83 Replies to “June 12, 2020: Reader Tips”

    1. female, black socialist and as thick as a brick. perfection when looking for a democrat politician.

      1. “Thick” in terms of shape, or “thick” in terms of how easily she learns?

        Oh, OK, I see what you did there…

      2. I dunno, Kamala Harris seems to have all the qualifications and ethical attributes that you usually look for and find in your typical Democrat or Liberal.

        “Harris got her start in 1994 by having an affair with slimy Willie Brown, who was serving as the California Assembly Speaker and then became the mayor of San Fransico. Brown was 60 years old and Harris was 29 when their affair began. Harris was so brazen that she came out publicly as his date at his 60th birthday party, despite his wife of 36 years being in attendance.”

        “Harris slept with Brown for one reason; she used the corrupt San Francisco mayor to launch her rise to power. Daily Caller reports, “As Brown’s time as speaker drew to a close in 1994, he named Harris to the California Medical Assistance Commission, a job that came with a $72,000 annual salary. Brown had previously appointed her to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board.”

        “She “was described by several people at the Capitol as Brown’s girlfriend,” the Los Angeles Times reported at the time. Although that job paid nearly $98,000, Harris’ term was set to expire in five weeks when Brown tapped her for the Medical Assistance Commission slot. That body met only monthly, and the $72,000 position was not considered a full-time job.”

        “Willie Brown is a sleaze-bag who led one of the most corrupt mayoral offices ever seen in San Fransico, but that was fine with Harris, who went on to steal the election for California’s Attorney General in 2010. “Los Angeles District Attorney Steve Cooley led Harris by 34,000 votes after more than 7 million were counted. But after provisional ballots were counted, she was declared the winner by approximately 50,000 votes,” reports Daily Caller.

        At one point, Cooley was up by 62,000 votes, and in panic mode, Harris reached out to her good buddy California Secretary of State Debra Bowen, whose role was to certify the votes. That’s when thousands of Cooley’s votes just disappeared. ”

        California. Canada. Corruption.


    2. A black HRC who, despite losing an election by a considerable margin, claims she actually won.

      1. It was actually a pretty narrow margin of 50.2% to 48.8% IN GEORGIA on a turnout of 73%. She and the 2018 Blue Wave purpled that state.

    3. I’ve yet to see a better naming of this ‘thing’ than that by Grouchy Old Cripple: Abrams Tank.

    4. The USA is done with Biden plus anyone on his diversity short list. Seriously, I do not think Wuhan deprived Americans will vote for Biden.

      At least, Trump knows how to pick a competent 2 I/C.

  1. Ran across an interesting take at American Elephants,
    Covid 19 causes mental confusion.
    The proof being Seattle CHAZ..And the Democrat Enablers reaction .

    And here I though the Left had found the cure for covid,burning buildings,beating and murdering strangers and massing together to chant,scream and shriek.Makes you immune to the virus?

    When it might just be these activities are the side effects of the insidious Wuhan Flu..
    The Woo Hoo makes our progressive comrades revel in their madness..?

  2. Apologies that this video is on Facebook, but it’s well worth watching: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=256757632416689

    Nothing in it will be a surprise to any SDA regulars but musician Tommy Vext explains to the public how Black Americans are being manipulated by the DNC and Soros. Of course, the MSM is calling this a “conspiracy theory” and no doubt Vext will be canceled shortly but his facts are sound. It’s the message the Left does not want to get out.

    1. Tommy Vext is bang on.
      That was an accurate, if simplified, description of the state of affairs in America today. The Deep State thugs should be arrested and tried for treason. I’d bet that when President Trump wins the election these people will be prosecuted. If not, why not?

      1. ” The Deep State thugs should be arrested and tried for treason. I’d bet that when President Trump wins the election these people will be prosecuted. If not, why not?”

        Because the Deep State as you imagine is a fairy tale, and because Trump is unlikely to be re-elected.

  3. When I hear all of whiny little bastards on TV, I always listen to what I consider one of the finest songs ever written.

    I think if we could, we’d go back a few years and perhaps do things a little differently.

    I was on the Trans-Canada near Brooks, Alberta when the news came on the radio that Ray Price had passed away. A sad day indeed.



        1. Larry

          Thanks for ‘Crazy Arms’. Country the old way. The real way, before the ‘hat’ music came along.

  4. The theme song should be ‘play stupid games, win stupid prizes’.

    Lady A
    Drew Brees
    J.K. Rowling

    The list of people willing to “apologize” gets longer every day, and no one seems to learn. No matter how much you grovel, it’s not going to stop. No matter what you say, no matter what you do, the demands will never end, and there will always be another one.

    Universities have done their job; the world is full of fools.

    1. One of the things I learned in school was that there comes a time when one needs to strike back after being subject to abuse.

      I had to deal with my share of bullies and tormentors while I was growing up. They were usually bigger than me and I knew that in a straight-out fight, I’d lose. So, instead, I figured that if I let them have their fun for a while, they’d eventually get bored and leave me alone.

      Nope. Didn’t happen.

      I remember one kid who kept pestering me until one day, I blew my cork and belted him one in the shoulder. That sudden reaction caused him to lose his balance so that he fell onto some desks. I didn’t mean him any harm, but punched him as a warning that I had reached my limit.

      That move on my part completely startled him. That, plus the fact that it happened in front of our classmates, thereby humiliating him, was enough for him to leave me alone after that. He didn’t expect that I’d fight back and that my one punch would have such an effect.

      I figure that this escalating apology malarkey might just have to end in a corresponding manner.

      1. hb

        You’ve told this story a dozen times. That 12yo bully was somebody’s son, brother and someone obviously very troubled.

      2. Well done. As a female in an upper class Calgary neighbourhood, I had a few bitchy girls to deal with, growing up, but most of it was minor stuff, compared with the crap kids have to face today. Those nasty girls were outed by the peer group and became dead meat.

        My boyfriends had to deal with youthful thug peers, occasionally and did effectively and efficiently flick them in a small way.

  5. Tomorrow’s news.

    In an attempt to further signal Canada’s role as a kind and compassionate partner on the world stage, shaggy Trudeau will tomorrow announce an air drop of $200m in emergency foreign aid to the world’s newest UN vote, the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (branded as CHAZ).

    During the press conference, while briefly glancing away from the mirror and using his big-boy serious lisp, the occasionally black leader committed to send in all the guns and black rifle coffee the defunded RCMP are able to confiscate.

    1. joe, I wonder where they plan to get the money when they are collecting no taxes. of course eventually the fact that wind turbines and solar panels cannot be produced without fossil fuels might just hit them right between the eyes.

    1. She needs to be horse whipped by a gang of black prisoners for her sins!

      If she was truly “sorry” she would give all her wealth to an African village and go live on the streets of Vancouver. But no a racist b**ch to the end.

    2. Jessica chose to play by their rules so she can be judged by their rules. Instead of telling them to go eff themselves and sue the hell out of everyone for abuse by racism she grovelled. Pathetic bitch deserves everything she gets. If you are unfairly attacked beat them, don’t blow them.

        1. The Duchess is too busy with lawyers. It seems she and Harry are suing for their share of Princess Diana’s jewels.

          (Weak source? I caught a headline glance at a scandal sheet while waiting in line to check out @ a store)

          1. And who says that “social distancing” isn’t educational?

  6. The latest Wuhan Flu numbers in Chinada:
    Total: 97,530 (11 presumptive, 97,519 confirmed including 7,994 deaths, 57,627 resolved)

    My piss poor math skills puts the fatality rate at just over 8%. Very deadly indeed.
    I can’t possibly believe anyone would even risk leaving their home with a ratio like that.
    The praises sung for our medical expert lockdown fascists can’t possibly be loud enough, can they?
    I think we need to shut everything down.

  7. In its continued efforts not to offend anyone, UK TV has removed the “Don’t Mention The War” episode of Fawlty Towers.

    1. Let me guess: people are afraid that the episode might offend moose?

  8. The Globe and Mail published a follow-on story to yesterday’s expose, about the Foreign Affairs Minister Champagne owing $1.7-million to the Bank of China:

    Unfortunately, this story is being ignored by the other paid-for media. During Trudeau’s presser yesterday, no journalist brought this issue up. CBC News, for example, has fully censored the story. Note that CBC censoring Liberal scandals cannot be part of the CBC ombudsman purview, since he refuses to discuss what CBC News censors. At any rate, the fix is in.

  9. The Indian Chief getting a licking he deserves. TV has it edited to look like the cop attacked the Indian He was pissed to the gills and aggressive. He almost got shot a couple times. The cop was ready to draw. What an asshole! There could have been Bush Indians stacked like cordwood and the cop would have been right. Do these people have no idea that you sit in your vehicle and shut the eff up?


  10. Quillette magazine has a fascinating piece called “The Coming of Neo-Feudalism”, where Western society is becoming like the old Middle Age feudal society:

    It is a long read, but the weekend is coming up, and SDAers who have the time should read this. The old feudal society was made up of (1) the ruling rich aristocracy, (2) the Catholic clergy and (3) the artisans and peasants. The aristocracy ruled and defended society, the clergy gave intellectual and spiritual defence of what the aristocracy did, and the artisans and serfs had now power, and were ruled by both the other groups.

    Today, the rich aristocracy are the billionaire CEO-owners and other wealthy corporate bosses; the Catholic clergy are now the media, universities, other technocrats and government bureaucrats; and the artisans are now small business people and crafts people, and the serfs are today’s working class. The article mentions that. like the Middle Ages, the distribution of income is becoming very skewed — California with its technology oligarchs and poor immigrants is becoming like a banana republic in terms of distribution of income.

    Donald Trump supports only the powerless working class, and in general they support him. But the first two classes — which rule society — despise Trump and will do anything and everything to see that he loses this fall. This is a good article to read, when viewing the upcoming U.S. election.

    If the Republicans lose, they still should gear their rebuilding to speak firstly for the working class. So should conservatives in Canada.

    1. “they still should gear their rebuilding to speak firstly for the working class”

      You mean uneducated ex-union losers who forgot to prepare for the 21st century? That’s what the GOP did, and now they’re toast. Sorry comrade, you lost.

      1. When I was young, I held a journey man’s union card as a carpenter, while working through high school and university for eight years. So I take offence at you smearing working people. (But we can agree to disagree on that point). Btw, I have a PhD in economics from Queen’s university.

        1. You got skills and an education that’s fantastic. You are *not* one of the unskilled mouth-breathing ex-union losers I excoriate. These people are rife in the ‘Obama-Trump’ population they honestly think they have a god-given right to earn a DB pension and other full benefits in the auto industry.

  11. This was originally published in Foreign Policy on January 30, 2017, where it is behind a pay wall. Without being voted out of office, former Obama administration staffer, Rosa Brooks, lists three ways to get rid of Trump namely impeachment, the 25th amendment and a revolt by the military leadership. We are now at number three. All of a sudden, I believe in the deep state and that it isn’t that hidden.
    originally here:

  12. https://qz.com/556988/here-are-four-charts-on-race-and-murder-in-america-to-tweet-back-at-donald-trump/

    I like how they start out slamming the president because he’s got some bad statistics.
    Then they go on to prove he’s right even though his numbers are wrong….
    The data is fascinating. Let’s dig in a little bit.
    Even though a black person may be twice as likely to be shot by police than a white person, consider these two statistics, do the math:
    Police shootings of white people are 20% compared to white on white homicide.
    Police shootings of black people are 12.5% compared to black on black homicide.

    So if you are a white murderer, you’re twice as likely to be shot by the police than a black murder.

    This is a crime and culture issue.

    How about this local news story from my area? Speak it, brother!
    “I can see no honor in shooting a man that is a wearing a neck-brace. There is no honor in killing each other ever but how low can we stoop in Grand Rapids?” Womack wrote. “As we fight Covid 19 and protest against police brutality, do not forget one thing!! We are 20 times more likely to be killed by one of our own than by Covid 19 or the Police! And that my brothers and sisters is a crying shame.”
    Yes. A true tragedy.

    And “white privilege”? The first two are family and fathers. Let me start out by saying I’m very thankful to have a wonderful father and mother. Is it a privilege? Sure, they’re great! And the rest of the privileges listed stem from those two.
    That has NOTHING to do with being white, especially since white culture is actively trying to dismantle those first two listed privileges.
    What it says to me is that there’s serious cultural issues that needs to be fixed. As reprehensible as what Bill Cosby did was, his message was spot on. Let’s memorialize his message, not his terrible faults, just like with Dr. King.

    The protesters are in the wrong place.

    1. Oh…when I say ‘down in the hood’, I don’t mean Fort Hood, as that’s named after a Confederate and implicitly racist.

  13. The snowflakification of the Canadian Right starts: https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/erin-otoole-removes-promise-to-end-fossil-fuel-subsidies-from-his-policy-platform#comments-area

    “In a Globe and Mail story published June 5, Kenney reacted to international agencies calling for the end of fossil fuel subsidies by calling such subsidies a “myth.””

    Well that used to be true Kenney before you sunk billions of other peoples’ money into Keystone which actually incredibly looks like it might be sunk by eco-fanatics and the Trump administration’s typical ineptitude and incompetency.

  14. Hello, CHAZ Seattle? One of your inmates appears to have escaped. Goes by the name of UnMe….

  15. “The party of Lincoln has assented to the pardon of Joe Arpaio. It found nothing much to say about the smearing of Mexicans as drug dealers and rapists. When the president said an Indiana-born judge could not be fair because his parents were from Mexico, one prominent Republican, Paul Ryan, called that “classic racism.” He’s gone now. When the president told four darker-skinned members of Congress to “go back where you came from” (three were born here), the Republican party was mum.”


    1. You gotta love Trump. I don’t know why you’re repeating his good deeds to conservatives. They will vote for him already without the bragging.

      1. It’s so that we know who to blame when history buries you and you resort to your usual victim-complex.

  16. And now a review of the Canadian media so far today. Trump is Hitler, Trudeau is wonderful, the Liberal Party is wonderful, Canadians are racist bastards.

      1. So the National Post has given in to the “progressive” mob. No place for Rex Murphy in Great Leader’s bought and paid for newspapers.

      2. “Upon review, it was determined that there was a failure in the normal editing oversight that columns should be subjected to.”

        If that review were consistently applied Rex would never get a column published. He is not good.

  17. Great Leader’s Foreign Affairs minister is on his way by government jet at taxpayer expense to New York, to make a final push for that important UN Security Seat. I hope the anxiety doesn’t spoil Great Leader’s weekend at his Harrington Lake resort.

  18. Racist Toronto police have arrested a black cop on their force for sex trafficking a minor. He was obviously influenced by white supremacy.
