36 Replies to “We Are All Treaty People”

  1. If the Indian Industry disappeared tomorrow, everyone would be better off. The bush Indian reserves would have to be shut down but putting people in the bush far from any viable 21st century economic activity is stupid to begin with. Predestined failure.

      1. If you’ve ever been to one, you’d know why they’re “out there”, not down here. Believe me. Even the ones pretty near are bad. There’s one just under the First Narrows bridge in North Vancouver, that our Girl Friday (a native gal), wouldn’t set foot in if you paid her. There’s one just a couple of klicks west me (Calgary SW), that you’d only go to the COSTCO on their land and nowhere else. They doesn’t “play well with others” is a true statement.

    1. *
      i remember kathy shaidle proposed giving one
      million dollars to every recognised aboriginal
      person in canada.

      said it would be cheaper than dumping twelve
      million taxpayer dollars every year
      into the
      black hole of reservations.


  2. Yes because they have forgotten how to hunt and fish! Wait for a flight in from big cities carrying KFC and Coca cola! Sad state of affairs! .

  3. You forgotten to add the politicians and media’s “we’re all in this together” bullshit…

  4. Meanwhile Blackie’s CBC is ranting how the Mounties were mean and racist towards the criminal Boushie family. Its an ancient Indian tradition to ransack farms and steal apparently.

    1. In the 1600s my gggggg?-grandparents were killed by Indians in Massachusetts. I’m still waiting for reparations.

    2. Actually THAT is what ALL the primitive, Stone Age tribes did to each other. How many Tribes, Bands, or whatever the hell they call themselves were there in Canada? Thousands? And they all lived in blissful peace and harmony with nature and each other? This is all so much nonsense the guilty white (and now Hindu, Islamist, and Communist Chinese) Canadians have been taught. But the truth is these Tribes “traded” with each other via tomahawk and rape. So yeah … stealing shit from the palefaces is in the Natives DNA.

      And my half-Canadian Okanagan son in Law tends to agree. He has fully embraced contemporary white culture … while retaining Tribal pride … pretty much the same as every European “settler”

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  6. The second colonisation of Canada by Africans and Asians will make all this moot. Once whitey is just another minority among others, Indians will lose their clout. They’ll have to be reconciled to the truth that they are just another ethnic and racial group in a great ethnic and racial mix clawing for more stuff, greater power, more this and more that. The Indian Industry will be competing with all the other ethnic and racial Industries, most of them much better organised and ruthless than it. The multicultural post-national state will not be generous to Indians.

  7. Back in 1985, I work on excavations of native settlements in southern Ontario that were datable to the seventeenth century. In the 1930s, Heinrich Himmler promoted the theory of a flourishing Aryan civilization that existed at the same time of the Greeks and would enthusiastically show Hitler his latest finds. Hitler would have none of this and responded along the lines of when the Greeks had built the Parthenon we were still living in huts. Meanwhile, over 2000 years later at the time of the palace of Versailles, the natives peoples in Ontario were enjoying the tail end of a Neolithic culture.

  8. If they “own all the land” then they owe us for the material upgrades of permanent roads, internal combustion motors, electrical transmission and home use, travel faster than walking or falling of a cliff (no horses native to North America before the Spaniards landed in Central America), heating using any fuels more efficient than wood wire, clean and safe wood-fire heat, any product made with metals other than beaten copper or bog-iron (including firearms and snowmobiles), any product made with plastic (including modern bows and boats), any product made by a loom, access to modern medical knowledge including drugs… etc.

    After my detailed and careful accounting, I figure that all of the indigenous residents of North America owe the value of all the land that they owe, plus $0.25 (total, not each). A lot of the cultural dept is being forgotten to arrive at that level, but we don’t want to keep them wage slaves for generations to make up for the choices of their ancestors.

    If, on the other hand, they work for a living, pay taxes, complain about the government, mow their lawn, paint their house, know and love their kids… then they’re a full part of the society that built the wealth that we all enjoy and so they’re not part of the “I was ripped off!” scam.

      1. Thanks, but I’m never running. Too much accepting the minimal level of evil in politics.

  9. In South Africa, where “truth and reconciliation” was tried for more than 20 years. Whites who are still there (who, according to the likes of Prinz Dummkopf, are all racists) are the ones who are now impoverished and murdered. The song Kill the Boer seems to be an unofficial anthem of the ruling African National Congress party.

    Some reconciliation, eh?

  10. The kleptocracy needs the Canadian Apartheid System.
    It is number one in the great steal.
    Billions are stolen from the taxpayers every year and any questioning is aggressively attacked as “Racist”.
    Indian and Northern Affairs,under whatever their current name is,has been a boon to the Bureaucratic State.
    That it creates hopeless ghettos for those of Native descent,is just a bonus,by Liberal Standards.
    For every dollar that actually makes it into “Indian ” hands, a thousand are taken up in “Administering and Helping”.
    Conning ,Consulting and Caring..

    The “official Treatment” of Natives as “Special citizens” makes a mockery of all our civil institutions and Human Rights.
    What is truly indicative of Canadian Hypocrisy,is the self praise our effete elites shower themselves with,in keeping Apartheid going and ensuring that Native Women on reserves never gain “human Status” for they are denied the right to own property and to not be treated as property..Then to top off such evil these Effete’s,commission an enquiry into Lost,Missing and Murdered Native Women,which was forbidden to report the obvious..who is killing their wives,sisters and cousins…
    Money well stolen by Ottawa’s standards.

    1. In addition, they give white liberals and SJWs a convenient means of virtue-signaling.

    2. The vote farming system north of the 49th bears a lot of resemblance to that in the US. Make a people dependent. Remove fatherhood to increase dependence for later generations. Tell them it’s not their fault. Exchange their guaranteed vote (or system that counts their vote whether or not they cast it) for a relative pittance for most and a chief’s share for the organizer. Cry “racist” whenever someone speaks badly of the system. Note insurmountable historic injustice as the reason for the current poor status of those whose votes are farmed.

      And we can’t forget that the system depends on any of the “client” race who doesn’t have the dependent culture being ostracized as a race traitor, as though the dependency traits re-enforced by the vote farmers are endemic to skin tone instead of culture.

  11. Who gave “them” the term First Nations? They were not here first and are not a Nation! They dont have their own country, their own monetary system, their own police force, their own government so???
    I – like most taxpayers- are fed up with plowing never ending funds to them. They can get with the program – WORK, PAY TAXES, become worthwhile citizen and benefit Canada not drag it down.

  12. The white man has been so generous to the Indian because the white man saw him as a Christian and a brother, and tried to help his brother. Centuries of experience have made it clear that damned few Indians were worth trying to help.

    The Chinese are not Christians, and regard barbarians as little more than animals to be used as beasts of burden if they are any use as such, or to be exterminated as pests if they are not.

    Chief Big Screen’s future Chinese overlords will need a long weekend at most to be rid of his tribe and their sense of entitlement for good. The details of how the problem is solved will never be published. One day the Indian will simply disappear, never to be seen, heard from or spoken of in Chinada Province again.

    1. It’s a good point but shouldn’t be limited just to the Chinese. Once Asians and Africans become the majority population of this country (coming soon) and whites are reduced to minority status, Indians will be just one more group, and not the strongest one by far, contending with all the other racial and ethnic groups for a piece of the post-national pie. Diversity will weaken Indians as much as if not more than whites.

  13. response to Santa spirit:

    “…damned few Indians were worth trying to help.” I grew up among one of their groups. I’d put that number at over 75%. They’re normal people. If offered an easy life at a young age, and the promise that you’d never have to work, what would you do? Sweeten it with the note that what you’re offering them isn’t available to most people. Only to them, because they’re special, and deserving.

    Most of the successful ones are Canadians. They escaped the system, or work outside of it. You couldn’t tell them from anyone else, unless you’re sharing a few beers with them and start exchanging histories. By focusing on the inner city lost souls and the remote reserve no-hopes, you’re decrying the sorry state of the addict after giving him heroin and showing him how to shoot up.

    1. Sadly, there are many white liberals who are overjoyed about this sort of thing.

      More than 40 years ago, I sat through church sermons in which the ANC was portrayed as doing God’s work in dispensing “social justice”. I smelled a rat when I heard that and quietly spoke out against it–to deaf ears.

      Nowadays, there’s not even a peep from any of the main denominations about it. The church-goers who supported it must be smugly proud.

      1. Yes like the swine Mulroney who forced this on the Boer’s and all the Churches, all complicit in the butchery. There were no blacks in SA when the Dutch first settled South Africa. None.

  14. The title pretty much confirmed that the report had been prepared long before there were any “inquiries”. It was and still is a political BS undertaking.
