More Pavilions At Folkfest


Police reports stated that the two men responsible for the assault were the mosque’s imam and amir. They were accused of dragging the victim to the rear of the mosque, where the machete deeply lacerated his right wrist. Medics transported the victim to a hospital close by.

Just kidding!

Police descended on the mosque in Philadelphia’s Overbrook section on Thursday and arrested Merv Mitchell, aka Mabul Shoatz. They also found a 2-foot-long machete. The other Muslim leader, the imam, who is 35, has not yet been apprehended.

h/t Kathy Shaidle

16 Replies to “More Pavilions At Folkfest”

  1. I live just outside of Philly in South Jersey. Worked there for 5 years in the early 90s and frequent the city several times a year for this or that – and my bother lives in the northwest section. I’ve seen a marked increase in the amount of African American women wearing the black burqua. Serious burquas mind you, with the eyes barely visible. Even on oppressively hot summer days. You want to talk about a War on Women? And the progz in town – which is to say is almost everybody – have absolutely no comment of course.

  2. I see that “Muslim leader” is the new Lefty code for “former crack dealer turned religion hustler”.
    Mooselimbs are not the enemy. The stupid Leftist son of a beeotch who came up with “Muslim leader” for some retard named Merv Mitchell with a forty page rap sheet, that’s the enemy.
    This is why Israel is still having trouble with Hamas. Not because they can’t defeat Hamas, but because those Lefties in the media have decided Israel needs to lose just so things can be fair. Or something. I don’t get it, myself. I think this new walk into Gaza is what they should have done twenty years ago.
    Just remember my friends, hippy punching is never wrong. Because = Hamas.

  3. Fortunately, they did not even manage to cut the guys hand off.
    “He sustained a severe laceration to his right wrist, …”

  4. Well this will probably get the book thrown at them. Judges that are otherwise lenient become strict disciplinarians when someone tries to do their job.
    A two-foot long machete and he didn’t sever the hand? Guess he’s never split firewood.

  5. People from the inner city face quite the choice. You can have the local gang-banger who will shoot you between the eyes for your I-pod or the same guy converted to Islam who will shoot you between the eyes because your infidel ways have offended the prophet.

  6. “Mooselimbs are not the enemy”
    Yeah, they’re BOTH, WeirdBeards and Commies, the enemy. False dichotomy there, the Phantom.
    Some of us can walk and chew gum at the same time. You should try it.

  7. yes Ooz, butt can you THINK!!! U and a few others in here would make great lefties. Phantom is rite, it ain’t the muzzelems, it’s the lefttards AND ppl like you who are the problem. We need not only deal with the extremists muzzy garbage, but also pimps, gangbangers, drug dealers, welfare cheats, and whole plethora of social rot, but ppl like you will give the lefties a pass every time you crank on about muzzies.

  8. How do you know these people in the black burquas are women, let alone African American, if they are totally covered up?

  9. I despise thieves, and have no sympathy for this scumbag whatsoever.
    The mistake everybody makes is becoming too enamored with the “scales of justice” symbol and thinking that the punishment ought to equal the crime.
    The punishment ought to be far more severe than the potential gain the crime affords. That’s the only way some people learn.

  10. Yeah, keep getting on a bus and moving away.One day there won’t BE any “away” any more.

  11. I knew it wasn’t Riyadh – the “medics” never would have taken him to the hospital any more than the fire fighters would rescue young girls from a burning building with thier heads uncovered.

  12. lefties have been a problem for a hundred years. muslims have been a problem for 1400 years. if anyone thinks muslims are not as dangerous as lefties I would like you to read the Koran. read with the understanding of abrogating verses.
