10 Replies to “Libya: A Charlie Sheen Peace”

  1. Perhaps there is a message here…
    Anti-Ghadafi Libya has from the get go resembled an OWS demonstration with guns….same mentality, sophistication, and lack of direction….
    To a degree, the appearance of the Al Qaida flag is perhaps as relevant as some fool wearing a “Che” T-shirt at OWS…..or maybe not…

  2. And to whom is this is a surprise? Oh, that’s right, we were hopey that changey always means “improvement”. I guess that’s why the left does its best to not teach history, so things like this will come as a surprise. Shah redux?

  3. “Three years, and the whole place will go nuclear. Three years.”
    Yes, I can’t wait for Israel to turn it’s surroundings into the world’s largest parking lot.
    80 years trying to negotiate with savages is enough.
    …Bleeding hearts coming out of the woodwork in 3…2…1…

  4. sasquatch has it right. We should wait until the smoke clears. In every revolution there is an ebb and flow of factions until the better organized faction finally is able to wrest control and impose their agenda. Best to put money on the most radical, as they have no compunctions in how they achieve power.

  5. It looks like the Liberals have won another war in North Africa.
    Now they will bring even more al queda “freedom fighters” into Canada as refugees “looking for a better life”.
    CTV/ CBC, Hillary Clinton et al are publicly gloating like little pigs over their victory.

  6. But, you must be wrong!
    After all, I heard this from an ‘expert’ on Deutsches Welle TV a few months ago:
    “…talk about Islamic radicals being behind the popular uprisings is fear-mongering of the worst kind.”

  7. I think its time Canada seriously thought about going nuclear itself.
    America has become a thin reed to to rely on for the defense of North America anymore. Obama has said Himself he’s going to unilaterally eliminate their deterrent. Indeed he’s encouraging the Islamisats at every turn to arm against us in the West.
    Do we really want to be held hostage like Isreal. To this Marxist
    Mean while the Caliphate grows ever near as Sharia becomes its binding glue in Nation after Nation.
    Pan Islamism is enlarged even in our own back yard by self Sharia compliant governments & businesses.
    Our borders become tributaries to the flow of Islamic Colonization.

  8. Revnant Dream posts “think its time Canada seriously thought about going nuclear itself.
    America has become a thin reed to to rely on for the defense of North America anymore. Obama has said Himself he’s going to unilaterally eliminate their deterrent. Indeed he’s encouraging the Islamisats at every turn to arm against us in the West.
    Do we really want to be held hostage like Isreal. To this Marxist
    Mean while the Caliphate grows ever near as Sharia becomes its binding glue in Nation after Nation.
    Pan Islamism is enlarged even in our own back yard by self Sharia compliant governments & businesses.
    Our borders become tributaries to the flow of Islamic Colonization.”
    Canada’s demographics portend an Islamic majority quicker than the United States. I’m not sure I want Canada ‘going nuclear’
    Conservatives, traditionalists, etc, should be more concerned about what is going on in their own country.
    We are not going to change the culture of Afghanistan, etc., but those who we are fighting there, may well change us, HERE.

  9. Observer :
    Only if its Stays like this. War clouds are already upon us. I would at least want Iran & others to pause before thinking of dropping a nuclear bomb on us. Forget demographics if it comes to war, there will be a mass expulsion. The Lebanon boat lift should have taught you that, let alone the Japanese camps of World war two. The West has a history of expulsions. Better than the death camps of Germany.
