12 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. The current record high temperature is 360 degrees from “we will rule you,” obvious from their so-called political prescriptions.
    We have people who purposely remain ignorant to forward their utterly discredited ideas. Then when outed, they call us rednecks.
    I once told my science loving relative that while Venus was 95% CO2, the Earth is only .04%, which I assumed he would know.
    He said “I didn’t know that.” Support for this garbage is a mile wide and a nanometre thick, like covid, so they must censor us.
    Which means they will eventually resort to force, when state power fails, to force us to comply with their self-promoting edicts.

    1. I bet he also doesn’t know that Mars’ atmosphere is 95% CO2 and a hot summer day at the equator there is -40.

    1. It’s never been about the climate, just like BLM has never been about helping Blacks, just like Alphabetsexuals or tearing down statutes or condemning Shakespeare has nothing to do with equality.

      It’s all part of an interrelated push to get the masses used to being ordered around – no more, no less.

  2. All of that carbon present in the atmosphere most recently did sweet ef’all for Texas in the past couple of days, eh!
    Climate changes! All by itself.
    Only those with an ego as big as Bill Gates believes we have any impact on “Globull Warming”!

  3. Exploiting climate change by the ruling class is nothing new. It was always about control of the proles.

  4. *
    ten dead texans directly attributable to the storm
    and it’s consequences
    . millions without light or

    i imagine there’s more than a few people that are
    praying for freakin’ global warming tonight.



  5. It is a mighty shame that the work of Hubert Lamb was abandoned on his retirement.
    Also a similar shame he could/did not fire the scum that replaced him..
    The efforts to deny past weather are astounding,it takes a real effort of will to be so ignorant.
    On a similar note,on the completion of “A Blinder Well Played” the CRU promised the “Lost accidentally erased” original data set would be reproduced in 3 years or less..
    Anybody seen a copy?
    Or even an accurate list detailing what weather station data was actually used?
    Followed by the amazing fact that we have less weather stations today than 60 years ago ..if the weather data was so important,how come we do not have accurate data sensing all over the planet?
    Instead of Good Enough for government weather sensing equipment at airports.
    Few people noticed but the automatic weather stations installed in the Arctic in the 1990s,had sensors with an accuracy range less than the annual range of the weather.

    There can be no “Record Cold” if your equipment fails at -40.
    This was “Environment Canada’s Science”.
    Eventually we will fire them all..

    Also the conceit of the temperature modellers,is that the weathermen of old,could not take accurate records,thus they are entitled to adjust past station data…
    Are they projecting their own incompetence?

  6. So. “Oceanic. Cycles” drive our climate. Drive Greenland’s ice shelf. Having lived my entire 65 years in the State of CA … I can CERTIFY (by means of my own personal experience) that El Niño and La Niña “oceanic cycles” drive California’s climate. Period.

    SUV’s have nothing whatsoever to do with California’s climate, or droughts, or ‘monsoon’ years. My electricity is generated by Natural gas … and it has nothing whatsoever to do with my climate.

    OTOH … dramatic changes to the internal combustion engine; fuel injection, computer control, catalytic converters to name a few improvements … has led to dramatic improvements to air quality in CA (esp. LA). The recent sale of a handful of EV’s has done exactly NOTHING to clean the air of CA. Why? Because a) there are so few of them, and b) because the electricity stored in their toxic batteries is generated MOSTLY by natural gas here in CA.

    Pro Tip: Air quality has nothing whatsoever to do with Co2. Nothing. Co2 is invisible and harmless. It is natural, and makes up only a tiny fraction of our atmosphere.

    1. Kenji, there you go using real science again. You know by now, inconvenient science gets fact-checked into the darkness of the Big Tech memory hole. Politicians only use some of the ‘science’, and disregard that which does not fit the ‘narrative’ of the day. The ONLY science used by greasy politicians and Bill Gates is POLITICAL SCIENCE.

  7. Too bad the core data doesn’t begin sooner to include the Dalton Minimum (1796-1840). The “Year Without Summer” (1816) from the Mount Tambora eruption would have been seen in the data set too. It’s important to see both extremes in climate temperature so understanding can be improved about natural variability. Interestingly enough the current sea level rise trend over the last 25 years looks like a good match to the trend between 1925-1950. The data sets prove over and over that the more known and understood about climate history the less there is to fear about the magnitude of human effects and the smarter mankind becomes at adapting. Much better than Aztec sacrificial rituals our climate “scientists” and bought pols are selling to the masses as a solemn duty.
