Say It Isn’t So, Joe!

Town Hall audiences — taking the jobs the media won’t do: Wow—quite the start to @JoeBiden’s second event in NH. A man from the back of the room calls Biden a “pervert” and accuses him of touching women and children, before a second man asks Biden where the money is he and his son “earned from Ukraine” from the other side of the room

Update, for video.

14 Replies to “Say It Isn’t So, Joe!”

    1. Well, you better hope Biden ISN’T the nominee. Despite his obvious problems and blemishes, he is the most likely candidate that Demarxists and Indies will still vote for, holding their noses and taking a couple shots of corn mash before doing so. Because he’s the -most- moderate (?!?!?). Despite his lack of character or accomplishments. Despite his creepiness, Despite his senility. Despite his age of 77. But, by default, he is moderate apparently, and gets the nod without deserving of it. He probably gives Trump the best showing for the Demarxists, though the odds are stacked against him.
      He’s a horribly flawed candidate, with no solid policy other than *Demarxist* and virtue signalling leftist/socialist talking points to try and appear credible to the radical base. Yet, he’s an old white man, an apparent heathen and worst example of people, within the Demarxists realm. He’s only got 25% max within said realm, which speaks volumes about him, and the Demarxist base, of preferences.
      Their convention is going to be a war, with that party divided, despite their utter hatred for Trump. Beer and Popcorn.

      1. Trump would wipe the floor with Biden.

        Everything you just said was also said as a justification for choosing Hillary over Bernie.

        Bernie could have won in 2016. I say this as a young American. Millenials have been brainwashed by our Marxist education system to hate capitalism and love socialism.

        I think Trump could beat Bernie head to head, which is why the media will change the debate format. They won’t want a direct comparison on live tv. That might convince too many Dems with common sense to vote Trump.

  1. His “look, fat” comment to a pudgy voter asking tough questions a couple weeks back virtually guaranteed these types of provocations going forward. These are probably Bernie Bros or Warren supporters posing as undecideds, hoping Biden will have a similar unhinged or worse reaction that will help to flame out his campaign.

  2. This tweet is sent out from a Campaign REPORTER for ABC. You wonder if it’s occurred to her that they’re doing her job. Doesn’t look like it. It’s like she’s thinking, “My, these people are unruly. Why they all worked up?”

  3. What?
    Joe does not like the “New rules”,that his party has signed on to?
    People will only get more aggressive as they accept how corrupt and thus useless the Media are.
    Wait for poor Bloomberg to make any traction,for him there must be millions of people just waiting to apply “BloombergMedia” standards to his campaign.

  4. Beautiful comment and question. Where’s the Press? Why are they so un-curious? And reading the idiot comments … the best they can say is … “I’m surprised they didn’t say Ukrania” … followed by … “yeah, ‘The’ Ukraine – LOL”. Typical leftist tools who continue to underestimate their opposition. Speaking of not very bright …

  5. Google for this story and you’ll find nothing. I have little doubt that it happened.

    Imagine if this occurred at a Republican event. It would be top of the news for days.

  6. Joe is a Snarph… He is Known “now” as an Snurge who sniffs girls bike seats & steals the seat… Joe has a hidden collection of girls bike seats from Stanton PA… Sniff….Sniff is a sick pervert….

