16 Replies to “Break Them Up”

  1. Maxime Bernier

    GORDON: “The virtual silence from Canadian political leaders on both sides of the political aisle, except Maxime Bernier, on this issue is extremely concerning and noteworthy as they appear to be too fearful to call out the very powerful tech companies.”

    GORDON: Trudeau government tells Canadians to believe CBC to tell them what fake news is as state broadcaster makes fake news


    1. – Wonder why the CBC would make-up fake news benefitting the Trudeau government? Wonder if it has anything to do with that $660+ million he gave them in an election year?

      – Nahhhhhhhhhh…

    2. When you consider the threat to free and fair elections posed by big tech joining forces with big government and with the mainstream cable and print media it does not bode well for the upcoming Federal Election. We may never know the degree to which voters are being influenced by these forces and the influence it will have on their vote.

      Dr. Robert Epstein on Google manipulating elections.

  2. …..and, You’re Fired.
    of course right.?

    They ALL need to be broken up: FB, Twatter, Goggle and all of their sunsiduaries…..as I wait for my 1 Mo. FB suspension to end… for being a nazi of course.

    thanks Mr Butts.!


      1. There’s minds, parler or Gab by the way, if your looking to break free of that one month suspension.

        No, no, no, no, no, no. That can’t be. After all, these tech companies have monopolies. You can’t possibly just up stakes and go use some other socila media site like mastodon, me.we, OpenSocial, or whatever, because if you could that would mean these companies don’t have monopolies.

        And if they don’t have monopolies then there’s no reason for the state to step in and smash them except for naked power-tripping and petty jealo-


        1. A company is considered to have a monopoly – even if competitors exist – once they reach a certain market percentage (generally around 65%-75%).

          The problem is that many of these tech monopolies are using their power to suppress competition – which, of course, is why governments get involved. See: Paypal’s attacks on Subscribestar, etc.

          What legally defines a monopoly varies from country to country – in the U.K., it’s 25% market share. Pretty sure that in the United States, it needs to be over 50%.

          1. And these tech titans BUY UP any and all VIABLE competition. THAT … is exactly why Ma Bell was broken up. Consolidation of all the “competition” into a single entity is anathema to a FREE Marketplace. Which is why Monopolies are not legal within our economic ecosystem.

            Google, Fackebook, Amazon … all need to smashed into a thousand pieces.

            Too bad, the “geniuses” running these companies have decided to wield their awesome economic power to crush a political and cultural viewpoint of half the American people. They’ve shown their hands and their deeds … boldly, as if they FEAR nothing. As if THEY will exercise the power ascribed to Muh Russia. THEY will select/elect a favorable government.

          2. “A company is considered to have a monopoly – even if competitors exist – once they reach a certain market percentage (generally around 65%-75%).”

            IOW, these ‘monopolies’ aren’t. Not that that justifies raping someone else’s private property regardless.

        2. Yeah that makes sense doesn’t it, by the way I erased my facebook account back in November 2011 and never looked back at the social chaos model that is facebook. Then I completely abandoned twitter in late 2015/early 2016 to look for new horizons and eventually I stumbled across minds in 2017 and haven’t felt the need to abandon the platform because I never get censored what a shocker, then discovered gab in 2017 as well, including bitchute which is a great replacement for YouTube. More recently I realized that parler is a much better alternative to gab and twitter, but I still hold a lot of respect for Andrew Torba and his platform gab.

          There’s a whole world of social media alternatives out there, you just have to forget about the monopolies.

          Did I mention anything about dissenter check that out, it’s a fork of google chrome with the software blobs removed and it’s great for surfing without all the bloatware holding you back on content.


  3. Canadians have a rather superior attitude as they take what they perceive as the moral high ground in social issues and the ‘right way’ of dealing with reality. The truth resides more in the naivety of the masses and the intellectual laziness of the majority. One can easily blame the education system that has actively dumbed down the process of actually holding people to account.

    Canada is a banana constitutional monarchy. A country born from a lack of gonads sufficient to chart a independent course like the USA did. A country dominated by a cabal of political and economic interests more interested in their own well being than in the country.

    So many Canadians can look south and tsk tsk about Trump but their world is doomed. The next economic crisis will not be kind to what is currently known as Canada. The collapse I see coming is no ones fault but our own.

    1. The next economic crisis will be even less kind to the US. They have a bigger deficit and debt.

  4. Again with the “break them up”.

    Cause government interventions have a guaranteed 100% success rate, and in the history of the world, no government at any time or place has ever done anything that serves itself instead of the citizens.

    If you want Google ended, then it is up to you. You, personally. Not government, not your mother, not your father, not the police, not the teacher’s union, not the PTA, not the political party you currently belong to, …

    If you want to live in an actual free country, then the price is eternal and unflinching vigilance by you, personally.

    Continuously handing over rights in exchange for the illusion of security does not work.

    The individual.
    Not the collective.

  5. anti-trust regulation showed up a century ago.
    in the TOTAL absence of the kinds of 50,000,000,000 calculations per second technology we have now.
    the GINORMOUS groupthink effect wasnt possible in the old days, a newspaper could spill the beans on the miscreants LOOOONNNGGG before they could get their ducks (propaganda response) in a row.
    now? HA!!! the mindset now: WE OWN YOUR GUBBAMINT.
    I fault the lobbyist cystem.
    we’re pooched. technology accelerates E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. including downward spirals.
    social [disease] media are strong evidence of that.

    and from the link:
    “after years of privacy mishaps.”
    see how the media get it wrong? the ‘mishaps’ *were and are an integral part of the bizznizz plan!!!!*.
    ie, it costs MONEY to put safeguards in place and and and . . . . doing so MIGHT *remind* subscribers of (oopsie!!!)
    PRIVACY ISSUES. so, shut yer yap and keep raking in the advertising money etc.
    ‘mishaps’ BULL.
    now, if the fine was 5 HUNDRED billion instead of the teensy percentage, that would be different.
