16 Replies to “I, Napoleon”

    1. The rat identifies as a bouquet of flowers, so it’s a testimonial to all of the love that Trans people feel for all of peoplekind.

      You hater!

  1. …and the Toronto-based corporate media will censor this story. Or they already have. This is the state of affairs these days.

  2. Madness.

    Seems evident by now that these people aren’t experiencing gender dysphoria.

    They suffer from acute narcissism and other personality disorders.

    Gender is just the fashionable medium they’ve chosen to funnel their issues.

  3. Our society was better off when we viewed these degenerates as mentally ill.

    Pretty sure things will get very ugly once the worm finally turns. I’ll be over here making popcorn.

  4. Meanwhile, back in Ottawa. Blackie’s tight agenda during the implosion of Canadastan

    Prime Minister’s itinerary for Saturday, February 29, 2020
    February 29, 2020
    Ottawa, Ontario
    Note: All times local

    Ottawa, Ontario

  5. These people seem to have a disproportionate amount of power. Letting preachy, judgemental weirdos gain legislative power will be the end of all of – oh wait…

    1. Of all the places to make a stand – a rape crisis centre. Might as well give them the keys to our daycare centres.

  6. Douglas Murray has pointed out that he’s not surprised that such outrage and violence against beleaguered women is coming from … men. These “men” might be posing as women but they’re still men and incredibly angry against women, picking on those females who are least able to defend themselves. It’s truly sick.

  7. So now victimized women of Vancouver have nowhere to go – The Progressive trans moment has accomplished that task, tick that off the “To Do” list.

  8. Meh. VRR is a nest of man-hating vipers. When there’s a single DV shelter for men anywhere in Canada, they can have their tax money back.

  9. When we said there was an on going war on women,we were conspiracy nutz.
    But the attacks on Normal Females of the species has been unrelenting.
    Our Progressive Comrades have been handicapping free-spirited individual women for decades,they insist young women can do nothing without their help.
    The Fashion industry is designed to exploit the insecurity of young minds and dominated by Old Gay Predators.
    The deviants hatred of woman’s ability to create new humans,is irrational and insane.
    But very real.
    The Feminist Movement ended as farce.
    Now the “Trans People” are upping the abuse.
    And all the politically correct Creatures,wring their hands and stab rational women in the back.
    Oh well,eventually mothers will recognize they are alone,surrounded by State Funded deviants and parasites.
    A well directed 12 gauge will serve as discouragement and “gender correction” for those Beta Males who stalk their children.
    Over/Under .410 may prove very surgical..
    And the long march morons so hate child bearing women that their latest product,the Beta Soyboy, is designed to discourage procreation and destroy young mens natural development.
    As well as cause the boy’s mothers to despair.
    The Poor rat is just a causal victim of the festering madness of the Gender Confused Cripples.
    Where is the “Humane Society”,cruelty to wildlife crew?
    As if they would even understand the first term,”Humane”

  10. That ugly Ogre dude almost became an MLA. Sadly, this may yet happen in the future, it’s running in a demented urban Wangcouver riding

    These people are sick, but are viewed as “courageous” by many on the far left.

  11. Brought to you courtesy of liberalism and the Lieberal party.

    It’s not going to get better any time soon either.
