How It’s Done

Some valuable insight.

Mikhaila Peterson: How we built the Jordan Peterson media empire.

In 2016 my dad, Jordan Peterson, went viral. That sudden fame and all the controversy that came with it was incredibly hard on my family, but it also opened up boatloads of opportunity. My dad took advantage of it all. He said yes to everything that came his way, especially podcast invitations, and his family helped him make time for it all. I’ve been the CEO of his company Luminate Enterprises, Ltd., since the beginning of 2018, when he published his book 12 Rules for Life.

A fascinating look behind the curtain. Read the whole thing.

9 Replies to “How It’s Done”

  1. Of course the socialists in diverse Toronto are busy trashing her in the comment section.

  2. Hard work, initiative, creativity, and a product that is actually useful to men who work hard for a living and prefer not to waste a penny of their wages if they can help it.

    This is how wealth is created honestly.

    Not corruption, fraud, industrial espionage, or “cheap” slave labour—much less ad campaigns designed to induce spoiled rich women to spend hubby’s money on crap they don’t need.

  3. Does it mention his medically-induced coma in Russia? Preaching stoicism and self-reliance round the world while popping bennies to deal with a life event.

    1. Those were prescribed by a professional after his wife was diagnosed with terminal cancer, and he had a massively adverse reaction to them (and experienced serious complications while trying to get off of them).

      Try to show a little compassion.

    2. Why don’t you read it, instead of asking us. Maybe the piece will help open your mind a bit.

  4. Does it mention his medically-induced coma in Russia?

    Canada is in a medically induced coma, so there’s that.

  5. One of the things I’ve always admired about Jordan is his approach to life and to issues and to ideas. He would be in the middle of a lecture or a presentation and he would say something like: “I thought about that…”. He thought about things for months and even years. He was a man who took his time to attempt to understand. A simple difference between Jordan and today’s liberals is that the liberals haven’t given any thought to anything. They exist on feelings. I see this in my own life. I’ve not nearly as intelligent as Jordan but I do like to think about things before giving an answer. Frequently I hear: “Don’t lie! I can see the wheels turning while you look for an out!” The liberal can’t possibly understand why anyone would need to think before speaking. The liberal has all the answers and has accomplished this magnificent feat without a single cogent thought. And they are proud of it!

    1. *Interesting comment. Too many people focus on image rather than deep thinking. I suspect most Liberals never even bother questioning their assumptions. This lack of thought on the part of Liberals explains their simple minded, glib responses to complex issues and also explains their disrespect for alternative views. They may find Peterson threatening ( many leftists seem to), because his ideas reflect deep thinking.
