21 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Good for Don for feeling that way. He is all Canadian to me. The bright side for him is that he does not have to rub shoulders with many of whom are PC political hacks.
    I do not see him on Hockey Night in Canada as I refuse to watch CBC for any reason, even to see Don.

  2. I believe Don Cherry works for Rogers now, so in a couple of months Ken…

  3. Good for Don. The so called order of canuckistan is a farce. Sorta like the not nobel peeeace prize the one got.

  4. Margaret Atwood, who doesn’t support free speech rights for all journalists.
    David Suzuki, who wants people imprisoned for not agreeing with his entirely hypocritical views.
    Not a club I’d wish on anyone to belong to!

  5. I think the point also,is that is not Don Cherry
    Saw this on BC Blue twitter earlier

  6. Mark Twain never won a Nobel Prize, I always figure there are certain prizes where the higher honor is not receiving them.

  7. So exactly what credit is David Bloom of QMI taking? (I ask in the spirit of every media outlet claiming rights to every bit of video ever hosted on Youtube.)

  8. Don’s history is Canada’s history he IS Canada in much the same way Tom Connors was – what ISN’T Canadian is the politicized meritocracy a of the OOC committee. These gate-keeping partisan hacks don’t know the Canada that exists outside their conceited Ottawa-insider echo chamber.True merit cannot be determined inside such a detached self important, vacuum chamber.
    If anyone properly deserves the OOC it’s Grapes – a proud Canadian and one who truly represents a product of this nation and its culture. When ex CBC broadcasters can be appointed GG, surely Cherry can get an OOC. We all know Cherry’s OOC snub is political and class bigotry. If you are as pissed as I am about the OOC politicized snobbery rejecting this worthy Canadian here are the prigs responsible for the selection, they all have government emails (as all sinecured Laurentian aristocracy does) –
    As of January 2014, the members of the Advisory Council are:
    The Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin PC – Chief Justice of Canada (Chair)
    Dr. David Barnard – Chair, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada
    Dr. Graham Bell – President, Royal Society of Canada
    George T.H. Cooper CM QC
    Monique F. Leroux CM OQ
    H. Sanford Riley CM
    Joseph L. Rotman OC – Chair, Canada Council for the Arts
    Mary J. May Simon OC OQ
    Colleen Swords – Deputy Minister, Canadian Heritage
    W. Brett Wilson CM SOM
    Wayne Wouters, Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet
    Here is the GG’s web site page for nomination – summer project – flood it with requests for Grape’s induction to OOC.
    If Cherry is snubbed by this committee and other much less worthy candidates are not, it should be dissolved and its function go to a more populist solution. Resistance to martinet political correcness starts here with the ground level flipping the finger to the top of the PC pecking order.

  9. What could be more meaningless than an Order of Canada Decoration? A Nobel Peace Prize, perhaps?

  10. Wow! Ten comments, and so far Marina is the only one to catch the point of the blog post. Nonetheless, I would agree with most of the comments regarding how severely the OOC has been devalued in the last decade because of a stridently leftist, anti-Canadian selection panel.

  11. I don’t believe that’s Don. It was the first thing I noticed. It’s either an actor or he has recently had major reconstructive surgery.

  12. I think most of got that the photo is not of the real Don Cherry. This photo is just as phoney as is the objectivity of the council.

  13. Hmm. Now that Don is getting older, maybe it’s time for him to relax a bit. He can recruit Clark Robertson to rant in his place. Most people won’t know the difference.
    It’ll be like the Dread Pirate Roberts. By the time the real Don is gone, he’ll have been living for years like a king in Patagonia. Meanwhile, a chain of successors will carry on the name & the act. Virtual immortality. 🙂

  14. There’s really some guy who is -not- Don Cherry that makes a living out of walking around looking like Don Cherry?
    That’s pathetic.
    More pathetic is a newspaper that can’t find a freakin’ file picture of the real Don Cherry.
    Meanwhile the Real Don Cherry is probably pretty happy he’s not being subjected to the beclownification of an Order of Canada that he’d have to share with anti-Semites, sleazy ward heelers and other looters of the public purse.

  15. Open an abortion clinic and he’d be a hero. Work with athletes and kids and apparently you’re some shmuck.

  16. “The Right Honourable Beverley McLachlin PC – Chief Justice of Canada (Chair)”
    Why doesn’t she phone up Harper and discuss the matter?
    I am forever amazed that people want unbiased committees to make government decisions and the committees are almost always composed of communists. We elect governments to exercise judgement. Why don’t they just back up the communist committees and let the government do the job it was elected to do.

  17. The order of Canada is a rouges gallery of political cronies, communists & thieves. Cherry deserves better than to be framed with them. He’s a Canadian icon that speaks his mind, unlike those others with a plaque. He will be remembered long after the Order of Political cronies has disappeared from History. I don’t know any one who even cares about these Elitist awards for down & out politicians or Nepotist bums. This is not sour grapes so to speak, but its meaningless to most people.

  18. I believe he’s taking a page out of Groucho Marx’s playbook.
    “I wouldn’t want to belong to a club that would have me as a member”.
