51 Replies to “High Risk Of Being Born Stupid”

  1. Ahhh… A gimp piece….thought we would pick up on the highlight and miss the smoke and the wine eh..

  2. On the other hand, it was probably the jackhammer operator who got her pregnant on his coffee break in the first place. Ya gotta take the bad with the good.

  3. Hmm wonder if he was still vibrating after….should rent one and give it a shot. Natural male movement enhancement.

  4. Vibrator jokes. I should have thought ahead…
    You know, I poured far more creativity into the previous post. The least you people could do is acknowledge that fact with a few snarky comments there.

  5. You wish. I’m still bitter at you for not pimping my photo mag. This is probably the first ever 100% Canadian content publication in Canada that hasn’t received some sort of government funding. Heck, we made a decision to go Web only as the government forces print publications to accept a subsidy on postage, and we’re adamantly opposed to the concept. And do we get mentioned? NO. [pout]

  6. I’ll pimp it when it doesn’t have so damned much scandalous competition on the blog. Plus, you need many more pictures of naughty bits if you expect to make a go of it on the net.
    Just saying.

  7. A tip: Looks like you left the lght on.
    You didn’t close a tag (either
    or ) and now everything after April 7th is in italics. You’ll probably want to fix that. 🙂

  8. My tags don’t show up in the post, but it should say:
    You didn’t close a tag
    (either <i> or <em>) …

  9. She should have delivered by now, judging by the date of the photo.I hope the father has seen his child 😉

  10. Thanks for the mention of the tag problem – my browser automatically closes them, so I dont’ often catch my screwups unless someone mentions it to me.

  11. Publications Ban Lifted

    Yesterday afternoon Justice Gomery lifted the ban on on publication of the Brault testimony. Now regular Captains Quarters readers from Canada can read and link without fear. One downside, all the lefties that dropped their principles and went to a …

  12. “Plus, you need many more pictures of naughty bits if you expect to make a go of it on the net.”
    Are you volunteering up some naughty bits? [grin]

  13. Open the photo in another viewer and zoom in.You can clearly tell that it has been modified. Funny as it is, this is obviously photoshoped. Ha!

  14. Chris, did you follow the Snopes.com link? The version of the photo above has been modified, but only to add the wine bottle. The cigarette really was in the original. Snopes quotes from a follow-up article in the newspaper that published the original photo, and the article clearly states that Williamson was smoking when the photo was taken.

  15. Shoot. I even ran a quick google search on that photo/news story to see if I could find any mention of it being faked.

  16. Hey nastyass, we were calling her stupid, not poor. Do you equate the two?
    Spex: The wine bottle is fake, but the smoke is real, according to that link. So the point still stands.

  17. I posted this picture on the back door of our office. A woman at our office is pregnant with twins and takes smoke breaks during the day.
    I don’t think it has phased her at all.
    If you don’t care about your kids before they’re born I don’t think you’ll care much about them later.

  18. You folks are harsh. Smoking while pregnant isn’t good but quitting can be bad as well, causing stress. RTFA at the snopes link. I’ve known women who smoked during pregnancy. They love their kids just fine — including my ma.

  19. Spex is that a fishing trip or true idiocy? I guess i’ll play along: im sure there are crack babies that turned out just fine as well, and everyone knows quitting crack is pretty darn stressful, no? Ughh, couldnt resist.

  20. She could be throwing away the empty bottle, and holding the cigarette for the photographer…
    Unless she is a Republican and I am a democrat. Then she is trailer trash.

  21. Hey Dahma – if you read the preceeding comments, the addition of a wine bottle has already been discussed.
    The story itself is factual. I’d replace the picture, but then the comments would make no sense.

  22. Yes, let’s all make fun of her for smoking, while no one mentions the *fact* that the air in most large cities is equivalent to smoking a pack a day or more anyway. Yet, you don’t call pregnant city slickers stupid, do you? Sure, not smoking while pregnant is good, but so is not breathing smog, not eating fast food, not stressing…and none of these things get demonized like smoking does. (although fast food is getting there)

  23. Your earlier instinct was correct. I have been reading the comments and I’ve gone back to the pick about 5 times looking for the wine bottle.
    Very funny picture even without the wine bottle.

  24. “the air in most large cities is equivalent to smoking a pack a day or more anyway…”
    Sorry, but not a fact; in fact, it doesn’t even come anywhere close to being true. The fact is that air in most large cities (in the US) have gotten cleaner over the last 3 decades. The air in the dirties US city is now cleaner than some European cities…

  25. Nobody ever forced me to swallow their fatty food against my will. Lots of smokers, especially in Europe, have no compunctions about fouling the air anywhere. Why cant you see the difference, he asked rhetorically.

  26. The rough numbers on smoking in pregnancy are that each cigarette per day reduces the birth weight of the child by around 5 grammes (or at least that�s what I remember). A pregnant woman having three or four a day therefore probably does less harm to the child than the stress of her trying to give up completely.
    Similarly the odd glass of wine (although not bottles, obviously) probably does more good than harm.
    Moderation in all things folks.

  27. Not wishing to point out the obvious but look at her and then look at the date of the article. I would way at this point the kid is already born.
    Now whether the baby is still hearing jackhammers is an open question.

  28. Tom,
    I’m an obstetrician. If every cigarette smoked during pregnancy reduces a babies weight by 5 gms then most babies born to smokers would have no weight at all. For example 1/2 pk/day is 10 x 5 x280(days)=14000 gms. Average baby weighs 3400 to 3500 gms.
    Smoking causes poor placental implantation which increases miscarriage risk, reduces the effectiveness of the placenta, and increase the risk for abruption ( premature seperation of the placenta) and it increases the risk for still birth.
    The carbon monoxide reduces the amount of oxygen available to the baby, and nicotine causes spasms of the uterine arteries which reduces blood flow to the uterus. All of this is significantly worse than going cold turkey. There is no moderation in these effects by cutting down.
    Lastly, we don’t know the safe limits of alcohol in pregnancy and since fetal alcohol syndrome is so bad for the baby don’t drink while you’re pregnant,
    Sorry for the public service announcement.
