23 Replies to “A Stairwell Away From The Presidency”

  1. Let me think, the teachers union owns me and don’t want to open the schools but I can’t agree with that on the air so I’ll mumble about infrastructure and our helicopter money and blah blah……I’ve got to get rid of Joe pretty soon so I can delegate tough questions to a VP or someone…..

    1. I take it ‘VP’ in this woman’s case means valley prostitute.
      She’s phucking A stupid and a blight on thinking peoples intelligence.

      1. You meant Vapid Puta, bro.
        Or maybe Vacuous Pig.
        Or Venial Progressive.
        Or Verifiably Putrid.

  2. She has the same answer for Americans in general as for students – obfuscation, fake science, lectures and butt covering.
    While they tow the teachers’ union propaganda about ventilation systems and pushing them to the head of the vaccine line.
    Why bother asking Democrats anything about policy, just go directly to the actual source of their approach – China.
    That is why we got unprecedented lockdowns – because China did it, so we have to kowtow to them while covering their rears.
    When called on abuses, incompetence and duplicity – just be thin skinned and project onto accusers aka DeMarxist boilerplate.
    Meanwhile, Chinese officials lecture Americans about their domestic policies, racism (they’re the genocidal state) and weakness:

    “We believe that it is important for the United States to change its own image and stop advancing its own democracy in the rest of the world,” Yang said. “Many people within the United States actually have little confidence in the democracy of the United States.”

    Careful now, if Twitter doesn’t realize you are on their team, you stand to be cancelled, labelled fake, banned and de-platformed.


    They have utter contempt for the “Baizou” Democrats who only care “about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment while being obsessed with political correctness to the extent that they import backwards Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism.” I believe Lenin called them useful idiots; the first to be disposed of when their usefulness ends.

  3. Harris, Biden, Trudeau are the leaders Liberals have chosen to pledge fealty to.

    1. *
      it doesn’t matter that harris can barely put
      a sentence together
      … or that president
      grandad should be in a care home to
      deal with his incipient dementia.

      and that we elected that part time drama
      teacher to rule us all.

      it’s what a keeping up with the damn
      “ society deserves.


      1. Schools are Marxist indoctrination centres.
        They are doing you a favour whether they know it or not by keeping them closed.
        Home school your children, they will be more well rounded individuals.

  4. Oh, so now it’s okay for the media to ask them hard questions and not let them off with deflection answers. Why couldn’t they do that last year?

  5. “Come on ma’aaan”, Joe Biden has taught “Here’s the thing”, Kamela very well. Just use a dismissive catch phrase when you can’t (or won’t) answer a direct question.

    When Kamela inherits the Presidency … she will be fully prepared to deflect and lie. With a haughty arrogance.

  6. Give her a break! She works with Joe Biden!! Mental and physical defects can wear off on close allies. I was raised in SW Sask. In our community, we had a guy who had fallen off a combine, broken a leg and his parents had make a makeshift splint to save money in pre-medicare days. The leg healed crooked, thus he had a bad limp. When his oldest son was born, and from watching his dad, he developed the same limp although there was nothing wrong with him. (Other than supporting the NDP.) It was hilarious to watch them walking towards their respective tractors when they were working in the same field. The boy is still alive, he’s 75, and he still limps. The old man died decades ago.

    She (Harris) needs to be sent to a summer camp and ”de-Bidened.”

  7. L – So, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the best Hollywood could come up with ?
    Tell me again, how many Americans were inspired to vote for this Duo of Dolts ?

  8. I’d never heard Kalama Harris before. She has an absolutely dreadful voice – not quite in Hillary Clinton territory, but close.

  9. This fraud was called by thinking Conservatives the minute after Biden announced Harris as his VP.

    If anyone is still foolish enough to believe that you live in a “democracy”, well………….
