14 Replies to “Sunday Morning Chat with Dennis Miller and Ben Shapiro”

  1. No use for Ben Shapiro. Speaks many words but has little to say. Not a nice person and not very intelligent either.

    1. Oh please! You don’t like him? Fine. Don’t agree? OK. But to call the man unintelligent makes you sound like a sour SJW Leftist.

      1. Intelligent in an autistic “rain man” kind of way. Being intelligent doesn’t make you smart, and Benji’s problem is that he thinks he’s smarter than everyone. He’s not.

      2. Please indicate in what fashion you assessed him to be intelligent? In what manner has expressed an ability to behave beyond the other common hucksters in his realm? Operating in a world with the likes of Alex Jones, Don Lemon, Rachel Maddow, and Howard Stern, how did you arrive at the conclusion he is more intelligent than the other rocks? Was it his illustrious Bachelor of Arts degree that allows him to serve fires with your Whopper? Or perhaps it was his fast speaking that you think indicates faster processing speed? The man has made a living speaking, talking and writing about whatever will issue him a paycheck. He got turfed from Breitbart because he played both sides for his own gain. He sided with Michelle in the hoax against Corey and Trump. He went left and they didn’t want him, so now he’s supposedly right wing, but he hates the President. Please stick to your Saturday cartoons, you’re not cut out for this.

        p.s. telling people to remain quiet is more of an SJW thing.

    2. If you do not think that Ben Shapiro is very intelligent, you signal your own lack of intelligence in that … you must not understand conversation at that level. You say he is not ‘nice’ … Do you know him personally? If not, you cannot know whether he is nice or not.

      So … what is it really, his yamaka?

      1. Playing the racist card is a sign of desperation and a leftist ideology. Try rabble. You may be more at home there.

        Putting your hopes and dreams in a politically conflicted huckster speaks volumes.

  2. Great fun – Dennis Miller displays “one deep drawer and a good retrieval system”

  3. Ben Shapiro – not intelligent?!?!?! Pul-ease!
    His voice and GLIBNESS bug me though.

    I watched 4-5 minutes.
    Enough to be reminded that Dennis is a lovely, wise man who is extremely comfortable in his skin – a miracle in that milieu.

  4. Worth watching the whole thing. Ben was learning a few things from Dennis. The mutual civility was nice to see. Dennis is a jewel.

  5. AC, thanks.
    I’m recently retired. Heh, why not WTWT?!

    Wow, superb! And Shapiro didn’t bug me.

    Thank you Robert W.

    My hearing is not the best. They’re both brilliant BUT fast talkers. I miss stuff. Gotta google that General!

  6. My hearing!

    Who is that General Dennis mentioned who was communicating with the dying child?
