Elections Have Consequences

I can’t stop laughing at this video:

But Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler and the majority of Portland voters WANTED THIS ANARCHY! They voted it! They supported it! The only person they ever condemned was President Donald Trump and any Republicans who ever dared disagree with them. So NOW they’re complaining?!? Huh!

Andy Ngô has more.

22 Replies to “Elections Have Consequences”

  1. When douchebag commie voters flee the cities they’ve destroyed remember to make them feel unwelcome in your neighborhoods. Remind them what they did to the area they left. Time to bring back shunning, marshall your like minded neighbors. Bernie supporter, Joe Rogan moving to Texas comes to mind.

    1. Keep reminding them.
      We should be doing the same in Canada to all of those Liberal voters from the Maritimes who moved west to find jobs because the idiots they voted for destroyed their home economies.

      1. I did just that Stan to 2 immigrants to AB. One from Ontariowe the other from New Brunswick, told them this was Redneck Alberta and you better not have brought your Lie-beral voting ideas here! They looked at me – stunned!
        Had to explain what a Redneck is. Enjoyed those encounters!

    2. Another big problem with the Liberals mental illness, is that you can never convince them that their crazy ideologies are at fault.

      It’s always the fault of someone else, like “Trump is the cause of the Border Surge”. Regardless of truth and reality, they will leave their stinkholes and blame everyone but themselves, then repeat the same…………..

      This doesn’t fix itself with civility, debate, or kindness.

      1. Why do you think the first thing the Commies do after they’ve taken over a society is to kill off every person who supported their cause to overthrow the old regime (including university professors, school teachers, etc)?

  2. The city’s budget outlook must be a shambles. If I was living in Portland I’d be a expecting a substantial tax hike in the near future.

    Downtown Portland was already in trouble before all of this started, because of the homeless/addict population. Add nearly a year of rioting and WuFlu to the mix and it’ll take a long time to recover, if they ever fully do. They’ve got small businesses closing down and people packing up and moving if they’re able (and a lot more of them can because of WuFlu making quite a few people permanent teleworkers, which also means less office space is needed thus adding to the vacancy rate). I’d also bet they’re having a big problem recruiting police and first responders to replace the people who have quit or retired as soon as they were eligible, and they’re obviously shelling out a lot of money in overtime for the ones still on the job.

    1. Can you imagine the insurance cost to cover a small business there now? Nothing but blocks and blocks of boarded up buildings. What a waste.

  3. Speaking of Andy Ngo, when the left beats the shit out of him and fractures his skull because he isn’t a communist, is that an anti-Asian hate crime?

    That anti-Asian theme seems to be one of the media narratives these days.

    1. The new and revised “anti-Asian” laws will only apply to white conservatives, not the overwhelming Black on Asian crime, nor the lefts Red Guard aka Antifa.

      Wonder what happens when someone defends themselves against a violent Asian street gang now? You win it’s a hate crime I suppose……..

      1. When going to Chinatown in the 1970’s to purchase fireworks … you were usually buying from a member of the Joe Boys … and you were advised to carry a knife.


        Oh! And Andy Ngo isn’t a “real Asian” … in the same manner that dark-skinned Trump voters weren’t “real black people” … according to Jao Xiden

  4. So the Brown Shirts have served their purpose and now the Fuhrer wants to get rid of them.

    Hitler and Himmler had the savvy to create a “personal bodyguard” i.e. the SS as a force beyond the grasp of Ernst Rohm and the SA. So when the SA had served their purpose and indeed become an embarrassment and even a threat Himmler was able to unleash the “Night of the Long Knives”, decapitate the SA by killing off the leadership and move the membership into the Wehrmacht or the police. Ted Wheeler obviously put down the history book when he’d read the self-serving juicy parts and forgot to finish the chapter. Now Ernst Rohm’s (admittedly rather anemic) wannabes are coming for you and you’ve gotten rid of or emasculated the only people standing in their way i.e. the police, the national guard and Donald Trump. Those ignorant of their history . . .

    1. As Thomas Sowell has pointed out, ” In every disaster throughout American history, there always seems to be a man from Harvard in the middle of it.”

  5. Well, technically, the voters of Portland did NOT vote for this last time around. They had a by gawd endorsed Antifa / BLM tool on the ballot who makes Ted “Trotsky” look positively Far Right (in the Stalinist sense), and they elected Ted instead.

    TECHNICALLY. Me, I’m amenable to the notion that it’s a difference that makes little to no difference given that Trotsky Ted let ’em merrily insurrect for the past year.

  6. He watched them light a fire. He stood and watched while it burned. He cheered when it burned the property he was happy to see charred. But now it’s threatening to burn the whole city to the ground and NOW he wants it to stop.

  7. He heard the large corporations are starting to leave Portland. With Apple store getting looted and burned for the second time. Chain clothing stores are not reopening, they are relocating the higher incomes areas like Lake Oswego, and Beaverton.

    I recently walked 9 blocks down 4th street and then back up 6th for the return 9 blocks on a Friday at two in the afternoon. There were 8 closed businesses for each business open.

  8. It wasn’t really a “self-described anarchist mob” that caused all the problems, it was Trump supporters cosplaying an anarchist mob operating this false flag operation. See, all the BLM supporters, Antifa, real anarchists – they were just peacefully protesting. But gosh-darn it, those people were just too naive and trusting and allowed themselves to be infiltrated by the KKK, the Nazis, the white supremacists and the cast of Hee Haw, and those were the people who were getting violent. So to recap – Antifa, BLM, anarchists peaceful, Trump supporters domestic terrorists.

  9. Tim, Tim, Tim. You’d better be well armed out there in “the middle of nowhere” because the Bolsheviks always come for the Mensheviks first.

  10. Moronic Leftist scum, “You reap what you sow!” Portlakistan getting screw hard and often…
