25 Replies to “I Amuse Myself”

  1. It’s hard to fathom how some people even survived long enough to learn to read. Like Cassandra complex.

  2. H.L. Mencken: Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.

  3. That woman’s Twitter feed is very disturbing to read. And she should not be allowed to own any animals.

  4. After reading those “twits” I forsee this coming city fad.
    The Jeffery Dhalmer Diet.
    Women and children hardest hit.
    The irony of history, every time a group of intelligent people have forseen the coming collapse and prepared for it.
    By withdrawing from the cities and stocking up on food and essential materials.
    The first people to be looted are these same groups.
    Usually by force of government.
    Maybe they should have bought better weapons.
    Or have been a lot more discreet about their plans.
    Why do I feel a special place in history awaits Allen Rock?
    A man who has blessed Canada with the most caches of stockpiled guns and ammo than any other time in our history.
    Just reflect on how much ammo the Looters stole from High River, one little town..and that was from the houses they knew to look in.

  5. Also, if newspapers can’t afford a 30% tax on pulp, then they don’t deserve to be in business either.

  6. “If your province can’t pay its way, and pay for workers social programs then maybe your provincial plan sucks, and you should shut down” …
    An entire province, on welfare. An entire province of welfare sucking surrender monkeys, sucking the lifeblood from the rest of the country.

  7. *
    this woman’s plan deserves greater scrutiny.
    perhaps shutting down tim horton’s and their slave labour jobs (and all waitressing
    and cash register type employment
    ) will suddenly set the canadian economy on
    fire… maybe the budget WILL balance itself.
    it’s worth a try, right justin?

  8. Simple solution … Tim Hortons can save $$ by serving SOY BURGERS … to offset the increased labor cost! The Vegans say that nobody will ever taste the difference. Think of the $$$ they’d save! Think of the cows they’d save from the slaughterhouse!
    How’s THAT for a Socialist business plan? Saving the planet from cow methane … saving cows from a grisly death … and paying a “living wage” for what should be a part-time teenagers first job.

  9. I can’t stop laughing ! She criticized someone on their business acumen while begging to for money to fund hers on go fund me . It is impossible to make something like this up. A real mystery why she can’t attract investors. Absolutely hilarious !

  10. *
    timr says… Go-Fund-Me which has raised $245 in 2 months”
    and, no doubt, $200 of that was sent in by unme from his
    christmas and birthday money.

  11. I hope Sophia learns to cook and sew before her appearance really starts to slide.

  12. Just another economically dysfunctional person trying to spread her economic dysfunction as normality whist not understanding that government has no money in and of itself.
    Little girl, either make money selling what sells and pay taxes on what you make or die not trying. It’s your choice.
    Death and taxes are the impenetrable wall, don’t make schtoopid the hill you choose to die on.

  13. Sweet Loretta Martin thought she was a woman
    But she was another man
    All the girls around her say she’s got it coming
    But she gets it while she can

  14. Its precursor is the great Jonathan Swift’s 1729 satirical take on attitudes towards poverty in Ireland:
    “A Modest Proposal For preventing the Children of Poor People From being a Burthen [burden] to Their Parents or Country, and For making them Beneficial to the Publick”

  15. Speaking of business-planning, you could probably do OK but not great offering vegetarian canteen fare in a large enough urban environment (tip: park your canteen near a university campus and don’t overcharge).
    However, I’d guess the demographics anywhere are far too tiny to sustain a strictly vegan canteen.

  16. Quick question that should have been answered a long time ago – How did the RCMLooters know which door tom kick down? The registry had been cancelled some time before the flooding started in High River.
    Still asking! And besides when it is the police doing the looting, who do you call??

  17. Ah you got it wrong. It is the hungry who should eat the poor, that way you solve both world hunger and world poverty problems at the same time.

  18. I smell soylent green…
    I like when the business model involves making things to eat that are not even grown there 6 months of the year. And those are the eat locals for ya.
    I’m going to make a meat, real cheese & gluten sandwich now.
    And anyone who makes non milk cheese is a jerk. THOSE COWS NEED JOBS!!! How many starving cows is this vegan fad going to lead to?
