56 Replies to “Senator McCain’s Regrets”

  1. The fascination on WHAT a dying man thinks is insane…. Let McCain have some drug induced thoughts keep private…

    He has always played to the HAIR BALLS

  2. Senator McCain is a hero, and should be honored for that.

    As for what he might or might not have said in his old age, in pain, and under medication, he should be protected.

    1. You are a compassionate person Mack. I commend you for that. On the other hand, perhaps he is just a bitter old man who is so self centered that he, like Hillary, must justify and defend his life’s choices which ultimately point to failure.

      Sadly, I voted for him during his presidential run but with very little enthusiasm and now I regret it. Maybe I’ll go public with my remorse. Write a book even……..

      1. Agreed. I regret my vote for McCain far more than he regrets selecting Palin.

    2. McCain is a traitor for a whole host of publically available information on him on line in what he has done. He profited from his civil carreer like so many others. McStain hopefully will see burning justice in his after life.

    3. thee old prick should die already. The sum bitch has been on DNC and SoreA$$ payroll for a while now. From before his cancer discovery. The MF was/is an obungles shill. Just glock the old CS, and be done with him!!!!

  3. Correct me if I have the facts wrong but it seem McCain was a foul up in the navy and ignored a warning buzzer of a missile lock on before he was shot down. Only because his father was an admiral was he not kicked off being a pilot. I don’t believe he was a hero just for surviving the North Vietnamese prison and the only interest he seemed to generate on his attempt to become president was Sarah Palin’s.

    1. I raise not to defend John McCain, but rather to note the bubble gum and baling wire approach our military used to SAM missile warning. We had so many devices in the danged cockpit that the pilots were overloaded with flashing lights and noise.

      Getting hit by a SAM may have been one of the most forgivable of McCain’s many faults.

      As for McCain’s conduct in the Hanoi Hilton, am I not sure. Note two Air Force pilots were awarded the Congressional Medal Honor for their conduct while as Prisoners of War.

      USAF 1969 – 1989

    2. NO, that is bull$hit. I don’t like McBrain, but that has been debunked by others who were on the ship when it happened, and McBrain was not part of it.

  4. A hero is not someone who gets shot down seeking glory for himself. A hero is someone who brings his airplane home every night after having inflicted as much damage on the enemy as possible. What ever you want to call the man whose name I will not mention, hero isn’t one of them.

    1. Real heroes are men that fight off the enemy down to their last round, then fight hand to hand combat eventually driving the discouraged enemy off with rocks.
      The chopper pilot that swoops down with more holes in his chopper than a Coke-Cola crate, picks up everybody, including the dead and wounded and fly’s them to safety.
      Then they get up 3 days later and go back again, with only 8 more months to go.
      They don’t talk about it back home because no one wants to remember.

      Have ‘Whats his name’ explain it to me again.

    2. Of course that’s what a REAL hero is. And heroes don’t broadcast the enemies propaganda over the radio and television waves. No. They would rather DIE with dignity … defending their country until their last breath is taken. THAT’S a REAL Hero!

  5. If McCain is a hero because of surviving Vietnam – he has spent a really long time writing his own tragedy. Sad, really.

  6. And we are going to see a lot more stupidity from McCain before that worm finishes chewing its way through his brain. McCain shouldn’t have tolerated the sexism toward Palin. He bought into it. He should have had some balls like Trump.

  7. McCaine was an opportunist and a phoney. He was a failure as a war pilot and he cooperated with the viet kong. He was so stupid that when he was offered a release from POW early on he refused it. Why?

    Further, he was fake conservative. I think he spend his entire career wishing he had started out as a democrat. That is where his true politics reside.

    He, like the disgusting, fat Hillary, must find someone to blame for his failures. Sarah Palin was a good choice, It was he who was the poor candidate.

    He is a bitter old man who will not be missed. He was a trouble maker.

  8. I voted for Palin. Her speeches and her drive vaulted his campaign into the lead. His idiotic “Campaign Suspension,” muzzling of Palin, and refusal to attack his Democrat opponent lost the race. McCain has only his himself, his turncoat “professional campaign staffers” (especially Nicole Wallace & Steve Schmidt) and his blundering timorous campaign tactics for his defeat in 2008.

    If Senator McCain’s family and friends actually cared for and respected that bitter old man, they would convince him to curb his tongue. His back-stabbing attacks on decent people that were supposedly friends and supporters diminish his shrunken soul.

    1. Exactly. When he played soft ball politics with Obama and “suspended” his campaign due to the housing/credit crunch, he essentially conceded the election. At that point in his career, term limits should have existed and sent him on.

    2. McCain’s campaign was never ‘in the lead’. He and probably any GOP nom was doomed from the get go doubly so when Obama became the nominee. The Bush legacy was radioactive. Expect the same to come from the Trump legacy.

        1. That’s not very meaningful. There’s always the post-convention bounce. When you break it down objectively, like Nate Silver (PBUH) did and does, it’s clear he never had a chance.

          1. Neither does Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton has a 93% chance of winning the Presidency. She is even ahead in Georgia and Texas!!!!!!!!

            No one knows what would have happened if John McCain actually fought as hard to defeat Presidential Candidate Barack Obama, as he fought the Republicans in the 2008 primary. Maybe if he and his campaign spent more time attacking the Democrats instead of Palin and his own supporters, he might have actually won. He lost the lead a few days later and his chances when he stupidly “suspended his campaign” and ran back to Washington to be ignored by everyone. He and his Incompetent campaign managers started blaming EVERYONE ELSE. By November Nichole Wallace and Steve Schmidt were stabbing Sarah Palin in the back, and blaming her for John McCain’s failings. And the blame shifting rat bastard let them do it.

          2. “Hillary Clinton has a 93% chance of winning the Presidency. She is even ahead in Georgia and Texas!!!!!!!!”

            Nate Silver is actually the one who gave Trump a serious chance. He objectively analyzed the data, took a lot of heat over it from his co-partisans, and was vindicated. Your idiotic blather only confirms that you never read Nate Silver.

            No doubt McCain’s campaign was terrible, but he still had no chance. Bush poisoned that well and Obama was perhaps the most electable candidate since at least Reagan. The credit crisis finished him and McCain would have been damned if he paused campaigning and damned if he didn’t.

          3. I agree with your 2:30 comment.

            Then Senator Barack Obama was smart enough to NOT suspend his campaign and run back to Washington like Senator McCain. He sensed the mood of the country, and knew we blamed Washington and the Establishment policies that caused the Housing Crisis, the Banking Crisis, and the deep Recession of September 2008-November 2016.

            The sharp contrast in their behaviors cemented the win for President Obama. He led the contest from then on all the way to victory.

      1. McCain never really wanted to win the presidency in the first place if you ask me. He was so butthurt that Bush beat him in the 2000 primaries by (in his opinion) resorting to some ‘dirty tricks’ (rumours of some highly leading polling questions before the South Carolina primary, IIRC), and denying him ‘his turn’ (which he felt that 2000 was), that all he really wanted to do was run an ‘honorable’ campaign. Even though he knew good & damn well he’d lose in doing so, especially to a young, photogenic, charmer like Obama.

        Palin was the only reason he got as close as he did, and even that meant “not very.” Without her he’d probably have done well to win 10 states.

  9. I had respect for McCain at one time, although I did think during his run for the presidency that he was a blue conservative, but Sarah Palin would add some conservatism to the ticket.

    It is sad that he some time ago decided to side with the Globalists.

    1. That’s EXACTLY why he picked Palin! Palin was pulling a “populist” Donald Trump act in Alaska. She was a rising star … until she was ambushed by the diseased squirrel, Katie Couric. Palin wasn’t prepared for the nasty HATE machine of the Democrap machine that trashed her family … they even moved in next door to her and spyed on her family 24/7.

      McCain would have LOST by an even larger margin had he chosen an equivalent “moderate Democrat” as VP. Republicans would have stayed away from the polls is huge numbers.

      1. “until she was ambushed by the diseased squirrel, Katie Couric.”

        “Ambushed” here being conservaderp-ese for ‘gently ripped apart during a standard interview’. Which would not have happened if Palin wasn’t dumb. Indeed she was the Alaskan Trump in some ways: appealed to stupid people.

  10. The man has brain cancer. His mind may be going away . . . who knows if these thoughts are him or the disease.
    He served his country, fought for his country, was nearly blown up, shot down and tortured for his country.
    That moves my hero meter, even if he is a RINO.

    George McGovern was one of the worst presidential candidates ever. He flew bomber missions in WWII – Hero.
    Bob Dole another disappointing Republican – Hero.

    Sarah Palin probably regrets being picked too.

  11. McCain was born into the swamp and has had its cozy protection his entire life.

    I don’t believe the narrative that has been built around his capture.

    He always denied cooperating with the enemy until recordings surfaced that blew that lie to smithereens.

    Nothing he has done has been based on a higher moral principle.

    The man is not dead and is taking his shots at those around him out of malice. Same JOHN McCain as always.

    So no need to not speak I’ll of him. He’s still politically active.

    Not a hero. A man who was more than willing to lie about himself to further a hidden political agenda designed to undermine the constitutional republic that is America.

    Always was a scumbag and will be after death. Very likely a seditionist traitor as well.

  12. If Palin was the candidate with someone else (but, no Dem Joe), there may have been a different result in 08.

    Pity McCain, dying as a left wing hero, sent off by the fifth column collective news networks with an upcoming statist funeral.

    He spent his professional life crashing and burning, not just in metaphor. That’s his legacy, bad moves, betraying his constituents?

  13. McCain deserves the right to … Die with Dignity. Sadly, McCain refuses to be dignified … in any way, shape, or form. It is apparent that McCain just seethes with anger. That he is a very bitter, nasty, frustrated old man. McCain just HATES all us deplorables who voted for Trump … who voted FOR America.

  14. Palin’s a dumb dumb who never should have been elected to anything, and she still wasn’t the worst part of McCain’s campaign by a long margin. Still, the mindless support she received from conservatives marked another milestone in the stupiding of the US political right.

    1. Intellectually, she still rates higher than people with diseased, contrarian minds. So there’s that.

      1. She really doesn’t. She’s appealing to dumb people because, being good looking and energetic, she makes being dumb look good.

        1. I suppose you hate her dowdy clothes and hick accent, don’t you?

          She looks just like, and talks like the people I work with, and worship with. We recognized a person that is one of us. The Palin-hate by the Elites mirrors their hatred of us.

          1. “She looks just like, and talks like the people I work with, and worship with. We recognized a person that is one of us. ”

            Yes, just like I said: she validates the stupidity of the common peon. The common peon, being insecure, yearns for someone like Palin to ‘champion’ them and assure them that their lack of ambition and intellect is not only okay, but virtuous. Then they get fussy and move on to the next peon leader ie Trump.

          2. “Yes, just like I said: she validates the stupidity of the common peon. The common peon, being insecure, yearns for someone like Palin to ‘champion’ them and assure them that their lack of ambition and intellect is not only okay, but virtuous. Then they get fussy and move on to the next peon leader ie Trump.”

            Thank you for vividly demonstrating your contempt for us.

    2. Palin has a rather hi IQ, and a photographic memory, and you are a dumb fvcking a$$hole

  15. Sognbird used up his hero status as part of the Keating 5. Since then, he has been nothing but a corrupt, lying, treasonous piece of shiite. Especially contemptible was his trip to Vietnam where he groveled before his alleged “captors” without doing anything to get them to account for the many allied soldiers who were captured by the Communists and never repatriated.

    May you soon join your buddy Teddy “Swim, bitch!” Kennedy in a warmer climate, Songbird McShame.

  16. We do not say his name does not deserve to die with dignity. Not after wet-starting on an aircraft carrier leading to explosions and fire that killed 156 American sailors. He should have been court martialed and executed for that in the US.

    As it stands this coward is only faking his death so he does not stand trial for treason for all his efforts in the secret coup d’etat against Trump and for aiding and abetting the enemy ie ISIS.

    1. he didn’t “wet start” fvck all, get your facts right or don’t fvcking post

  17. The sort of vitriol spewed in this comment section diminishes the writers much more than they presume to diminish the senator’s reputation. You make yourselves look ignorant, and cruel. The Romans had a saying ” De mortuis nisi bonum. ” It also applies to those that are dying.

    1. Speaking the truth hurts. Lie if you want, but I will not do so over this vile and evil man. He had MANY chances to redeem his corruption and treason, and refused every time. Never forget his photo session with the ISIS terrorists.

    2. The fact McCain is dying doesn’t change his reputation. You obviously don’t get that and diminish yourself in the process, and come across as the tin eared ignorant one unable to understand a point of view.

      I guess that says more about you than others eh?

  18. Ok. I’m tired of this meme.

    John McCain has brain cancer. He’s in the late stages of it and will die soon.

    He regrets not picking a close friend – someone closer to him ideologically – as a running mate.

    Please stop making that out more to be than it is. Stop making your this about your petty politics. The only reason I votes for him was Palin, but that wasn’t enough. He lost with her, he would have lost with Lieberman too.

    He’s dieing. He has a regret.

    It’s not about you.

    Live with it.

    And shut the fuck up.

    1. We are all entitled to an opinion. You are emotionally immature by cursing and stifling debate. You must be a leftist

  19. I have a Palin bear in the house (campaign stop tokens).
    McCain was the weaker of the two. A horrible candidate selected for us by the Soros coordinated media.
    Same with Romney and Ryan.
    Same idea with Trump but much different results. It is my opinion that any of the 2017 GOP primary candidates would have gone on to the White House.
    McCain is a veteran not a hero, a conservative Democrat not a liberal Republican.
    His are not the actions of a great man and I think defending him is meritless.
