From One Closet to Another

Leftists should be ashamed of themselves but because they now view this woman as “evil”, it never enters their minds.

In another #WalkAway video, the gentleman provides some very interesting insight into the human psyche. One of the key things he talks about is that if you express a viewpoint that the listener has considered, but is currently frightened to examine too closely, then that will make them very uncomfortable and anxious. Many on the Left, it seems, tend to react to their uncomfortability at new ideas by lashing out. When part of a mob, be it on a university campus or on Twitter, they collectively try to destroy anyone who dares disturb the Leftist narrative.

18 Replies to “From One Closet to Another”

  1. She sure sums up the ethos of our “progressive comrades”.
    Personal insecurity seems to be the foundation of very hideous behaviour.
    Funny how the dreaded conservatives/”ult right” are unmoved by her sexuality, yet the “progressive” community insists on “right think” or else.
    So liberal of them eh?

  2. Here’s the new means test to determine if whats being debated is ideology or orthodoxy.
    When someone modifies their beliefs or behavior it rarely causes a stir. Occasionally, but as a rule folks get on with their lives….live and let live.

    But modify your adherence to an orthodoxy (ie: AGW, #metoo, pro-choice, gender based on belief) and the modern day equivalent of the Spanish Inquisition comes for your head.

  3. I wonder how she would feel in Canada where 95% of all people would despise you and excommunicate you because of your conservative views.

    1. That number, 95%, seems a bit high. I’ll buy in at 65% based on election results, federally and provincially. Your point is a good one though.

    2. @LosDeplorable: ” 95% of ALL people would despise you….”??????????
      Maybe 20%. The conservative base in Canada is more than 5% I agree with rob83.
      Except that 95% is not a ‘bit’ high, it’s way too high.
      But I nit pick.

  4. Yep! the Marxists are finding consequences to their Stupid agenda’s…..A chain is only as strong as the weakest link…The Collective suffers that problem until a Stalin or Hitler steps forward… Who is George Soros?

    The Latest scheme in San Francisco to allow Illegal Aliens to vote in Municipal Elections is simple to prevent… Do not allow State & Municipal Elections to be funded by the federal system or held on the same day or share the same Ballot… The Honor system only works with US Citizens or VETTED legal immigrants… The word Undocumented is alien to all legal definitions….

    1. Ha ha. You think it works with US citizens?

      The native-born scum of US inner cities never have time to find work. They always have time to vote 15 or 20 times for Democrats, for which they are immediately rewarded with money or drugs, courtesy of the DNC. Hillary’s campaign cost a billion for a reason.

      1. Yes! but they are Americans… and we have “always” had tools that you would not understand that nullifies the impact…Hillary LOST with Brennan personally running a FBI sting in and around the WH …..Only 1 Honest Intel Director (Rogers)…………….Who would have guessed that Americans would spot the gangsters.. A basket of Deplorables indeed…. IMHO the CIA & FBI are back on track although the usual 20K plus policy experts are in the dark….We don’t need them to tell us HOW not to get results.. They never Knew squat anyway!

  5. They couldn’t do recounts in Michigan because the number of votes was significantly higher than the number of voters. The Democrats stuffed the ballot boxes, just not enough. Next time?

    1. Well that recount may be problematic at the rate that Trump is making appointments to the judiciary.
      Then again the Democrats could put the brakes on those appointments by filibus …… oh wait.

  6. I know more gay people that are afraid to come out as conservative….than they ever were to come out period

  7. Sorry sweetie, but here’s a HINT for you … Gay marriage was never about … “love”. That was just a slogan. Gay marriage was/is about “in your face” HATE to the conservative Christians, a middle finger constructed of our own sacrament. For you to truly emerge from your closet, you must first embrace the TRUTH. Including the truth you are learning just now, that the left is now, and always has been, driven by HATE and VIOLENCE. You sound like a sweet, if not confused, woman with all the nonsense about “living a lie” with your marriage, children and whatnot. I just wonder what it will be like for you to wake up 10-15 years from now, when your looks are gone and you’ve run out of new “lies” to stop living. You sound confused in more ways than just your #walkaway discomfort. I welcome you into our big tent, but be forewarned, we conservatives usually confront the world in terms of reality … not fantasy.

    1. Well Kenji, I certainly agree with your take on gay activists and their insistence on using the word MARRIAGE. I honestly don’t think the ‘average gay’ was really that concerned what label people affixed to their legal coupling, the revenge-seeking activists pushed this point specifically to insult and bully conservative Christians.

      Can’t say I agree will all your comments about her though, seems to be a lot of assumptions there. Maybe you could give her due credit for showing the character needed in stepping out of this particular closet. Her leftist circle will probably eat her alive….. something she said she fully realized before taking the plunge. I wish her luck.

      1. Fair-enough, yes many assumptions … however … I guess I am somewhat personally sensitive about women who have … “found themselves” … which has included their malicious and selfish destruction of a family. They cared little for the collateral damage left in the wake of their “brave” new discovery of … “themselves”. Of course, her husband may have been a rotten POS or who knows what. But I have witnessed this pattern of … selfishness … in far too many women doing similar things. But hey! I said she sounded sweet … and she’s cultivated a very nice look with the short bleach-white hair and big doe eyes.

        I too, wish her luck keeping any leftist friends … since they’re all intolerant HATERS.

  8. If this lady loses “friends” because of this video, then they never were friends.
