cleaner and living standards higher all with more immigration, your xenophobic monomania notwithstanding.

        1. While we had Turdeau and the US had Trump, our incomes in US $ declined 30%. Some increase you are talking about. You do realize the only point of immigration is to drive down wages? Of course you don’t.

          1. He meant the standard of living for unskilled third worlders improved … what with all the FREE STUFF generous Canadian taxpayers bestowed upon these lucky third world lotto winners.

          2. “While we had Turdeau and the US had Trump, our incomes in US $ declined 30%.”

            I’m calling BS.

            ” You do realize the only point of immigration is to drive down wages? Of course you don’t.”

            No, because that notion is moronic. Not that there’s even anything wrong with driving down wages. Cheap labor is my favorite kind of labor.

        2. Oh please just piss off with your INANE bs.
          Go get vaccinated MORON…PULEEZE.

    4. Kenji, Canada was corrupt long before they started importing third world welfare seekers and long before equalization payments. I can’t even begin to tell you how sleazy politics is in Canada. From the Laurentian elite, to the Bay Street bankers, to labor unions the country has always been in the control of less than honorable people. From coal in Cape Breton, to oil in Alberta, Canada has screwed the energy sector for many decades. The current push to completely de-industrialize the country is nothing new, Canadians have become rabid socialists who want something for nothing. They rarely think critically anymore and the whu who flu shows just that. They have embraced the complete control of the their society and freedom by a bunch of inferior people all across the country. The only cure for Canada is the complete failure of the country as constituted. What will happen with the lack of of intellectual integrity across the country is anyone’s guess. I would not take money on things working out well. Freedom has already been eliminated by acclamation.

      1. +++++/\ OWG.

        I think the ROT was initiated by allowing Public servants of all stripes to ORGANIZE. Once done…the marxist VIRUS was let loose…. (late 50’s early 60’s…about same time as Maurice Strong was pushing his depopulation Crap)

        As we can see there has been zero appetite to Kill off said Virus.

    5. ” It’s almost as if by importing most of the bloody third world into our countries … we’ve imported their corrupt and broken political systems.”

      Incorrect. Institutions do not come packaged with people. These problems have nothing to do with immigration indeed the Atlantic provinces have a paucity of immigration. Canada’s broken system is largely a result of not having a constitution worth a damn. Mass immigration might be the only solution to this. Tens of millions in a year would scramble this dysfunctional power dynamic real quick. That the blog and others here don’t leap at this idea demonstrates that they are fundamentally unserious about ‘wanting a new country’.

      “How is that not election interference?”

      Because it’s not.

      1. It’s the equivalent of music payola … give us lots of $$$ … and we’ll play your tune. Nothing “illegal” about it … nope … it’s simply WRONG.

    6. Years ago, the leftists (Dave Taylor in particular) complained that Premier Ralph Klein was buying my vote with my own money. He and his ilk have no problem, however, that the Lieberals buy someone else’s vote with my money. Especially when it is to my detriment.

  2. “He warns Atlantic Canadians that their “bubble” is about to burst because it is unsustainable”

    As if anyone down these parts will heed such warnings. Most (not all) of the real go-getters that this region happens to spawn bail out of here if they know what’s good for them. This is a mediocre region of a mediocre country that is content to be so and all but spits on anyone who dares to suggest that we strive to be anything better. AIMS, for instance, the named organization cited, is derided as a right-wing corporate-shill think tank down here. It has extremely limited influence amongst anyone who matters. Fraser Institute would be regarded with that same level of disdain.

    I won’t lie: I do like living here, even as I recognize this place for what it is. I also have extensive family ties here, so uprooting would be a huge undertaking that probably wouldn’t work out very well. But I will sure as hell advise my children to get out of this region, get out of this country, when they are able.

    1. I grew up in NFLD and lived in Nova Scotia and New Brunwsick in my early adult years. I still LOVE the area. Came this close to moving to the idyllic college town of Wolfville NS a couple years ago.

      I demurred due to winter-phobia (Vancouver for over 40 years).

      But what you say about the zeitgeist of the area is TRUE. Absolutely true.

  3. The further east one travels, the further entrenched is the notion that federal moneys are their “right”.

    After Alberta/Sask. separate, they’ll figure out the real problem soon enough. Though they’ll blame Alberta/Sask. forever just as they’ve blamed the USA for the world’s problems since forever.

  4. Alberta and Sask. have been bankrupted by Ottawa, and not just by the Liberals. The CPC/Libs/NDP all of them are guilty. Canada does not work for Western Canadians except for Manitoba who are heavily on the dole second only to Quebec in Welfare from Alberta and Sask.
    This is coming to a head in Sask. and Alberta. Between Covid and the blatant corruption of Ottawa Alberta is collapsing.
    There is nothing left to steal. Between the constipated UCP Communists that kiss Trudeau’s ass under Kenney, to the NDP Communists Alberta is toast.
    The Cons are as bad as the Liberals maybe worse. The Cons promise to move Heaven and Earth to get our vote and then stab Alberta and Sask. in the back every time since 1905. The Milch Cow cartoon came out in 1915 as the first protest. Voting Con does not work. As soon as they get to Ottawa the forget us every time and instead try and buy votes in Quebec and Atlantic Canada with our stolen tax dollars. And our Premiers do nothing to prevent this, in fact Alberta’s present Premier along with the useless Harper raised the transfers to Quebec in about 2014/15 in order to buy votes for the 2016 election.
    There is nothing left to steal. Chretien, Martin and Mulroney had already began the sell off of Canadians National Gold Reserves at 250/oz all 1000Metric Tonnes.
    Then they stole 54B out of the UI workers fund that Ottawa was supposed to hold in trust for Canada’s workers.
    What do you think comes next. What will they steal or claw back next.
    The average Canadian family now pays more in Taxes than they are allowed to keep for the necessities of life, Food, Clothing and Shelter.
    When the International Bankers turn on Ottawa who will they gouge.
    Very plainly and simply Alberta has to get out of Canada.
    No More threats just get out. No vote to discuss Equalization because that is a diversion. The theft is much larger and wide spread. Just go straight to a UDI and leave.
    No Clarity Act scams were we play by Ottawa’s rules straight to UDI.
    UDI ends all Contracts and Treaty’s made by Ottawa in our name without consent of the people of Alberta. Each citizen in Alberta gets 1 vote, and all that is needed is 51% plus 1 to make it happen.
    The slow strangulation and ruin put upon us by Canadians and Ottawa can only be ended by a sharp clean break and a new country called the Republic of Alberta.
    87% of all of trade is with the USA anyway. We pretty much do not need Canada
    The USA buys all our lumber, pulp, paper, oil, gas, beef etc. Canada buys very little but takes much. What we buy from Canada can quickly be replaced with goods from the USA.
    Our incomes will rise very fast with UDI. Because we will still be trading with the USA but we will no longer be under the TAXATION of Canada or Ottawa.
    We have several big hammers to wield in this, mainly shutting down the rail lines east and west and the highways east and west. And the oil and gas east and west.
    Alberta really does not need Canada.
    The investment funds that will flow into Alberta from the USA will cause a multibillion dollar boom very fast.
    And we will instantly get full price for our products. And the Blatant Theft of Billions and Billions in Taxes will be lifted off our backs. Our incomes will zoom without Canada.
    We have nothing to lose except a corrupted hemorrhoid on our anus called Canada.
    UDI. Freedom and Liberty.

    1. Once again Watcher, there is nothing I can add that you have not already said. Canader is a dead man walking. The leeches and parasites are doing their utmost to extract every last corpuscle from the productive who are primarily (not solely) centered in the west. We must move and move soon before our future is dragged down with the Titanic

      1. “Once again Watcher, there is nothing I can add that you have not already said. ”

        I guess not after Watcher writes yet another dime novel sans paragraph breaks.
        I’m amazed Watcher uses caps to start sentences and periods to end them.

    2. “There is nothing left to steal”. I’m not so sure about that. Socialists (Liberals and the NDP) are probably separately scheming on various nationalization plans for the agricultural industry.

    3. There’s hope. Poll in the Calgary Sun this morning: Is it time for Alberta to separate from the rest of Canada? 84%=yes, 16%=no

    4. Watcher:

      Your comment is perfection itself!
      You watch very closely and see with X-ray vision.

    5. ++++++++++/\ Watcher..!!

      Wild Rose are the only two I will support- EVER.
      Oh…and the running out of town of that Islamic Fascist POS Nenxi.

  5. “Mackinnon, however, points out that equalization transfers are only a quarter of the money that the federal government has shovelled into Canada’s poorest provinces. ”

    This echoes a point I have made previously, that equalization is bad but probably the least bad it can be. There’s tons of ‘equalization’ going on in Canada and American that’s a lot more nefarious ex the regional development boards, all kinds of rural subsidies, EI that’s basically tailored for the eastern Canada seasonal fishing lifestyle, etc. Those should be targeted before equalization.

    It’s also simply the case that Quebec is nowhere near as bad as the Atlantic provinces on a per capita basis.

    1. All very true. I believe PEI has the highest per capita equalization (I could be wrong but that was what is was the last time I looked it up) They also have the lowest number of voters per seat in the HofC. (Funny how that works) We simply see the 8-10 Billion per year that Quebec gets, coupled with the language issue, coupled with “we don’t want their dirty oil” and that’s what set’s the blood pressure rising.

      Problem is is that there is absolutely no political will on the federal level to enact any changes. When 50% of your population is within the geographical area encompassed from Windsor to Quebec City, there is no incentive to do what actually needs to be done. The liarberals have been masters of pandering to this base and shovelling money at the Maritimes to achieve their own 50% plus one for perpetuity. All the liarberals need to do is keep the money flowing from Peter to pay Paul and Paul will be sure to vote to fill their pocket books. The cons are so incredibly inept, and as someone else mentioned, potentially worse than the liarberals because they say they will do something about it but never do.
      Peter is tired. Tired of being vilified. Tired of doing the heavy lifting to keep the welfare scam/Ponzi scheme going. We need to stop being the one to always pick up the tab and then being called racist hicks. Time for Paul to figure it out for himself

      1. Ontario is the real issue. This is a province of the most military boring sheep like people in…at least the continent. They are also short-changed at the level of voters/riding and having to pay up to keep Confederation together. There’s something…cultural about Ontario that is no good. Altruism. Heck at least Quebec has private health insurance and good booze laws.

  6. “This warning is timely considering Alberta is about to hold a referendum demanding changes in equalization transfers this fall.”

    FYI, the answer is no. Demands, pleas, threats, the answer is always going to be no. There is no deal you can offer, that will get you what you need.

    The only way equalization changes, is when you leave. The only way the CBC stops telling you to vote Liberal, is when you leave. The only way the lockdowns end, is when you leave. The only way to stop giving money to Bombardier, is to leave. The only way to have reliable power generation, is to leave.

    Nothing changes, untill you leave.

    1. Yes and the only way out is UDI. No more talk. 116 years of talking is too much.
      Time to leave. UDI 50% plus 1 and See Yah, have a nice day. On that same day all Federal Agency out of Alberta, and all Parks and Sovereign Territory of Alberta Vacated.
      Corrupt and Rogue RCMP gone.

      1. Watcher….that I may live to see that DAY…!

        Something I have wished for since I lost 10 yrs of my professional career due to other Communist POS Pierre and his NEP.

    2. That goddamn equalization referendum is so typical of the useless performance theater too many in the political right are interested in. There is NO upside to be gained from it. None at all and it requires lots of effort and could burn out the public.

      Here’s how the subsequent ‘negotiations’ will go:

      Alberta: we’d like these changes please

      Quebec: non

      There’s tons of downside-if it’s even close even just because of low turnout, the cause is cooked. I lost respect for Brian Jean and the CTF when they backed this kabuki theater. Now that it’s on, we have to vote for it because like I said it has to pass by a big margin to avoid damage.

      1. True. An equalization referendum is a waste of graphite. It will go before the supreme court who will declare it null in the interest of “peace, order and good government” Kenney will tweet; “well, we tried but lost. I will continue to fight for Alberta blah, blah, blah”

        I do think things would be a little different with Brian Jean. However, my machine that sees what happens in alternate universes is not quite there yet. Close, but a few things to work out.

        1. Brian Jean joined the cause to backstab coal mining in cat 2 land. I want to like him but he doesn’t want me to like him.

      2. Wow…a smidgeon of common sense..? From UNME.?. say it aint so.
        What is this world coming to .??

        Cant say i disagree with what you just posted.
        It is a USELESS formality that will go absolutely Nowhere.

        But I would still vote for BRIAN Jean …. about the ONLY politician (besides Hillier and Sloan), that i have Any kind of trust in…or respect for.

    3. 100% agreed. The best fix is to leave, sooner the better. The separation question should be included with the equalization referendum. Pick one or both! Hopefully this will motivate canadians to vacate Alberta.

      Not sure how much longer Alberta can stand to be pillaged by canada but we are nearing the end.

  7. Watcher nails it.
    The obvious is staring us in the face.
    Equalization,Vote buying and deficit spending..Are all yesterdays problems.
    The corruption of Can Ahh Duh is a feature not a bug.
    This is a Kleptocracy,in the final stages of collapse.

    History has multiple examples of where it goes next.
    The parasites will double down on the stealing from the few productive persons left as they progressively attack each other.
    Squabbling over the remaining pools of debt as production collapses all around them.
    Ever more vicious stealing for ever diminishing returns..
    And if we tolerate their continued hold on power,they will prevent any salvage that might be possible.
    Envisage your “Ship of State”.
    Having rammed the reef and ripped the hull wide open,the drunken captain and crew are aiming for deep water at full speed.
    The black crew has no chance of saving the ship and are bailing out,as the parasitic overload on the upper decks party on.
    Saskatchewan,Alberta and most of BC have a chance,if we man the lifeboats now..
    Otherwise the hulk is taking us down as it goes.
    Buffalo them all.

    This “end stage” attitude is very apparent in our “Professional Politicians” as they all promise to “Manage the theft” better than the other guy,yet none even hint at Stopping the Steal.

    Which all our “Political Scientists” know is political suicide in Can Ahh Duh.

    We owe our Eastern and Urban comrades nothing.
    They chose to steal.

    1. Than you John but many have nailed it over the years. Canada is completely unworkable for Alberta.
      Things are coming to a head in the west, and in my case as an Albertan it will be a race to see who goes first Alberta or Sask.
      Many people are working hard here to get out, but are just finding their feet.
      Kenney and the UCP are done.
      He hijacked the UCP and has in less than one term reduced their support in Alberta almost equal too or less than the NDP.
      He is beyond useless for Albertans. We need out and fast.
      I was north to visit a friend on Sunday about 4-5 hrs north of Edmonton.
      Alberta is like a ghost town. Many shops closed permanently. Even Banks with busted windows and plywood.
      Very few trucks running, all the oil field support yards and shops closed down. Weeds growing and garbage blowing in their locked compounds etc.
      And it is not just Covid. It is structural now. Alberta is in collapse. Like the 1930’s.

      1. I have not been North of Edm for a cpl Years…but even then, one could see signs of stagnation and decay. Did my last Shutdown at Suncor Base Plant Fall 2018…and will NEVER return. Shit Camps – Shit food. And the money has left the stage….even as a Senior QA/QC Inspector just Not worth it anymore…and I’m sure I’m not alone.

        The Downfall started long ago. Failure by Partly the industry and indifference from Provincial Premiers & Harper since Klein left. Lots of things could have been shored up and squat was actually done…& then came that useless sack of shit, truedeau……

        WE MUST LEAVE and Damned SOON…!!


  8. Trump Derangement Sufferer Diane Francis snaps out of her 4 year psychotic break to realize her own country is a mess.

    1. One of the many many benefits of Trump losing re-election is that we can pay more attention to various issues besides the US being lead by a geriatric child/mentally ill fascist.

      1. Don’t generalize your own neuroses you malicious, mentally unwell , miserable internet troll. Your inability to process the world in a well-adjusted manner is your own problem.

      2. UnMe….spare us your TDS.

        Trump was Leagues better than The Full on COMMUNIST IMBECILES now destroying the USA.

        1. Trump got hundreds of thousands of people killed. Biden is getting America out of Afghanistan.

  9. Back in the day when St. Boniface Manitoba voted Liberal the constituency had the Tax Centre for the Prairies, a mint, and the huge payroll of then government owned CNR. Alberta never had any of that. Alberta T5s are now processed in Jonquiere, Quebec and GST returns in Summerside, PEI. Albertans are more likely to have to respond to the tax offices in Surrey, BC or Sudbury, Ontario than Edmonton or Calgary. I remember my army days when Winnipeg still had a dying garment industry and everything military was made in Quebec. Canada is a welfare program for economically feeble governments. Rob from the competent to give to the lazy.

    1. NR. A quote that sums up our situation in Alberta. “We Can Ignore Reality. But We Can Not Ignore The Consequences of Ignoring Reality”

  10. Canada was founded by buying the East (and particularly Quebec) off permanently with unequal distribution of representation. Liberals work the system and the mindless mushy “middle” that determine election outcomes are OK with it. It’s almost as if there is no place for morality in Canadian politics. It is inherently corrupt.

  11. Its been a long time since I left the maritimes. Close to 50 yrs. But I still remember that elections were mostly which party could get the most out of Ottawa. I think thats changed. Its gotten worse.
    The problem is “the big cities”. It seems thats where the bum’s gather. They get more free stuff and still get to vote ie: how much you are going to give them. Don’t know of a solution.


    1. Well Canada without Alberta and Sask. would be a sharp shock for the Eastern Parasites. Because which ever one leaves first and we are leaving.
      Quebec and Atlantic Canada can have a thriving trade in Maple Syrup and Cod Tongues and Seal Flippers.
      For us the Parasites will be gone, and I have no emotional attachment to Canada in anyway shape or form.
      It would be akin to missing the thugs that rob you daily as you watch your family go down the tubes.
      It will be a time of Rejoicing In Alberta as our Pay slips swell. I have read that without Canada, and Alberta wide open for business as an Independent Nation, it would be the biggest boom in the history of North America.
      There would be literally hundreds of Billions in US Direct Investment very fast.
      And without our BILLIONS in TAX each year flowing to Ottawa to work against our interests here. Our Standard of living would very shortly put us as one of the richest 10 countries in the world.

    2. The Big Cities are where the wealth is generated. Rural places are generally ‘takers’.

  12. If there were no federal government this wouldn’t be a story and the people of the Atlantic provinces would be standing on their own with maybe an ounce or two of pride.
    Confederation doesn’t work.
    The federal government is a cancerous tumor.

    1. Canada can not be fixed. It is impossible, because Quebec and Atlantic Canada hold the veto over change. And they will never allow change until there is nothing left to STEAL from the West.
      The West voting Federally for the CPC or any other Federal Party expecting change is idiotic, childish and just plain stupid.
      116 years of talking, pleading and begging is way to long.
      Canada is not our friend and no longer our family.
      Family does not purposely do what Canada has done to Alberta, Neighbors do not purposely do what Canada has done to Alberta.
      It really is just time for Alberta to get on with it. There is no scare story or boogeyman tale anymore that can keep us. I am afraid it is an idea whose time has come.
      UDI short and sharp and get on with life and watch Canada disappear like a bad dream, a nightmare in the rear view mirror.

  13. I wonder what SKs and AB’s bills to have the RCMP do BNEs on them add up to?
    Breaking up of Confederation is a good idea, but folk should know that the 1st step is not a referendum, the 1st step is having a militia.

      1. AB and SK will need to be able to defend their assets, otherwise nothing will change except the names of the grifters.

      2. When the RCMP start kicking in doors to arrest “UDI leaders” there will need to be a response.
        No doubt the Canadian security apparatus have their analysists and risk assessment teams working out scenarios.
        It should be expected that there are also high level talks with the CAF.
        Albertans should expect to fight their way out and hope that they need not.

    1. The first steps are leaving EI and CPP. Then forming a very, very high quality replacement for the RCMP-no mistakes allowed! Altogether, this the beachhead.

  14. Honestly.. this has been happening for my entire life. It’s why I’ve disconnected from politics. I’ve stopped watching the political theatre. If there are enough Canadians with such low IQ levels to give the Trudeau Liberals their second term, after the lunacy of their first term in power, things will never get better. And Canadian IQ levels are getting lower. When you dump 1.5 to 2M third worlders into this country every year, IQs will drop. I’ve stopped watching political theatre and started making my own plans.

    Let’s dig into the the situation: There is a very pervasive belief amongst immigrants that the Liberal Party owns the generous immigration system and so they vote Liberal… as a voting block. That voting block gets bigger every year (through their massive birthrate advantage AND the immigration system). Advantage 1.

    Women. Women skew the political spectrum to the left. It’s a well known fact. Women vote for more government and more security every chance they get. This is reflected in the fact that women in Canada, on average, never go tax positive. Meaning they never contribute more in income tax than they receive over their working lives. They were bought off long ago. Just look at the Liberals two main ideas coming out of their convention: UBI and national daycare. Both massive programs aimed at women. The Liberal women voting block is strong and getting stronger. Advantage #2.

    Media: Canada no longer has an independent media. In a time when journalism itself is a shadow of its former self, Canada’s media is now owned directly (CBC) or indirectly ($600M per year in tax breaks) by the government. Stephen Harper famously said once that if Canada had a truly fair and unbiased media, the Conservative party would win a majority every election. He may have been correct when he said it, but after importing about 5-10 million third worlders, it’s debatable if that means anything anymore. Don’t fool yourself into believing the idea that, ‘well, if it’s owned by the government, then it would benefit a Conservative government as much as a Liberal government.’ No. Simply not, nor will it ever be the case. One of the clearest, most disgusting demonstrations of this was the “Mike Duffy Affair.” The Canadian media (and I lump all media together on purpose) used the Mike Duffy Affair to slander and smear the Conservatives out of office over $90,000 in questionable, but ultimately legitimate expense reimbursements. The media kept The Mike Duffy Affair in the news for more than a year until the federal election happened and… The Liberals won. And that was the last time you ever heard about The Mike Duffy, $90k expense ‘scandal.’ Most Canadians to this day probably think Mike Duffy is in jail, when in reality he’s still a sitting Senator.

    Here’s my recommendation to everyone… if you ever see a day when the Canadian dollar through some miracle achieves parity as has happened before, convert every penny that you have in investments into equivalent American investments in USD. Pick a semi-normal US state (of which there are many) and emigrate. This country has been this demented my entire life. I realize now that not only is it not getting any better, it’s impossible for it to get better. Don’t let the future generations of your families continue to be mired in this backwater, cesspool, mediocre at best country. You’re a slave if you do.

    1. I don’t think parity will ever occur again. Canadian dollars are now backed by gender identity, I can’t see that as ever getting parity with currency backed by military force and oil. That’s another thing AB and SK should do if it wants to separate: Start minting its own currency.

      1. Smarter to just adopt the Greenback and make the new countries of Sask. and Alberta Crypto friendly and low tax havens.
        I have suggested to Klein back in the day as well as Danielle Smith using Switzerland as an example, to become an International Banking center. I suggested having Royalties that used to go to Ottawa be paid partially in physical gold to be housed in a vault in Edmonton or Calgary. And use that as the foundation of an International Banking Zone paying fees to Alberta and a
        high tech industrial zone with low tax rates.
        Without the Millstone of supporting all of Canada, Albertans could revamp property taxes etc. Probably outlaw Private Property Tax on homes and still have a low basic flat rate tax on income.

        1. IMHO, adopting the Greenback should be a temporary measure. If AB and SK follow your advice, and get into international banking, becoming a low-tax, low reg. haven for industry, you wouldn’t want the Fed. Reserve controlling your currency. If you get gold stockpiles, currency backed by gold, and, say, agricultural and oil assets would probably work. One neat thing about Crypto, is it can be attached to a commodity, heck even a single company: Stuff like oilcoins, exxoncoins, etc. A brand new banking haven embracing some of these ideas could potentially be incredibly profitable.

        2. I’ve read your comments here and you make alot of sense… and if what you describe ever comes to pass, I’d think about moving back. But there just aren’t enough like minded people, even in AB and SK. A few years ago, Rachel Notley of the NDP Socialists were running AB (gave it a head start running it into the ground). Those people are still out there and they’re not going to vote for UDI and adopting the USD. Not only that, but even so called conservative politicians seem to be equally as stupid as their Liberal counterparts. Look at their reaction to this virus. Ontario, AB, and SK are supposed to have conservative governments and yet here we are cowering in our houses under threat of a police state crackdown.
          Control what you can control.

          No one ever expected the Canadian dollar to go higher than the USD just prior to the 2008 crash and I don’t expect it to do that anytime soon. BUT, if it does, all my investments will become USD investments. Dividends will be in USDs. And when I am earning in USDs, I’ll be leaving Canada. And, no, I won’t be keeping my Canadian citizenship to scuttle back when I’m old and need healthcare. I’d rather pay a few hundred dollars a month and purchase my own healthcare and rely on a world class US hospital, than subject myself to Canada’s “free” healthcare. Jesus Christ, people in Ontario are actually paying health premiums right now. That’s how stupid Canadians have become. You get what you pay for.

          Canada has had big government for generations now… and big government makes for small people. I don’t think there are enough Big People left to achieve what you are talking about.

          1. You are right on some points in my opinion. The old But We Have Free Healthcare that is why we are better. Molson Beer Commercial. “I Am Canadian” Well do the math you canned spam for brains Canadians it is costing you 6400/citizen so a family of 4 is paying over 25,000 per year in taxes for healthcare. But I have free healthcare. Why because to curry votes again in the Immigrant Communities they give it away free to everyone. Free Healthcare, Free Education, Free Babysitting, The RCMP Fags will even carry your luggage.
            On the 2nd part I disagree. I think as we get a little deeper into the Buffalo Wallow with Chev pick up here in Alberta we have this one last shot, see it will not be as you think based so much on politics as straight out Fffing survival.
            An Liberal in Edmonton with an empty belly will vote with his belly.
            On the money part, when the dollar collapses and it is coming, I figure by mid to late summer the US economy is going for a big shite. And Canada with any of our Braindead COMMIE parties at the helm will try and go full commie. But Monopoly Money is Monopoly Money. Running to the USA will be a suckers game now. They are toast as well, they get the sniffles we get full blown pneumonia and mad cow disease and a case of aids on top.
            Buy gold, silver and get into crypto. The global crash is going to be historic.
            Canada owes 6T in total public debt. That is more than France, Italy, Greece, Portugal and Spain. In 2014 under the FAKECON Harper he was sitting on 4.1T in total government debt. And the Get of Old Fidel/Pierre added another 2 plus Trillion.
            I don’t know when the last time was that we actually had a Conservative Government in Canada
            I mean JG Diefenbaker gave us Socialized Medicine and the POS Lougheed who is supposed to be the Gold Standard of Conservatives, took 15 minutes to tell PET during the 1982 Constitution Scam that no HE DID NOT WANT PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS FOR ALBERTANS. And that is historical fact. It don’t get more COMMIE ASSED than that in my book. And Alberta’s useless Useless Conservative Party the UCP are just about as Commie as Turkey Neck Notley and the NDP.
            Yah history tells us that when families can’t keep body and soul together and the kids are hungry. Revolutions Happen and Fast.
            When the Canadian Fiat and Debt gets dropped off the cliff this year, shit will happen.

    2. “There is a very pervasive belief amongst immigrants that the Liberal Party owns the generous immigration system and so they vote Liberal… as a voting block.”

      They didn’t during the Harper years, when xenophobes like you were rightly pushed aside. You will be replaced.

      1. Yes. Yes they did.

        Calling someone xenophobic doesn’t an argument make. Most, if not all, of my beefs with the Liberals is their infantile understanding of economics and destruction of our finances. And btw, if you are a “money grows on trees, so don’t worry about the deficit/debt” then you can fuck right off, and not bother with a further response. If the Liberals weren’t literally bankrupting the country, I wouldn’t even think about immigration.

        It’s going to be awfully hard for the Liberals to shovel billions of dollars into their buddies’ pockets AND buy off the immigrant vote when the productive members of society either quit and start sitting on their asses like everyone else OR leave this cesspool of a country.

  15. Yup Richard Smacky you are right. But not everyone can leave so those that remain have to fight or starve.
    And it is coming in the west.
    I have never seen it so bad in Alberta as what we are seeing now.
    If we subtract all the stimmie checks out of Canada’s GDP, which they probably do claim as real GDP. Canada is probably in Negative Territory.
    And I have not been outside Alberta to visit other areas of Canada but here in Alberta it is very bad.
    Every small town is dying.
    I have seen one service rig on the road all winter. When I have been to the city I see acres of equipment for sale and auction.
    And it seems everyone has homes they are trying to sale. Probably to try and get out from under mortgages.
    All of the oil field secondary business are closed down or hanging by a thread. Many closed up shops and boarded up business’s.
    The towns are empty except for runs to the post office.
    Very bad. No future inside Canada.

    1. Well, I think about that and I agree.. not eveyone will be in my position. BUT, the sooner enough people like me leave, the sooner the deterioration will accelerate and a complete breakdown will happen. Then real change will take place. And i know that I am in a very precarious situation too. I am one piece of demented Liberal legislation away from destitution and I know it. My ultimate backstop is that I have enough land to feed myself and my family.

      I’ll tell you what chilled my bones, was reading a Stats Canada report on excess deaths and right in the report it stated directly that excess deaths happening now are NOT due to the COVID virus, but rather are the result of extended lockdowns. I took that information and I plotted excess deaths in SK and we actually don’t have an excess deaths problem… but then I did AB and holy shit. You can see AB’s excess death problem increasing as time goes on. And it isn’t people dying of COVID. It’s really sad what politicians have done to us.

      1. Dick…

        “..It’s really sad what politicians have done to us…”

        It’s not just SAD, its Down right CRIMINAL…and downright ON PURPOSE. Basing everything they do on BS Computer Modelling and BS PCR Test Results….and voila we get “double mutant Variants” and other Conjured up Total Garbage.

        This shit has Absolutely NOTHING to do with a virus…nothing.
        As I’ve said, I fully believe the Entire Body Politic in this country has been BOUGHT with Communist Chinese YEN…Boatloads.

        Canada is owned By BEJING.

  16. Read the comments in the article. Easterners proud of how strong their grift game is. Haha. Lots of people like that in Edmonton too.

    I might be dating myself, but I remember when people were proud of putting in a hard day’s work and were ashamed of taking handouts. Guess I’m not very progressive.

    1. I might be dating myself, but I remember when people were proud of putting in a hard day’s work and were ashamed of taking handouts.

      For much of the 1980s, I lived off dole cheques, thanks to the policies of PET and Mulruin. I couldn’t think of anything more shameful than to take pogey.

      A lot of people thought I should be ashamed, not that they were willing to assist me in ending it. They thought I was at home sitting on my backside, just waiting for all that free government money to come rolling in and that I was stealing from them. When my employment situation became a bit more stable, that “free” government money was amply paid back by me in the form of taxes.

      I haven’t taken a single dime from the feds in more than 30 years.

      1. >can’t think of anything more shameful than taking pogey
        Takes pogey for a decade.

  17. PS: My oldest son works for one of the largest integrated oil companies in Alberta.
    It has come down through the grapevine, that they will not be hiring or retaining anymore Eastern Workers going forward.
    That is how much oil and gas has pulled back in Alberta. They will only be hiring Albertans/Sask. in the future.
    They are cutting to the core.
    The nearest big town to me, I have been there a couple of times over the winter. At the main intersection there are 3 banks and a Alberta Government Building mostly never open. But anyway twice this winter the big plate glass window was busted right out of the bank and the lobby shut down and with rental security inside.
    A lot of vacated shops not just down for covid. Empty closed vacated shops. This is way deeper collapse than PET and NEP fiasco. And when the inflation kicks in worse as the money buys less it will get nasty.
    Very few heavy transports, very little pipe moving saw 1 service rig all winter, getting so slow, pretty soon we will just have the 4 way street lights to watch for entertainment.

    1. My bank in Fort St. John now closes its entrance to the ATMs overnight. Too many druggies and rubbies hanging out there.

      Ah, but there is at least one dope store in town…..

  18. Francis believes that equalization is a mechanism of Liberal dominance, possible owing to the over representation in seats from Quebec & points eastward.
    A true equality, her little arithmetic exercise tells her, would move 14 seats from those Quebec east “Liberal strongholds”
    to those provinces west of that line [the three richest, more conservative-leaning provinces.”]

    e.g. “Quebec has 78 parliamentary seats, or 23 per cent of the total, but only 22.4 per cent of the population”
    “Alberta has 34 seats, or 10 per cent of the total, with 11.6 per cent of the population”
    WOW. Wotta distortion !

    From the earlier article Francis links to, her solution is to have equal population ridings across the country,
    disregarding provincial boundaries. About 111,000 population for each seat.

    There are a couple of problems, for the “conservative leaning”, with this.

    First, the Liberals would still be the governing party, even if all 14 were to go from Liberal to Conservative. Which wouldn’t happen.
    Secondly, the major bias of representation in Canada is not between provinces but between Urban & Rural areas of all provinces.
    For example the no of electors in Saskatchewan ridings ranges from 43 thousand [Churchill] to 62 thousand {Regina—Lewvan}
    And we all know the difference in “leanings” between rural & urban.

    Anyway, it’s nonsense. e.g. average no of electors per riding; Quebec 81,290 Saskatchewan 53,500

    1. As mandated (Bill C-10 violation ?) by our Constitution, P.E.I. gets 4 MPs whatever the population ratio applied to the rest of the country.
      A revised representation for both the Senate and the Commons would restructure the country.

      1. // , P.E.I. gets 4 MPs whatever the population ratio applied to the rest of the country //
        Those small numbers apply to Labrador & the three territories as well. That’s another four.
        But these have a minor effect.
        And Saskatchewan has FEWER electors per riding than Newfoundland & Labrador, Nova Scotia & New Brunswick
        [and every other province but PEI]
        If Francis’s plan were advised Saskatchewan would have 10 & 1/2 MPs, not 14.

  19. “Canada, a long thin string of population held together by bribes.”

