Just so you know – exponential environmental rhetoric growth turns into a joke right about…well, some time ago. Saving the planet just got a lot harder

Climate change discourse has become so pervasive and escalating and forceful that it is now being tuned out. We have been overwhelmed with messages of fear, and it does not take a rocket scientist to start piecing all this together with suspicion.

And then there’s one other headline that stands out among the rest: “World energy demand in 2018 rose by decade-high 2.3%” – including increased demand for all three fossil fuels.

Read more, including about how everywhere is warming faster than everywhere…

36 Replies to “Just so you know – exponential environmental rhetoric growth turns into a joke right about…well, some time ago. Saving the planet just got a lot harder”

  1. I’m not worried becauseI know that Ottawa City Council will save us all from heat stroke.


    With such important work, and so little time, it’s understandable the city does nothing about pot-holes and budget deficits; they can happily understimate the snow budget requirement. Why they are even bothering with stage two or the LRT is beyond me, it won’t be ready in time 🙂

    1. Even worse is the fact that LNC Lavalin is getting the contract to c omplete stage 2. Nothing to see here folks go back to watching another mindless TV program.

  2. I have a stepdaughter. Her mom was a yeller and my stepdaughter got yelled at a lot. Eventually she just tuned it out so getting yelled at meant nothing. It’s the same with the environmentalists hysterical screaming that “The end is Nigh” and “We’re all going to die in X years”. No sane, mature person believes their apocalyptic sermons anymore. It doesn’t help that the X years before climate armageddon deadline has come and gone repeatedly for 35 years.

    Then there’s the blatant hypocrisy that the loudest Fire and Brimstone environmentalist have gigantic carbon footprints. In fact, the environmental blowhards carbon footprint seems directly proportional to the constant nagging and scolding of other people who are considerably less wealthy and less privileged. The bigger the snobby scold, the larger the carbon footprint.

    They should have just switched from coal to natgas to nuclear over a reasonable time period as technology improved. Then go from ICE to electric power where a-cars make sense. Forget about transforming capitalism, leave agriculture alone, stop social engineering people, stop useless taxes. It’s the all encompassing aspect that looks more like a religious movement infused with authoritarian politics that cannot be ignored.

    The recent hysteria ramp up looks like an increasingly desperate marketing campaign.

      1. Or think if it this way if you have an industry background: if you have an operational or process problem then you talk to an experienced tradesperson or an engineer. They not only know their stuff but they are accountable if they get it wrong. You never expect the bean counters, HR or upper management to help because they don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to solving operational problems. They make a mess out of everything they touch and avoid responsibility and accountability like the plague.

        And that’s exactly what happened, the politicians, social activists and economists have destroyed any chance of resolving the problem effectively. They’ve been wrong repeatedly, wasted billions, made people poorer for no reason and yet there’s been no consequences.

        We would have been a lot better off if it has gone from climate science to applied science/tech innovation rather than climate science to social science/politics/economists.

    1. But it is all about transforming capitalism and destroying industrial society.

      1. Bingo Robert. That is exactly what it is all about. And, transfering wealth and the jobs to 3rd world countries.

    2. as the population expands so does the need for life sustaining energy and the wind ain’t it.

    3. Its a marketing Campaign allright….they (Global Elites), Want us POOR (via 7-10 X Escalated Elecricity prices (renewables), and to top that off, said Electricity will be Carbon Taxed until such time as you simply have ZERO CASH to spend on anything else….especially children and a life.

      THATS the game here….they want you poor and they want you to die off. (de-population as per their population guru – Maurice Strong).

      They also wish to inundate every Western Country and ONLY Westeren Countries with Islamics…so as to “diversify” our Cutlures as they rape and pillage while constantly bitchin bout Islamaphobia and agitating for Sharia… A prep for whats to come.

      They are behind the constant onsalaught of all the BS Social Justice crap we face daily: Anti-Vaxx (more ways to kill ya), Legalizing Beastiality, pushing for open Pedophilia, forced Gender Bending at 8 yrs old, “toxic masculinity” to kill off any REAL Men left, Screaming Racism where there is none and if you protest you’ll end up either in a HRC or in Social Media Jail where the crucifiction will continue (’cause you’re a White Supremist), until you lose you job and likely your family as well.

      All Planks in the AGENDA to destroy Western Hemisphere Culture & Capitalism and to eventually put in its place, a Global Kaliphate with the Elites on top and possibly only 1 Billion of brain dead slaves. The perfct control mechanism; ISLAM where the only way out is in a Pine box with your Severed Head firmly held by your cold dead hands….

      If you don’t see this, you’re walking about with eyes wide shut. Just look at Trudeau and his past 4 years ……… All the evidence one needs. He is all in….as is Alexandre, His brother, the Iranian video Propaganda director….and every progressive politician on the planet.

  3. I see the Extintion Revolution was unable to shut down Heathrow Airport in London Too bad Useful idiots why don’t you all just Go Home and watch your stupid AVATAR DVD until your brains melt

  4. “Does anyone REALLY want to do anything about reducing global emissions? Because it sure doesn’t look like it.”

    Of course it doesn’t. Because nobody in a position to do anything about it actually cares about global warming, a fairy story concocted by disinformation agents of the Chinese communists and their collabrators in the Deep States of the west.

    They just want westerners to go without so China can more easily build up the wherewithal to defeat the west in war and destroy Christian civilization.

    If they really wanted carbon emissions reduced, it could be done in a single night—use the west’s atomic arsenal to bomb China back into the pre-industrial age. Better them than us.

    1. CO2 is not now nor ever has been a problem. the problem are the stupid idiots who think they can fix anything in relation to the climate. we can keep our water clean, we can keep the air clean, bearing in mind CO2 is not dirtying the air, we can stop physical pollution. but come on, carbon based organisms living on a carbon based planet trying to eliminate carbon, how do you spell suicide? I am sure the word stupid also comes into play.

  5. It’s easy to call enviro-cultists stupid, which they very much are.
    The problem isn’t that they are stupid, the problem is their dangerous screeching ideology has the attention of the decision makers in our society, and as a result, their hare-brained ideas are causing REAL HARM to a great many people (as opposed to the fake “harm” that they claim will happen, though they keep having to move the goalposts).
    Stupid though they are, their stupidity is irrelevant. Their relevant characteristic is they are DANGEROUS IDEOLOGUES and they need to be treated as such. They are every bit as dangerous as radical fundamentalist islam.

    1. Agreed, the greens are more dangerous to western civilzation, prosperity, and even environmental stewardship than Islam and communism. Decades ago the old left saw the green hysteria merchants as their new and more effective means to their ends as the old Marxist Class struggle pimps were embarrassed with the quarter billion corpses of the last century and still the collapse of the Berlin Wall.

      The greens are not stupid. They are run by brilliant people who are essentially text book villains. The people lacking in intelligence, curiosity, and critical thinking are large numbers of their followers including the media and education establishment.

    2. Short list…in order of threat:
      – Off the wall neoMarxist media
      – Taxpayer funded Fake Science
      – NeoMarxist Academia (I.e. all but 3 of the country’s Colleges and Universities)
      – Islamic Terror (perpetuated by Islamic silence that feels like a lot like acquiescence)
      – Border security
      – Crony Capitalists

      I’m pretty much happy with everything else. But these 5 threats have put me on a personal DEFCON 3 alert level.

  6. Was intrigued by the scientist in the linked story who was distressed that observed data didn’t match his disaster model, then was deeply relieved when the “corrected” observation data suddenly was completely in line with his model. I recall from somewhere a line about “torturing the data until it confesses” that seems a propos here.

    1. “The Intergovernmental Panel on Astronomy, Fifth Assessment Report, published in 1610 , showed that leading astrological models and epicycles seemed to predict an earth centered solar system despite observations by Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo,” Hausfather said. “That was a problem… The fact that these corrected records now do agree with astrological models and epicycles is encouraging in that is removes an area of big uncertainty that we previously had,” he said.’


  7. I don’t know what the problem is. Last year we were told we have 12 years left. In the early 1990s Hansen told us we only had 10 years left. I figure by 2030 we should have at least 14 years left!

    1. Hello from Denver. A couple of degrees warmer doesn’t concern me. We’re not Phoenix.

  8. I am waiting for the narrative to change to something like “now it’s too late and we are definitely doomed so we must start culling the herd, globalists and children only.” I mean, eliminate all witnesses.

  9. Newly published studies show that (your location here) is warming twice as fast as the rest of the World.

  10. I just checked the temperature at Eureka Station, NU. Tonight, a balmy -26° C.
    Yesterday’s low was -38.2°. high was -29.9°.
    Average high for this day is -20.7°, average low is -29.1. (1948-2015)

    That tells me that temps. on top of the world at Eureka are well within seasonal averages.

  11. Man produces 5.5% of all worldwide Co2 emissions.
    Nature provides the rest, 94.5%.
    Here in Canada, we produce 1.7% of that 5.5%.
    The U.S., China and India combined produce 55% of that 5.5%.
    Canadian politicians want us to pay a carbon tax to fix the weather.
    Completely shutting down Canada, eliminating all our emissions is pointless,
    as China adds another Canada to their emissions every 6 months.
