35 Replies to “Red On Red”

  1. OK, a stock analyst who is not happy that certain stocks are going UP in value. Okeydokey.
    Love red on red infighting. Have no pity for that woman either, saw her insult Sarah Palin for no reason a while back on Fox. So I’m happy to see her squirm a bit.

  2. What an incredibly rude and ignorant man! I have no idea what the Schultz’s answer was because she never had a chance to say anything.
    It doesn’t matter whether you agree with Schultz or not, that display of “journalism” was inexcusable.
    Ratigan is even more ignorant than May or Layton in the last national electoral debates.

  3. ‘Red’ reminded me of a calendar sent by CPC to the supporters recently. Anyone else noticed a change of tie colour? I feel it’s screaming from the picture ‘romance is over’.

  4. I saw that link on NRO and watched it a little earlier.
    They deserve each other.
    The bill is a mess, but Mark Steyn sees the true significance (and has for months and months): official govt. involvement in everyone’s healthcare, even to a limited extent, is a game-changer. As has become the case in Canada, now liberals in the US will argue with conservatives about who can run the health system more effectively, not whether govt. should even be involved in the system in the first place.
    That’s a huge shift. It puts the US on the path to Europeanization.
    And as Steyn said this morning, the Democrats are now all strategy, while the Republicans are all tactics. Whether he’s right that the adoption of the health bill will prevent the coming of another Reagan remains to be seen.
    It’s hard not to be very pessimistic right now.

  5. Finally a commentator willing to show a politician the level of respect they deserve…

  6. Very interesting.
    They are actually on the same side here but neither of them can acknowledge the “elephant in the room” which is that employers who provide healthcare plans for their employees will switch to the government run healthcare plan in droves to save their companies money.
    This will drive the private insurance companies out of business and result in a government run single payer reality.
    Having to skirt the truth leads them to clash over the route they are taking to get to their common goal.
    It is nothing more than an act they are putting on here.
    The elected Democrat is being made to look bad to her clueless constituents while the unelected TV “jounalist” is just aping for the audience and lashing out at “Big Insurance”, which both of them are against in principle.
    This gives Obama and the Dems bad optics, which is good.
    A quibble: From the American political point of view this is “Blue on Blue”, but of course, they are both “Reds” as in communists.

  7. Ratigan is an ass, but he is not wrong: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Sector-Snap-Health-insurers-apf-1206587709.html?x=0&.v=2 The jump in these stocks may make no sense in the long run, though, as some provisions of this terrible bill may bankrupt the companies eventually. It gives the insurance industry new customers by fiat, but the rules about pre-existing conditions may cause people to pay the fine for no coverage and then just sign up when they get sick. Goodbye health insurance industry, and we would then have the socialized medicine the Democrats want.
    On a happier note, there may be some major political fallout: http://hotair.com/archives/2009/12/21/rasmussen-dorgan-trailing-in-nd-re-election-bid-by-22-points/

  8. I have no idea what the Schultz’s answer was because she never had a chance to say anything.
    She started rambling on about “the most significant change ever”, which is code for “I don’t have a single detail to give you, so let me crib off my Lord and Saviour Barack Obama’s list of weasel words that sound great and mean less than nothing”.

  9. Oz: Did I miss something? I don’t think this bill includes a govt. run plan (i.e. the “public option”).
    As I recall, removal of the public option was the main way that the Dems could ensure passage through the Senate.

  10. This just begs for a pun:
    They bought off a ‘pro-life’ Senator to jam it to the traditional Christian segment again…
    Evidently, they need the government to fund more abortafacient exercises because the “Hope ‘n Whoring” treaty was such an epic failure. Meanwhile the population inversion continues and the whole pyramidal taxation Ponzi scheme comes down around their ears.
    Of course the comedians actually need to feel useful so they keep coming up with schemes that don’t actually save you.
    Jesus Saves but New Jersey Devils Martin Brodeur gets the rebound!
    Oh and to Hell with that too…and BTW Merry Christmas!
    I think we need to add the following to the Lord’s prayer:
    And God spare us from the lunatics among us.
    Christmas Cheers
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  11. More crap journalism. The guy was a complete boor, jacka$$, if you ask a question, let them answer whether you agree or not.
    But I love it that they’re finally starting to eat their own young.

  12. mj, there is no bill for public perusal.
    Last night when the vote on cloture was passed along strict partisan lines the Republicans voted against it knowing that after the bill is finally passed, whatever it does or does not say, it can be easily amended by the Democrat majority in the House of Representatives later and the amendments will get no media coverage at all.
    Bottom line, passing cloture allows the Federal government to usurp an area of legislation that has been State turf since the beginning of the Republic and the American public not only do not get to see what is in the bill, they won’t get to vote on this major societal change impacting their lives.
    State’s rights have been trampled yet again.
    Whatever the final bill does contain, it will get amended to fit the Democrat agenda while they still hold a majority in the House and the Democrat agenda is single payer healthcare, which couldn’t be accomplished without the Federal government invading State jurisdiction on health insurance legislation.

  13. I was involved in politics at the State level when Wasserman started out as a Representative in the Florida Legislature. I can tell you two facts about her. First she is as profoundly liberal as you can get. Second, she is not a blond!

  14. No doubt a result of global warming and the melting of the Arctic ice pack. They have started eating their own cubs.

  15. Heh. Civil war amongst the American left. Where’s my beer and popcorn? This is gonna be fun to watch.

  16. Hahahahahahaha!!!!!
    we are allowed to laff ain’t we????
    dang those “toleRANT” lefties
    and as others noted, those lefties like to slowly move the goal posts, so to avoid answering the actual question

  17. You can’t tell what that woman answer was going to be. Really. You think she was gonna give some important information that would completely clear up this mess for you so that the fog would clear and all would be well with the world. RIGHT!
    Ratigan, whatever his politics, is as frustrated and fed up as many many folks with the kinda BS, pull the wool over your eyes, say nothing by talking a lot, treat me like I’m an imbecile crap that politicians hand out.
    I suspect more and more of this is going to happen as peoples frustration with the lying the cheating the plain bull#&it just sends em over the edge.
    And while I’m at it if we are in an economic downturn why are we letting government types have such a party with the stimulas money. What incentive is there to fix anything. If your making more money than ever with a huge expense accounts your gonna want the crisis to continue so the good time for government people continues.
    For every 1% reduction in GDP a 3% reduction in all government salaries should automatically activate.
    Then you will see and end to economic crisis.

  18. I’ve never seen anything like this before – not even in the uncontrolled lobby scrums that pass for interviews in Ottawa.
    What an absolute asshole!

  19. While not being a fan of either’s politics, that was a downright boorish display, akin to Lizard May’s ‘debating abilities’.
    It just says it all about MSNBC, they are in the bag, diehard leftards. All the hosts, save for the droll and boring Maddow, have the same ‘hair on fire/I’m ALWAYS right’ mentality, and, frankly, are lucky to have a job, on a network with declining ratings.
    These guys are hack jobs, and cannot be called journalists, hell, I can’t even watch NFL on NBC because of that squarehead ass Olbermann! My TV isn’t safe when his dumbass mug appears.
    Of course, Olby, and his other dolts rant about the Repubs and their other thorns (Beck/Limbaugh/Hannity/Fox) because there is nothing to be proud about Owebummers works, or their pets in Congress. It’s shallow and transparent. They know they are in trouble, so, they can’t go on about Dear Leader, because he hasn’t done anything!

  20. what can she say? my next interview will be with Fox?
    what can he say? my next interview will be with Michele Bachmann?
    they’re stuck with each other, one intrusive, one evasive. I’d give neither the coveted B+ …

  21. As Ive said before . Except for the MSM & certain organizations with ties to the approved communists of Obama’s Administration. The people of the USA & other Democracies,other Republics with its own unique populaces. Are now at war with their own government officials. Trying to ram an alien ideology down our throats that a child can plainly see enrich themselves even more with power. Than you have the Bureaucrats believing their divinely entitled separate class, while the masses must be treated like the Children they believe them to be. Us Meanwhile are unenlightened slobs who care only for beer & Popcorn.
    While they struggle with the great crisis of the Earth using your life & money.
    This new aristocratic gentry must be stomped down so it never grows again. Particularly with your money & lifespan.

  22. mj @2:03 – “…Mark Steyn sees the true significance (and has for months and months)…”
    Mark Steyn sees all! And he knows everyone! And he’s impossibly prolific and stupendously witty, in a variety of media! His merest observations, casually tossed off, are breathtakingly memorable and apropos! He’s a snappy dresser! And now apparently he sings in a semi-professional capacity!
    Frankly, it’s very annoying. There, I said it.
    marc in calgary @5:00 – sort of dantesque, isn’t it?

  23. Well I sacrificed 3.5 minutes of my short life for little return…..I feel I’m dummer than before.
    But I had some pleasure seeing a slimy pol get shut down for mouthing slogans rather than responding to a question.

  24. That my friends was a thing of beauty. A know-nothing liberal airhead comes on TV and gets her @SS handed to her Noo Yawk style. I loved it!
    Best part? Dylan Ratigan is a New York City liberal, card carrying Obama lover, never saw a liberal issue he wasn’t in love with, and he HATES this health care bill. Hates it! Because he knows in exquisite detail just how fascist it is, and how fat big insurance and big pharma are going to get off it by sucking billions of tax dollars direct from the US Mint through a 6 foot diameter pipeline.
    Meaning, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are so utterly f-ed next November, its going to be just amazing.
    Barry is going to have to declare war on somebody. My money is on China That way they can skate on all those Treasury bonds the Chicoms bought.

  25. I think the entire interview was staged – note the ‘faux outrage’ of the bad guy and the ‘faux politeness of the good gal. I have seen this gal before and she was pretty nasty, at that time..

  26. [quote]Meaning, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are so utterly f-ed next November, its going to be just amazing.[/quote]The Phantom
    A good post Phantom !…Ratigan must be from NJ because he knows the Health Plan has developed into a failed scheme. The Leftturds should have punted!
    The blowout is obvious…Each State will do only what works for them, or what bribes are up. The Socialists are mental midgets easy to control and redirect (threaten welfare entitlements)
    Insurance companies get the gift of 2009… by 2012 they will > double profits
    I wonder how much Obama will gross?

  27. Phillip, however much Barry gittin’ paid, he’s just an -employee-.
    I think we can assume its a mere bagatelle compared to the cha-CHING coming to the guys pulling his strings. They are manipulating -trillions- here, and mere billions are “falling off” the back of the truck every day. Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are going to look like pikers compared to these guys.
    And if there was ever a more obvious marionette than Barry “Yo Momma” O’bomba, his name is Pinocchio. Holy. Freaking. Frickolli.
