Lindsay Shepherd Has Escaped The Leftist Matrix

What is the Left all about?

  1. They’re pro-censorship
  2. They are victimhood culture
  3. They are all about moral righteousness
  4. They are taught that claiming to be offended results in a moral victory
  5. They don’t believe in personal responsibility
  6. They are completely intolerant of diversity of thought
  7. They are humourless people
  8. They want to make society boring
  9. They want to make it that no one can make a joke
  10. If you are not on their side 100% they will slander you mercilessly

24 Replies to “Lindsay Shepherd Has Escaped The Leftist Matrix”

  1. 11 – 15. They are massive hypocrites on virtually every ideology they push.

    16 – 20. They are racists and hatemongers.

      1. 23. They are ugly and unattractive. None ever had a sexual fantasy that involved SJWs.

  2. meh, cry two tears in a bucket, f— it. Lindsay Shepherd was on side for her entire life, up until she wasn’t. She doesn’t like the apostate treatment she has been getting, she doesn’t like that she thought she had all these allies, but it turns out they never were. My opinion is, no one ever really leaves the cult. A good percentage of apostates eventually repent. Once you have been brainwashed, like a concussion, it makes the next one just a little easier.

    1. You maybe right that she will recant and return to the fold. To some degree Lindsay Shepherd discovered what the old Bolsheviks discovered in the show trials in the 1930s. Past allegiance and labour helps nothing when the narrative changes. The left eats its own at the drop of a hat.

      Mind you, the right squabbles, but does not try to destroy. Well, with exceptions, some on the right want to destroy Trump.

    2. “Lindsay Shepherd was on side for her entire life, up until she wasn’t.” But that is true of everyone who changes their views. You change as new information becomes available. Also she is doing well to see the light at such a young age. Lots of young people start out on the left. Geeze, I think I voted for Bob Rae in my younger incarnation.

    3. Damn, you must be lonely. Can’t think of many people who would pass the multitude of your purity tests.

    4. Something something ox being gored something something.

      She still uncritically accepts all the BS talking points of the left. She’ll end up at some other university that’s just as ****ed up as WLU, but slightly more circumspect. And when the same thing happens to some grad student or junior lecturer that’s not her, she won’t make a peep for fear of losing her cushy position.

      1. Getting that cushy position is what academe’s about nowadays, though it’s passed off as being the “pursuit of truth and knowledge”. After what I saw in the university system while I was a grad student, I’m convinced that much of the current nonsense would disappear if the tenure system was abolished.

  3. #3. No, they are all about virtue signalling, not moral righteousness.
    Post-modernism (identity group politics) for the left-overs has replaced moral reasoning, which is why neither facts, nor logic are used.

    They simply decide which group is the oppressor and which the oppressed.
    This ideological possession has even slipped into some Supreme(being) court decisions.

    5. They reject the principle of free will, replacing it with determinism, which is how they come to believe no one is responsible for bad decisions or even poor or mediocre performance.

    6. Intolerant of thought… Actually Prof. Jordan Peterson sums it up best with his comment about P.M. Justin Trudeau: “He doesn’t put any thought into his thoughts.”

    7. Yes, they are humourless, but in compensation provide the rest of us with a source of endless satire 🙂

    9. Actually, what they want is politically incorrect humour to result in being sent to a Maoist re-education camp for shaming/beating and with enough killed to effect state terror. The Soviet version Marxist-Leninist/Stalinist of being declared “insane” or banished and sent to the gulag.
    Social Media’s banishment threat, the Goolag, is part of that traditional punishment for politically incorrect thought/humour.

    The conviction of Count Dankula for the Pug dog trick is pure Soviet style justice over riding Common-Law.

    10. Slandering mercilessly for politically incorrect thought/words is Maoist re-education. The gender/minority group sensitivity seminars to correct “unconscious bias” is pure Maoism.

    Lindsay Shepherd is proof that much of current university content/policies have been so diluted that intelligent students are starting to rebel. Once enrollment/ tuition /donations drop enough. Universities
    will have to jettison Cult. Marxist courses in order to survive.

  4. My apologies, everyone. SDA’s new platform requires posting videos in a slightly different way than before. I figured things out, so you can now see the video.

  5. There are many great conservatives that were leftist earlier on. Depends a lot on what you’re fed. To break free so early in life is commendable.

    She’s not sure how to define where she is philosophically or politically. The spectrum is not a one dimensional line with left and right. It’s a multidimensional landscape with a sh**house – she’s managed to leave the sh**house.
    (Oh, she’s also too good looking to be a leftist)

  6. She says “I still believe in climate change”.

    Who doesn’t?!?!

    Only a flat-earther could believe that the climate doesn’t change.

  7. When I started voting I didn’t tell anyone who I voted for. It was the old adage to never discuss politics and religion. It served me well.
    She should do the same, I saw this interview and she seemed way too overburdened and pressured.

  8. She’s been jolted into realization of what the left is really like. The truth was always there but she simply hadn’t encountered it before.

    So she still believes in dangerous, anthropogenic climate change. Well it would seem she still hasn’t heard the truth about that one either. Give her time, I suspect that with her eyes opened, she will be paying attention to conservative viewpoints, and eventually she’ll learn it’s a scam.

  9. I hope you all realize what will happen if that leftist group wins, and at the moment it appears because of the apathy of the general population they are winning the war. Make no mistake, it is a war.

  10. But can leftist snowflakes ever withstand the rigours of protracted field campaigning, daily route marches in 2 degrees C and pissing rain, digging “improved positions” with a field trowel in -10 degrees C? Running till the diarrhea comes, and then keeping on going, because enemy guerillas are after you? I have. Many years ago. The rigours of combat in a modern war are inherently conservative in nature, and the leftist mindset today is incapable of putting up the kind of resistance to physical terror and torment that is necessary to win any modern war. The Bolshevik leftists had the luxury of being able to call on the services of millions and millions of pissed off, battle-hardened Tsarist army WW1 veterans to carry their revolution against the combined military forces of the White Russians, and their Western military allies (who intervened in the Russian Civil War). No, all that is needed is simply so tell these leftists to piss off. And when someone calls me racist, I laugh at them and say “I wish, my life would be so much better if I were…”. Completely screws up their narrative, they just haven’t a clue how to respond to that…

  11. Lindsey Shepherd is one courageous young woman.
    She is also product of university ideology, whatever that may be, though the prevailing ideology at universities, bar none, is socialist totalitarianism.

    Shepherd said in the video that she believes certain things.

    Climate change is not a matter of belief, it’s a mater of actual fact. It always has been, is and always will be.
    AWG is a mater of believe and make believe.

  12. Lindsay: the left seeks to “remove the nuance to control the narrative.”

    There it is. I call it ignoring context. For instance, following the news the federal government has passed $1trillion in debt we have to service, we get articles saying: no Harper got us there first.

    No nuance or context, to recognize Harper took a $50b deficit brought on by the collapse in government oil revenues, but omit:

    – Harper took us to a balanced budget while this bunch ratcheted up the deficit with no war or recession.
    – Harper took us back below that awful number, and changed the direction away from ballooning deficits while Dustin set us back.

    No nuance, no need for facts in context, no facts actually, just appeals to emotion, ignorant arrogance and virtueless signaling.

    Lindsay says the left is at war with contrary ideas.

    For that reason I am at war with their ideology and question it at its basic premises.

    Forget about debating these people. That’s what Lindsay found out. Forget about finding common ground, there is none.

    Defeat them, don’t bother to argue your case. Save that for people who aren’t utterly co-opted by the paradoxes of Marxism.

    Alinsky them, but from the right, from contextual fact. Isolate their dumb ideas, contextualize them into the failure of human nature they are, ridicule them, they are tragically comic, and re-position progressivism and the anti-ideology that it is, and it’s attempts to reaffirm top down rule by finding fault with society that only their intervention can save us from.

    After all, without the political hobgoblins, who needs they clowns to fix anything. Even if there were, we should never accept these are the best minds to deal with the problems, where their power is the apex they seek. Once achieved, reform becomes much less important compared to preserving the neo status quo.

    They think you’re the enemy? Good, it’s go time.
