Open Question for Democrats

I’ve never understood why it’s fine for white people to vote any way they wish in America but we’re constantly told that black people MUST vote for the Democrats or they’re not true “black”. Can someone explain that to me?!?

28 Replies to “Open Question for Democrats”

  1. Especially when their chosen candidate is a very old, senile, perverted white man. Aren’t they all bad, or something?

  2. Only the Democrats and other Liberal governments use bigotry of low expectations as their means of power over people they believe are racially beneath them.

    1. Oh come now Paul.

      Surely you don’t suggest that liberals would vote for their candidate even if he was a serial abuser and went around in black face?

      They would never do that.

      Now let me tell you about this bridge in Brooklyn I have for sale.

    2. The soft bigotry of low expectations. The black folk simply cannot think for themselves. They need reparations … maybe that will help them think better. Maybe after enough Democrat pittances … black folk will evolve enough to think for themselves? How many more FREE “head start” programs will black kids need? Another 50 years? When will black folk’s brains become fully equal to white peoples? No time soon, according to the Democreeps.

    3. Can you imagine Trump saying ….

      if you don’t know the difference between me and Joe Biden, then you ain’t white”

      That would precipitate a civil war or something worse ….

      1. Can you imagine Trump saying…

        “They want to put y’all back in chains!”

        That too would precipitate a civil war or something worse…

        It’s an election year. Democrats gotta pander…

  3. sure…it’s easy….it’s racist

    Racists see blacks as one homogeneous group…..not as individuals

    …and liberals have always tried to paint blacks as one homogeneous group

    1. Don’t forget that the liberals always act as though the black (or native Indian) groups are inferior and cannot be trusted to manage their own lives and matters. Because personal enrichment (no, UnMe, that doesn’t mean just making money) and the power of applied work and/or knowledge is so right-wing.

    2. It’s called identity politics for a reason.
      You are to be judged, not by the content of your character, but the colour of your skin (or other identity).
      James Earl Ray murdered MLK in 1969. Yet his legacy lived on. It took Democrats less than 30 years to murder that legacy.
      You see blacks can’t do any better than Democrat politicians who rule them, particularly in vermin infested inner cities.
      They control them, ignoring poverty, deprivation, and hopelessness, indeed ensuring their victimhood to assure impotence.
      Similarly, beleaguered residents of the Palestinian areas can’t do better than their corrupt, violent, despotic PLO victimizers.

      1. shammy, Ray did NOT kill MLK, he was killed by the Mafia, at the behest of rightwing bigots!

  4. Racism is number one weapon of the current ‘Democratic’ party.
    They will go with it to the end of the earth.
    Yeah, white characters can vote what ever.
    Blacks are brainwashed enough for now to vote for what they are told.
    Full respect to the exceptions and those that are fully aware of what they do,

  5. The insanity is expanding exponentially. As old Joe’s symptoms progress you can look forward to more hidden truth as the mental buffers disappear.

  6. Let’s do this.

    If this was say an election where the republican presumptive candidate had said it, would the democrats and the media be demanding he resign?

    Goose, gander?

    1. I can see why the media would demand resignation, but not his opposition.
      At the rate Joe’s going downhill, by November Jill could be tying his shoe-laces and wiping the drool from his chin.
      In a few more weeks even I could beat him in a debate with one hand tied over my mouth… let the old Gaffer talk.
      If Joe didn’t have handlers Trump could just ask him whether he wants to ‘take it outside’ and then have the stage all to himself while Joe tries to remember why he’s outside.

  7. CNN news — deep in the pockets of the Democratic party and rich left-wing lobbies — has downplayed Biden’s racist gaffe:

    Do not know hoe many members of the corrupt media cartel are breaking away from the strict censorship of this gaffe, to report what happened. In our country a number of lib-left media (e.g., CBC News, the Globe and Mail) are reporting on it. One would think at this point the Democratic Party Committee has had enough, and will soon engineer a back-room putsch to install a Hillary Clinton-Kamala Harris ticket — a winning ticket once the media are paid off properly.properly.

  8. I think the Biden Democrats have looked to their north, observed the success of the Blackfaced Cottage Asshole and have double downed on the jive talkin. Not one person “of colour” should have voted for Juthtin the Wigger yet they did by the hundreds of thousands.
    Martin Luther King would be astonished at the self-enslavement.

    1. Martin Luther Ling was a Christian who opposed gay marriage. He would be considered a Tea Party Member if her were alive today.

  9. This form of tribalism worked for Obama but he had a few things going for him that Biden doesn’t. Every indication is that Biden is going to use it against himself.

  10. …..”I have bi-racial daughters.”
    And that matters how?…. (sounds of simultaneous foundation failure at all load points).

    1. Barrack Hussein was half-White, half-Black … bi-racial. And beloved. And considered … “black” as what? all it takes is 1 drop of “black” blood or DNA to make you black? No wonder 23 and Me is doing land office business … that 1 bit on your DNA can $pay …

  11. Actually, it’s refreshing to hear a Democrat tell the unvarnished truth. That’s how they are actually viewed by Biden and company if they try to get off the plantation in any way at all. Inauthentic. A similar thing is underway for anyone who questions the lockdown. Monster! You want to kill old people and my kids! The scary thing is that it works.

  12. Being thwarted of their power,our progressive comrades have blown their cover.
    What they have accused society in general of,every failing they have projected upon society,is what they are.

    RACIST,absolutely the institutional racist of our PC is now expressed in law,to the detriment of all.
    Affirmative Action.
    Race Quotas,
    Inequity before the law,administered by the State.
    Separate but equal..reservations..massive bureaus(to help).
    Treatment to be based on ancestry and skin tone..

    Sexist,Sure,although a hatred of women seeps through relentlessly.
    Our PC’s cheer for perversion,particularly those perversions that damage women and children most.

    Destructive to order,law and civil society..A constant siren song from our progressive luvvies,Harpers Secret Agenda.Ford is Hitler.Trump wants to be Dictator..
    Because they care?
    They lust for power so desperately that they see everyone through the filter of their lust.
    Only a progressive can swear an oath to uphold the laws of a nation,explicitly known to apply only within its defined borders and then welcome border jumpers and espouse a “Borderless nation”.
    Blind worms gnawing at the foundation of civilization ,really does apply.
    Because apart from the evil and self haters,these useful idiots believe they are “Doing-Good” for all.

    Hitler,Stalin and Moa filled ditches with the bodies of these types.
    Yet the Vietcong had to do the same,years late,cause the useful idiot(Liberal Style person?) will not learn.

    Mighty nice of Stumbling Joe to openly state the party line.
    “All Blacks are slaves,our slaves,we the inheritors of the Triple K know this”.
    A well known aspect of slavery was that negro slave owners were common and that these slaves were sold to European traders ,via the Arabs by their fellow Africans.
    Now compare the cities where our Progressive Comrades have held power for decades..Do they look a little barbaric to you?
    The Slave Masters and the enslaved are all of a race.
    And the Progressives are just fine with the state of those cities and insist such “benefits” should spread to all communities.
    So from observational evidence,any time a Progressive is accusing,they are really boasting about their own skills in Lying Cheating and Stealing.

  13. Kenji
    May 23, 2020 at 10:01 am

    ‘The soft bigotry of low expectations. The black folk simply cannot think for themselves. They need reparations … maybe that will help them think better. Maybe after enough Democrat pittances … black folk will evolve enough to think for themselves? How many more FREE “head start” programs will black kids need? Another 50 years? When will black folk’s brains become fully equal to white peoples? No time soon, according to the Democreeps.’

    Ami Horowitz: How white liberals really view black voters

  14. Biden’s just the altest of a logn line of Dementocrats who want to keep blacks on the plantation.

  15. Just remember that the Democrats started with about 30 candidates in 2019 and he’s the cream of the crop.

  16. It will be very interesting to see who the VP pick is. I wonder how much longer they can stall making that public. Clinton announced that guy nobody remembers in late July. I think they will hold off even longer so they can preserve the hope and shine around the future president “VP” before that all wares off. I think it will be a minority or woman from one of the 3 critical swing states. Maybe Tlaib or Stabenow because that was the state with the thinnest margin of defeat.
