Just Don’t Call Them “Mosquitos”

The Ontario Human Rights Commission’s position on honour killings;

“There are thousands of things that happen in the province of Ontario on a daily basis and we don’t comment on all of them,” she said.
But, I spluttered, women are being murdered.
“As I said, we are a small commission.
“There are many problematic things that happen in our community and we have to make choices because we can’t respond to everything,” [Barabara] Hall said.
So honour killings are merely “problematic”?
Here’s a woman who’s advocated for years on behalf of women’s rights. She found time to crucify Steyn and Maclean’s, but she’s too busy to raise the issue of women who are being murdered over some hideous interpretation of “honour”?

Well, yes! They’re females being murdered by brown males. Hello??
When determining equality as it applies under human rights codes, “female” trumps “male”, but only when there isn’t “brown”. It’s works the same way as “sex” trumps “religion”, but only when there isn’t “muslim”.
You folks in media are kind of slow to catch on.

123 Replies to “Just Don’t Call Them “Mosquitos””

  1. Hey this is fun!
    Sort of like White can’t take from brown, but brown can take from red. Mexico wants the western US back, but the indian’s prior claim is irrelevant.
    Sure there is the claim that Mezo-Americans have indian blood, but it’s not North American indian blood.
    Democrat woman VP with no experience (Geraldine Ferraro) Good, Earth shatteringly good! Republican woman VP who is a popular governor of a significant US state who has negotiated an important to the nation pipeline deal with a foreign govt, killed the Bridge to Nowhere, and threw out a corrupt incumbent? Bad! All time unbelievably bad.

  2. Of course killing women isn’t hate like saying you want an equal opportunity to be hired is.
    Racist is as quota does.

  3. The leftist relativist mindset doesn’t see people as individuals but as members of a group. There are no individuals in a group only members who all share the same beliefs and behaviour.
    As a relativist, these beliefs and behaviour are valid to the group. To analyze and evaluate them is considered an ‘external’, objective and ‘imperialist’ action. So, whatever goes on in the group, is valid to the group. Period.
    Leftists/relativists reject any notions of common humanity, common ability to reason and think, and universal standards of human rights (hmm, thus rejecting their beloved UN).
    So, inequality of women, bigamy, child marriages, and so on, are not considered violations of human rights (even if they are in our Charter) because the inviolate principle of the leftist HRCs is that ‘whatever goes on in a group is valid to the group’ and no-one can evaluate or judge it. Period.

  4. It all makes sense ET, but only if you use fuzzy logic. At least so far as my right wing mind will it to.
    I wonder if leftists all require crackberrys to keep up to date on who is in, who is out and just a general who’s who in the zoo? I mean, they gotta right?
    Fur = BAD
    Renewable = GOOD
    BAD = GOOD

  5. This attitude is so typical of bureaucrats at all levels — it’s a cost/benefit analysis of profile versus effort. Going after “honour” murders would be difficult, potentially risky and likely unpopular amongst the HRCs’ core constituency so it’s ignored. Persecuting someone for hurting another’s feelings is easy, risk-free, high profile and popular with the core constituency. The result . . . !?

  6. I understand Hall’s position. We all have our priorities.
    And, with those priorities, comes a degree of fallout from choosing which priorities get addressed

  7. Barb Hall can’t even get elected in Toronto, so Daltoon McSquinty gives her , GIVES HER, more power than she ever imagined.
    She’s an assassin of freedom.
    She’s a murderer of rights.
    She’s a pig from Orwells’ Animal Farm, that broke out of the sty and into the farm house.
    She’s a fascist POS elitist from the Toronto blue blood ruling class without a clue of what she has wrought.
    Who BTW just had her kingdom enlarged by liberal fiat: we are her serfs.

  8. Tim in VT – I think your comment is interesting – and we could get OT pretty easily, but if I remember correctly, there were three separate waves of migration across the Aleutian ice bridge according to genetic analysis from across North and South America, and also correlating with the three main language groups (Na-dene, Eskaleut, and Amerind). (It’s been a long time since I read that stuff).
    Perhaps the Inuit have a better claim to land in South and North America, because of the hardship that they faced as a result of discrimination and slaughter from their southern counterparts, who wanted to keep them out of their territory.

  9. This woman is obviously in need of re-education as to just what should be a priority and what is not. Better yet she should be replaced with a Human Being.

  10. Chritina Blizzard is usually worth a good read, however, this is just another example of the MSM showing up a day late and a doller short as usual.
    and Barbara Hall is a left-wing looney (always has been)

  11. “When principles that run against your deepest convictions begin to win the day, then battle is your calling, and peace has become sin; you must, at the price of dearest peace, lay your convictions bare before friend and enemy, with all the fire of your faith.”
    – Abraham Kuyper, Dutch Theologian and Statesman

  12. I like the end of her article where she says
    “I think there is an important role for it to mediate in cases where people are refused accommodation based on the colour of their skin or where they didn’t get a job based on their age or gender.”
    Course as a white male christian I’m sure they care about me. If only to fine companies for hiring too many white males.
    How much money is wasted with racist CHRC audits?

  13. I’m glad such a honorable and self-important self-serving idiot is making sure we speak/think correctly.
    My god, uncontrolled free speach, why that just has to be bad, why someone may tell the truth about these life-sucking twits at the HRC.
    More importantly someone may have to make a concerted effort to stop these honor killings, why that would expose the victim industry for what it is, a forum for ideology that is directly opposite of Canadian values.
    I just have to see Elmo trying to justify killing in an open forum.

  14. I’m usually quick to defend against what I may consider to be unfair attacks on Muslims (for example), but this woman has lost all reason.
    People like her are more than just a nuisance – they are as dangerous as those who believe honour killings are acceptable. She’s not making our society better, she’s making it far worse. In the fight against radical Islamists (who are in actuality more of a problem for Muslims than for the rest of us), people like her fight fire with gasoline.
    She’s not doing Muslims any favour here. In fact, quite the opposite, she’s enabling those that would enslave many Muslims, subjecting them to abuses clearly unacceptable to our society, and to any reasonable compassionate person. That she cannot see this raises questions as to her sanity, and that of those who support her.
    She’s a danger to all of us. She should be fired as soon as possible.

  15. Barbara Hall is a Cultural Marxist.
    The goal of Cultural Marxism isn’t to obtain equality for women or the “oppressed”, it’s goal is the destruction of Western culture and society, because ONLY when it is destroyed, can it be supplanted. Once you get your mind around that reality, the entire picture becomes much clearer. Feminists, homosexuals, and visible minorities are nothing but useful idiots to Cultural Marxists and once they’ve served their purpose, of undermining the Judeo-Christian based culture and society of the West, they will be discarded, just like Bezmenov said they would.

  16. Ah yes, the great honour killing debate.
    Its easy to forget that honor killings take place across all communities, including white ones. We just have a different name for it – domestic abuse/violence. ‘Honor’ killings are somehow deemed different or worse because of presumable religious or ethnic content, neither of which are always present in cases later described as ‘honor’ killings. The motives are often the same as in any other case of domestic abuse – jealousy, greed, outright hatred.
    Its a tricky issue because of the way it is spun by the media, the ‘backward’ communities, and the well-meaning lot, not to mention the ” we will find everything that is wrong with you” folk on this site, but at its heart, it is pretty simple – it is nothing more than domestic abuse.
    Why is it different for a white man to beat up his wife to establish his domination, and for a brown man to do the same, albeit to his sister or daughter? I think its a bit of a stretch to say that domestic abuse is a cultural phenomenon – the women in one culture may take it more passively than the women of another culture, but if you really want to believe that it isn’t a universal phenomenon, enjoy life in your platonic cave.

  17. Barbara Hall is the perfect person for the lynch job.
    Sadly, the beaurocracy has recently been enhanced by McGuinty’s leftist regime, so not even Christina Blizzard or Lorrie Goldstein will be able to bring about the destruction of the Ontario HRC monster currently in force and on the loose and with a massive budget to boot.
    I give Christina three stars for at least broaching the HRC and Hall stupidity.

  18. Kate sums it up beautifully: “When determining equality as it applies under human rights codes, “female” trumps “male”, but only when there isn’t “brown”. It’s works the same way as “sex” trumps “religion”, but only when there isn’t “muslim”.”
    The whole point being the entire human rights racket is underpinned by PC codes and all conversations or cases or policies or edicts either within or emanating from an HRC must be viewed through the dual lens filters of identity politics and PC.

  19. Here’s an idea I’ve been toying with. Why not bring back duels. If these brave menfolk think so much of their family’s honour, let them put their own life on the line. Instead we have chicken shits murdering their wives, daughters and sisters. Sometimes those heinous dead white males got it right.

  20. Barbara Hall is a Cultural Marxist.
    The goal of Cultural Marxism isn’t to obtain equality for women or the “oppressed”, it’s goal is the destruction of Western culture and society, because ONLY when it is destroyed, can it be supplanted. Once you get your mind around that reality, the entire picture becomes much clearer. Feminists, homosexuals, and visible minorities are nothing but useful idiots to Cultural Marxists and once they’ve served their purpose, of undermining the Judeo-Christian based culture and society of the West, they will be discarded, just like Bezmenov said they would.
    It is only appropriate to the Cultrual Marxist to continue demonizing only that which is white. Therefor the white males shall be the only target of the Marxist. He is authoritarian, a wife beater, selfish, insencative and any other negatives that can be ladled against him. Cultural Marxist are the true breeders of hate to create division

  21. The difference between domestic abuse and honour killings is much greater than Much would have you belive. The big difference is that abuse is quite different from being killed. At the end of the day the abused is still alive, if we were simply to compare them as matters of degrees.
    The other major difference is that as a society and a culture we ABHOR domestic abuse. In a society that practices honour killing, it’s barely frowned upon. It’s not considered a crime. Typically they’re “cooking accidents”.
    We are shocked by the depravity of honour killings. That’s why we think it’s barbaric. If you were to take the pulse of the nation I think you’d find that most people would probably want wife beaters castrated. SO what do you think our civilized response would be to a parent that MURDERS their child over some percieved “dishonour”.

  22. I attended a mandatory Human Resources training course on harassment. We were supposed to print our name on a card. Pretty standard except I didn’t. The trainer remarked, I remarked she didn’t need to know. She proceeded to harass me for 5 minutes. The other trainer and the attendees caught on way before she did. Point made.

  23. If someone hurts your feelings you can be taken to the HRC, well, I think any woman killed has had her feeling hurt, permanently.
    How long before some lawyer uses Defending his honor, when a wife or girlfriend is killed by her husband or family. Cheating women better watch out, you will soon be a victim of an honor killing.

  24. Barbara Hall is a Cultural Marxist.
    The goal of Cultural Marxism isn’t to obtain equality for women or the “oppressed”, it’s goal is the destruction of Western culture and society,……….
    Posted by: Edward Teach at February 11, 2009 1:34 PM
    The only thing I have to say is…………
    What Edward Teach said.

  25. I’ve often said that those who refer to women or minorities as “disadvantaged” are the REAL sexists or racists.

  26. Seems Steyn is coming out of semi-hiatus to start writing for Macleans again very soon (Check out Five Feet of Fury). So good for Macleans. And good for their sales, too, I bet.
    Much Ado: Your. Comparison. Is. Ridiculous. (And your monker, if meant to complement what you just wrote, is offensive. Couldn’t you at least have gone with “Othello”?)

  27. Chris- The “cooking accidents” you mentioned are usually based on greed, not honour. They’re common in India, where they allow the husband to remarry, and collect another dowry.
    These honour killings bother me about as much as someone forgetting to signal when he turns right. They bother me about as much as hearing about one gangster shooting another in a distant city. They bother me slightly less than hearing about a cockfighting ring in Texas. Let them live in their own hell. When they feel like joining the rest of the human race, maybe I’ll put some value on their lives.

  28. Reminds me of the old story that I heard once – if you’re responsible for handing out infractions for those who don’t buy transit tickets, who are you going to stop and check?
    A kind-looking, tired, well-groomed university student, or a 6’8″ unkempt menacing looking type?

  29. “What a great justification for killing women!”
    There is a difference between stating reality, and providing justification. I did the former, you think I did the latter. You think wrong.
    The irony of it all is that there are probably some disingenous men here who aren’t too gentle to their women folk, who proudly proclaim their abhorence for such violence. How much do you want to bet?

  30. Maybe the OHRC should put out a truth in advertising sign: Only those being “victimized” by whites, males or Christians need apply.

  31. much ado – I agreed with your initial comment that domestic abuse certainly isn’t limited to any particular group – but your statement at 3:05 is kinda odious.
    The important thing to consider is outcome, and inputs leading to that outcome.
    Is alcohol abuse a contributing factor to domestic abuse? Yes, in some instances for sure, so perhaps there are ways of addressing this.
    Is childhood exposure to domestic abuse a risk factor for its propogation through generations? I’m sure it is, so maybe ways should be explored to break that chain.
    Are religious beliefs responsible for contributing to domestic abuse? If so, an honest exploration of same is warranted.

  32. How much do you want to bet Much Ado is a victim of forcible lobotomy?
    “The irony of it all” – my god, what an ironic choice of words from one blind to irony. The deeper they go down the Memory Hole, the crazier they get and the more jaw-droppingly NUTS their worldview becomes. We are now in an era when people who call themselves “liberals” are defending Nazis, murderers, and abusers of women and children. Who the hell could have guessed it?
    Well, me for one. I predicted an overt alliance between Fascists, leftists, and ecotards in the very near future. I never imagined it would be so quickly, or so overtly – but why not? Removal of freedoms is what every one of these groups is and always has been about. They have found their common ground, and God help us all as they try to assimilate everyone into the hive through the coercive powers of the State.

  33. I can’t believe how stupid that Hall of horrors is. The left could use her for the prototype for their brownshirts.

  34. I can’t believe how stupid that Hall of horrors is. The left could use her for the prototype for their brownshirts.
