I Want A New Country

And by golly, Trudeau may be just the man to make it happen;

It was the second time in two weeks the Trudeau Liberals have let it be known that they intend to start spending big time in an attempt to remake Canada’s economy during the pandemic.
“Justin Trudeau is weighing sweeping changes to the country’s social welfare system and a series of economic measures that will align Canada with ambitious climate goals,” Reuters reported. Those comments mirrored what had been leaked to the Toronto Star more than a week earlier, Trudeau wants to remake the Canadian economy using the pandemic as an excuse.
So, what can we expect?
Based on those leaks we should brace for much higher government spending, expanded social programs, new taxes and a real push to shut down Canada’s oil and gas sector.

Are you paying attention yet, Premier Moe?

93 Replies to “I Want A New Country”

  1. Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.

    H. L. Mencken

    1. A successful democracy requires an honest, neutral new media. We do NOT have that, so our democracy is skewed and only a civil war can change that …. talking doesn’t work anymore … no one is listening, the left refuses to accept facts as reality.

      Two minutes talking to a vapid leftist make you feel murderous. They feel murderous before the conversation begins. So …. WTF.

  2. Think big about Wexit. Not just Alberta and Saskatchewan.

    Look for independence minded people in the ignored rural areas of every province

    1. I agree rd. if you look outside the GTA and Ottawa bubble Ontario is pretty much all Blue.

      1. Without an electoral college system, hinterland is no match for the over-populated big left leaning cities.
        Ontario and Quebec decided everything. Got that?

        “Never give up your guns”- Aristotle.

    2. For wexit to work we need Manitoba (and its access to the Port of Churchill), northern Ontario (and its access to the ports at Thunder Bay), Alberta, SK and northern BC (and its ports on the Pacific). if successful I suspect Yukon and NWT would be on board as well.

      1. I became a regular contributor to Wexit a few months ago and I’m in Manitoba. When I talk it up with neighbours, they are dubious it can be done but would happily vote for it if it ever came down to a referendum.

    3. Rather than Wexit, wouldn’t it be easier to just expel the red cities? Shut down a few highways, rail lines, and hydro lines — hell, block Facebook and Instagram and TikTok — and they’ll surrender in a week or two.

      The real challenge will be the denazification.

      1. Making the cities into “provinces” in their own right,while retaining their current boundaries might be a compromise.
        Even though they will still vote for Kleptocracy,they will starve.
        The rural provincials are freed of the city demographic and the number and voting idiocy of Parliament would barely change.
        In fact declaring the cities to be provinces and then abandoning confederation(disband the federal government) would be the best joke of all.
        As the power to govern was supposed to reside in the Provinces of Canada before it became Confederated Can Ahh Duh.
        Of course doing nothing except building a fence around them might be all that is necessary as the Burn Loot Murder madness sweeps through the Progressive controlled enclaves.They may cure themselves.

  3. They’ll keep voting for Trudeau…..when the number of mendicants exceeds the number of producers the scale is tipped and there’s nothing we can do about it. Doesn’t seem as if a Constitutional Republic like the US helps either, both systems allow the plebs to vote themselves other people’s money.
    Trudeau’s adolescent student politics looks like a winner.

    1. “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.” [ Part 1]
      — Alexander Fraser Tytler (1747 – 1813)

      1. That was when Snopes outed itself as an unreliable leftist “fact” checking website. Snopes called the comment totally false. Its premise was based simply blue states vs. red states. No further investigation as to which were run by RINO’s, etc.

    2. Looks like a winner, until it isn’t. Unfortunately that sort of thing drags everyone and everything down with it.


      “… And that after this is accomplished, and the brave new world begins
      When all men are paid for existing and no man must pay for his sins,
      As surely as Water will wet us, as surely as Fire will burn,
      The Gods of the Copybook Headings with terror and slaughter return! “

  4. Trudeau desperately wants to change the narrative away from the scandals of his own making.

    Along with Freeland and their Communist friends, Trudeau will force Canadians into starvation and death. They are all psychopaths. This is their ‘final solution’. Venezuela here we come.

    The Biden-Harris team will try the same in USA as well:

    1. “Trudeau will force Canadians into starvation and death”
      Ah Nanc… exaggeration is the the marxists’ friend, with reason they then can point to silly billys on the non-left and laugh.

        1. Good….there’s oodles of ways to ridicule them without making stuff up…even if your heart’s in the right place.

          1. I never make stuff up, my dear friend. People here know my sincerity.

            I do occasionally like to joke around but always make that plainly obvious. Some people here know that about me.

            Don’t you see, Trudeau is trying Agenda 21 on us?

            It’s serious business. This malicious gang wants your wallet and what’s in it. There’s more, that’s for starters. Check other threads today. Kate just posted some real doozies. She’s not making stuff up, either.

          2. Yep, Agenda 21 is Trudeau’s bible. Correct.
            I was trying to gently make the point that if you start claiming nonsense like “Trudeau will force Canadians into starvation and death” you are wildly exponetially exaggerating at best and nutty at worst because it’s a silly assertion that destroys your credibility.
            You didn’t say he wants my wallet, you said starvation and death.
            I prefer to think you got carried away in a good cause.

          3. “Trudeau desperately wants to change the narrative away from the scandals of his own making.”

            – And, yep! That’ll work, Mr. Zoolander – “I know! Let’s raise taxes!”

            When oil goes below $30 a barrel and gasoline goes up over $2 a litre, you’ll know you’re in a Liberal paradise!

          4. “I was trying to gently make the point that if you start claiming nonsense like “Trudeau will force Canadians into starvation and death” you are wildly exponetially exaggerating at best and nutty at worst because it’s a silly assertion that destroys your credibility.”

            Yeah wait until the economic chickens from their running the economy off a cliff (because Covid!) come home to roost. Now they’re looking to double-down with some asinine “green economy” BS?!? Starvation and death IS coming. Prepare yourself.

        1. Oh dear, if you think Trudeau means “starvation and death” for Canadians….then you’re a brain dead idiot whom the left will love to quote. They love the banjo pickers.

          1. It’s called hyperbole, and it’s acceptable and useful. You began by worrying about the criticism of the left, now you’re the one pronouncing people as “brain dead idiots”. Save your judgment.
            And I play guitar and piano, no banjo.

          2. Rubbish, lie like that then you should expect to get called on it.
            Not a difficult concept.

          3. How long do you think it will take to reach Venezuela’s level of misery? I don’t think anyone has said tomorrow. Keep your eyes open Bill.

          4. I know what you fear and I know why you fear it.
            Relax in the knowledge that your fear belief is bullshit.
            You don’t have to go off the deep end to despise Justin and his works.
            Canada can never “Starve”, it can easily be self sufficient in food. “Death”? How? Today or in 2050. How?
            Idiots abound…. they could think and not be idiots.

          5. Anyone who has ever listened to “Bill”, is why Trudeau will win. Again. Drooling morons always listen to “we’re better than that” strategy.

            If they have people willing to punch you, never hesitate, to escalate. If they have people willing to burn your house down, where do you think they will stop.

          6. That’s right, Bill. “It can’t happen here” — exactly what the people from Zimbabwe and Venezuela whom I’ve met said they were thinking until it did happen. Siphon the money out of productive sectors of the economy until they fold and pour it into economic dead ends. Chase away anyone with entrepreneurial ability through punitive taxes. Spend like a drunken sailor and cover that spending by printing increasingly worthless paper money until the inflation rate has people checking the value of their currency every morning and the people who can switch to barter and those who can’t are left eating stray animals. Now the ones who thought, “It can’t happen here” are economic refugees from their own countries. But hey, it can’t happen here, right?

          7. I have a dog named Bill. He is quiet ,well mannered,Hardly ever barks, and LOVES Banjo music.
            I know which Bill to listen to.

          8. Well Bill.
            People said that Venezuela could never fall.
            And we copy their path in so many ways.
            Venezuela was Canada South,well run,resources abound and now?
            I might argue about them forcing us,as we seem so stupid we just go where we are herded.
            And starvation follows economic collapse as night follows day.
            Are you saying Trudeau and his trusties are not leading us into fiscal oblivion?

          9. “… if you think Trudeau means …”

            Please clarify your meaning in that phrase.

            Trudeau intends starvation and death?
            Trudeau’s intentions will inadvertently lead us to starvation and death?

            I don’t think the former is true. I am sure the latter is possible if he isn’t checked soon enough.

      1. I would point out that, during the Holodomor, the Ukraine, the bread basket of the former Soviet Union, was stripped bare of its produce so that the Communist Party could export that same produce and brag about the self sufficient nature of communism to the rest of the world. Millions of Ukrainians died for that narrative, indeed, children were not allowed out at night lest they fall prey to local cannibals. Ukrainians still hate Russians with a passion – just go to a folkfest in a place like Saskatoon and ask. So it is not out of the realm of possibility that it could happen here with the right confluence of circumstances. Are we in the same circumstances at the moment? No. Could it happen? Yes. It just takes the right dictator in charge with an unlimited mandate and at the moment, the Liberal Party of Canada dictatorial slip is showing.

        1. Bill is obviously living in the land of lotus eaters.
          While what Nance sez is the maximum limit of socialism, it happened before and as sure as morning follows the night will happen again.
          If the moron does all of that, it will happen sooner than later.
          It is not a hyperbole at all.
          20th century was witness to that.
          In a socialist country in Europe, I was hungry many times. Not starving to death. Just enough to keep you going to supply the communists with your basic slave labor for them to have the life of aristocrats.

  5. The MTV will be ecstatic right up to the moment they get burned by it.

    What they do about it is questionable.

    Regardless, if SHTF the Sock monkey will offer an apology and place the blame on someone else.

  6. Trudeau and the Liberals are going full on neo-Marxist because that’s how you get and keep power.
    Democracy, even Bananada’s extremely flawed, top-down version allows for party changes.
    Socialism demands the opposite.
    As news-info sources suckle ever more at the government teat along with more and more individuals and businesses we’ll see a willing majority cheer this move. Along side the Libs are attacking free speech, freedom of movement, free elections.

    Trudeau is clearly only a semi-sane and soft-core demagogue but look for that to become more harder and pronounced.

    Will it lead to death and starvation? Not tomorrow, but long term socialist governments have always killed their people.

    Turning the energy sector into an an unreliable shit show with zero redundancies in a Very Cold Place has inevitable outcomes. Dismiss these at your peril.

  7. “Oppressors can tyrannize only when they achieve a standing army, an enslaved press and a disarmed populace.”
    — James Madison (1751-1836)

    1. Buddy, I was quite surprised to see that I am still in the top 10%. That is real scary as it means 90% of Canadians are making less than me. I ain’t rich.

    2. The GAIN has always been a hairbrained idea. By essentially tripling the welfare rate, there is no incentive to get a job or off it. Lefty gubmints hint that GAIN will replace other supplements and programs, but never really results in smaller government and fewer paid employees. It’s bribing the welfare class, again. Bribery is a way of life for Liberals.
      As is typical with any theorized program by Liberals, it flies in the face of reality and is doomed to failure, with everyone else paying for it.
      These Lib proposals seems to have a purpose to box the Bloq into a corner, and to force the Commies to vote with the Libs, despite the nefarious and deceitful ways of the
      Liberals. Prop up the crooks and get your own pet projects, or kick the bastards out? Politicians are hypocrites and liars after all.

      1. The f**king CERB is keeping the lazy bastards at home by the hundreds of thousands to prove your point.

  8. Huge changes coming to canaduh. Sweeping degradation of freedom. Gun confiscation. Unprecedented levels of tax grabs for the remaining makers. Assaults on industry not approved and blessed by the government.

    The pandemic is being blown out of proportion as an excuse for large scale changes to western democracies and to bring to heel any independent minded people.

    We are witnessing the end of western civilization.

  9. Correct about Agenda 21. Trudeau does not have an original idea. We are now in the clutches of the globalist UN, and Canada is a test bed for implementing their ideas. Very scary. Other Liberals seem not inclined to put a stop to it, and Trudeau thinks he is Nero.

  10. … and a real push to shut down Canada’s oil and gas sector

    You mean Butts hasn’t already started?

    BTW Who voted for this?

    1. But we bought a pipeline. For which we have been paying and continue to pay huge amounts of interest to the Bank of Montreal. The Liberals seem determined to bankrupt the country.

      1. Juthtin sez
        “Thath Chump change.”
        “Order more greeth for the printing pretheths”

  11. “Are you paying attention yet, Premier Moe?”

    I can safely say, with 99.9% certainty that he is, and that he is on Trudeau’s side.

    He will not fight. He will not exit. He will let anything happen, as long as he thinks his federal ambitions are safe.

    If you want better from the “Saskatchewan” Party, then you actually have to insist on better. When the memberships dry up, and the donations disappear, change might happen.

    If the gravy keeps flowing, the wheels keep turning on the train.

    1. He will not fight. He will not exit. He will let anything happen, as long as he thinks his federal ambitions are safe.

      Jason Kreampuff is the same. Thanks for getting rid of Red Rachel, but how about starting to earn your paycheque, Mr. Layabout?

      1. Yep.

        Just go down the list, when you are in the voting booth come October 2020 (Sask provincial election).

        Is anyone in this party willing to lose their job, over something they believe in.
        How long has this party been around.
        What has this party actually accomplished in its history.
        What do all candidates of this political party have in common.
        Would this party actually allow anyone who wanted the oil industry to stay, to become a candidate.
        Does this party have a “climate plan”.
        Why does a political party need a “climate plan”.
        Are there any actual differences, in any policy, between what this part is offering, and Trudueau/May/Jagmeet/Pol Pot/Mao/Stalin/….
        Is there anything in this party’s policies, that I personally use, or want, or would allow, in my own life/finances/house.
        Are they promising anything that will be done this year.
        Are all their promises based on multi-year projections.
        Do any of their promises have objective criteria for pass/fail, or any time limits.

        Pretty soon going down the checklist, you should have your answer.

        I know Donna Harpauer is very willing to change her principles to win reelection.

  12. Meanwhile, the Conservatives are holding seminars – debating whether to use the word “troubling” or “unacceptable”.

    And Sing-along Singh? He’s busy dictating the terms of the next budget to turdo la doo.

  13. The awful truth is that we’re not getting a new country until the day President Trump tires of having a Chinese puppet next door and finishes the job of uniting North America.

    Overthrowing Prime Minister Chrystia Chomiak would be a long weekend’s work, tops. Nobody in his right mind will care to be the last to die for that wet-brained Ukrainian Nazi sow.

  14. Just remember, as disgraceful, dishonest and disgusting as the Liberal Party is, and it is, they would not get away with half as much if it weren’t for the co-opted, corrupt,Liberal owned Canadian Media.

    The next time the idiot Conservative Party gets elected(if ever), their very first act as a government should be the televised leveling of CBC headquarters.
    Then salt the ground.

    Then make life so miserable for the Bitove family they move to Greece and take the Red Star with them.
    Then address the Thompson’s Grope and Fail and CTV, as well as Irving’s Brunswick News.
    A 50 % wealth tax on fortunes over a billion should do it. Check the Caribbean.
    Hit the Global and Postmedia owners hard where it hurts.

    Wouldn’t it be nice to not be the Media’s bitches for a change?
    Hard to say who are bigger losers and pussies, Conservatives or Leafs.
    Grow some people.
    Liberals have infested and infected every nook and cranny in this country.
    Media, courts, RCMP, Bureaucracy….
    It’s getting One World serious.

    A moronic dilettante and his ethics absent government, with 30% support, a minority government and the C team around him; is using an international pandemic to further their fanatical ideology.
    Almost the very same gang that knee-capped Ontario.
    Getting away with it again.
    No pushback again.
    Are there no good men in Canada?

  15. Yolo, how long has it been since there were good men in Canada? Push back? From this nation of coward sheep? Puh-Leeze. Canadians will starve and freeze in the dark, comfortable in the knowledge that we aren’t the US. Damn right we aren’t. Americans won’t put up with this crap, which is why Biden-Harris won’t win, unless they manage to rig the election. If they do, and try this crap, there will be a revolution south of us again. Canadians will say, “I would have revolted, but I had already lined up to obediently surrender my guns as ordered”. Yeah right.

  16. Canadian Press reports that Blackie’s federal government will join whiny indians in assessing a coal mine expansion in B.C. Great concerns from the feds about its impact on the environment. Expect big changes to the resource industry when our little dictator announces his big plans.

  17. Bill has no proof. He has an emotional sensation of false confidence that not much will change by switching to a non productive economy. That somehow people will continue to produce in an economy where slothfulness is rewarded and production is punished.

    Good luck with that Bill.

  18. Related?
    Or just fair warning?

    “Canadian banks have over $1 trillion invested in residential mortgages. If values come down, banks could easily find themselves under water at which time they will be permitted to take your hard earned deposits to pay their debts.

    Deposits under $100,000 appear to be covered by CDIC insurance but anything above, personal or business, will be fair game for the bail-in.

    In the crash of 2008 governments “bailed out” banks with billions of dollars. The next time around banks will be permitted to seize your deposits and exchange them for shares, shares in a failed bank.”


    With Purple Finance Barney pissing money away can this be avoided?

  19. Here we sit, still in pandemic mode with a new minister of finance with no background in finance. Add to that among
    the first utterances from her pie hole is about Green $hit. How is that of the utmost importance given the massive and growing debt?
    It’s time for an uprising!

    1. This is the nonsense that the media cartel will focus on to avoid talking about problems of today.

      The screed talks about 2030, so as to say never mind today.
      If anybody noticed, the moron and his government always, without error, always talks about the future.
      While one must keep an eye on future, one has to deal with today.
      Apparently the government of this country is not capable of dealing with today.
      The opposition with the exception of very few, one must say brave, members of parliament is practically non-existent.

      With any good fortune left there will be conservative changes that will insist on healthy free enterprise.
      As any non-economist knows, the free enterprise creates jobs and wealth of a country.
      Socialist engineering kills it in a slow and deliberate way so the plebeians will not notice until there is nothing left but a totalitarian diktat.

      The current PM, a complete moron indoctrinated in hot air of nothingness is a well-rounded candidate of the ruling class for the post of a great dictator.
      If he becomes one, he is in middle of accomplishing it, it will not be a surprise, the population will invite him with open arms.

  20. I am not surprised. This is all in line with the UN and World Economic Forum’s stated goal of a great reset. A reset of the world economy, education, religion and governance. And all brought on by that window of opportunity presented by the Covid 19 crisis. Trudeau has already indicated that he is going to take Canada into the realm of a post national state, which is categorically the aim of the UN and the WEF for the entire world. World wide communism here we come.

  21. The is a singular rule for survival in modern politics: when exposed to any scandal, tilt left. Mark Zuckerberg knew this rule after the movie “A Social Network” came out. His reputation sullied, billionaire Mark spoke to sympathetic journalists about giving money to left-wing charities. The media quickly dropped any criticism of Zuckerberg.

    Justin Trudeau knows this rule. Faced with intense criticism from the WE Charity scandal, and a possible fall election, Trudeau has decided on a Throne speech that, well, moves economic policy leftward. In particular, greening the economy and attscking Western Canadian energy, Ttudeau curries flavour with the corrupt corporate media cartel.

    But more than that, Trudesu is planning a universal basic income, and possibly free dental care and prescription drugs. All of this will cost hundreds of billions of dollars, but Crystia Freeland will borrow the money, and the media cartel will sanction the huge increase in government spending. Look out for hig tax increases.

    The strident debate, sure to follow, will divert attention from the government corruption. Moreover, the strong tilt to the left will win support from the marxist NDP party and Jagmeet Singh, ensuring that the government will not fall.

    1. And if the Conservatives dare oppose any of this madness, as they should, they will be swiftly cast in the role of villains who oppose progress for Canadians, by both the Liberals and their armies of media enablers. And average urban Canadians, aka stupid, vain, ignorant Canadians, will gleefully lap it all up and once more fall prey to the siren song of socialism and re-elect Trudeau to give them more free stuff.

    2. When the international bankers decide that Canada cannot borrow any more who takes over, China?

  22. The gorilla in the room is

    The sock monkey needs to keep pumping vast sums of money out to keep the MTV happy and afraid of those nasty conservatives that will take it all away. If he can’t keep the flow going the ruse is finished and the voters will suddenly get it.
    If continues the spending spree and Bay Street finally realize this obvious fact they will suddenly get it.
    If he gets caught admitting there will be a big tax increase to pay for it, the major investment continues to invoke the capital flight strategy which results in a continuing drop in GDP that leaves a giant shortfall of tax haul for the government to spend.
    It’s a vicious cycle that the sock monkey unleashed and to fix it he has to change course and seriously deconstruct what he believes.

    The rate at which this will happen depends on when the interest rates start rising.
    It begins when the AAA credit rating is lost and goes into gear when the government can only get credit from Louie the Liquidator.

    “Ah Justin so you need some funding to tide you over eh? No prob, I’ve been thinking about expanding into real estate. Tell you what, I’ll grant you the loan if you put up Nunavut as collateral”

  23. Wont the RCMP protect us from this coming disaster? Oh, right, like in Nova Scotia…………mommmmy.

  24. Conservatives have let progressives dominate education, media and government employees for decades now. We will live the results of that moving forward.

    I am an X CPC member and now donate regularly to the Wexit Party. At some point Westerners will realize that there is no longer any middle ground. There never was. Reform is proof of that. It is no longer a shrug of the shoulders and wait to vote your displeasure next election. Get involved with WExit and make sure this party is not hijacked by operatives who want to use it for their own devices or simply kill it off as a threat to eastern interests. Western politicians of all parties have to realize it is not business as usual.

    1. CT, there are very few conservatives in Canada. I used to say I am the only living conservative in Canada. I said it in jest but hey, now I am sure I am.

  25. It is my sincere hope that the moron’s trust fund goes bankrupt. Fast.

    Apparently he does not know the value of money and how economics work.
    Economics being a non science subject.
    One could say that the poorest people would know more about economics then the current pm of this country.

    If one gots no money, one gots to economize, best way is to get a job and lay off the cigarettes, beer and popcorn.
    Don’t need a degree in economics to do that. A hungry stomach may be the best incentive.

    Yes, they can get a job, probably not the best one, though one to built up on.

    1. Lev, he has been topping up that trust fund with millions since elected. A forensic audit should be in order. But it will not occur because, wait for it, “CANADIANS ARE STUPID”.

      1. OWG, It’s pretty easy to skim a few mil, when you are blowing billions out the door, it’s just pocket change after all, and lets face it, as prices begin to accelerate with his enforced inflation, he needs the top up on his trust fund. The simple economics of that, he does understand. As to the multitude going hungry, well, “shrug”, there are always winners and losers, so never mind!

  26. Silence from the Greta Global Warming Cult these days.
    They don’t need that failed global warming Marxist strategy now, they can use the China Bat Soup Flu crisis to impose their Marxism.
    We set a record hot day the other day and I didn’t hear the idiot on the radio adding any squealing about global warming and how we were stealing Greta’s childhood.

  27. Scott Moe, please. Him and his buddy Jason Kenney firmly believe the orange man is more dangerous than Trudeau. They are a weak pathetic excuse for a conservative that constantly roll over and show their belly. The fact is they aren’t smart enough or brave enough to be a conservative these days. Moe allowed himself to get crushed by losers screeching about him taking a picture with some young ladies selling ice cream while not wearing a mask. He’s Mitt Romney 2.0

  28. With Great Leader’s big plans, everyone in the resource sector will have exciting new jobs installing solar panels and wind turbines on government buildings. Better rush to Canadian Tire and get your made in China screwdrivers now!

  29. Sock puppet know nothing of economics or creating jobs nor does he want to admit he’s played a major part in destroying Canada’s most productive economies so instead he’ll try to create a socialist “utopia” where no one will have to work and all will be given a guaranteed government stipend. We all know how well that’s going to work. Take any money you have, turn it into gold and bury it in the back yard it’s the only way you’ll get to keep your money. The underground economy is going to boom and the book Agenda 21 is going to become ordinary peoples way of life. Getting rid of the liberals or getting out of this destroyed country is our only hope.

  30. The Justin Society. Take daddy’s excesses and interventions and put them on steroids for climate, gender and covid justice.
    WE will do it. Is it not now time for conservatives, libertarians et al to unite under one tent, under Peter McKay?
    A strong, united CPC is vital for the survival of Canada. If you don’t believe in, that it should die, then one more term will do it.

    1. Peter McKay?
      You must be writing that in jest.
      The truth is there is no best choice, only better of bad.

    2. Peter McKay…??

      What brand of glue are you using..??
      He is about as Conservative as Justin Himself and should that imbecile find himself as CPC Leader, will prostrate himself instantly in front of the Power Corp – Laurentien Elites who run this country and own the PMO/Privy Council. An Eastern Ass kisser just like Scheer the steer and others…incl Kenney.

      WEXIT is our only option…
      Sweet Fk all will change even if a Conservative won an election.
      They all must kiss the Ass and bend their knee to the above said power cabal.

  31. The WEST has to unite, take steps to become autonomous within Canada and then eventually leave. AB+SK+MB as a minimum.
