Green New Deal advocates: “Pipeline and resource development leads to man camps, human trafficking, and child-porn rings.” And these people want to govern a nation…

I really didn’t want to write this post. It is vile and disgusting and incendiary, and can only serve to increase polarization. But the comments in the headlines were actually said, in a church, by activists, while the likes of David Suzuki and Naomi Klein sat approvingly in the audience. And Canada needs to hear what Green New Deal people actually are thinking, if their madness is to be part of the upcoming election. Read more…

56 Replies to “Green New Deal advocates: “Pipeline and resource development leads to man camps, human trafficking, and child-porn rings.” And these people want to govern a nation…”

  1. Alberta and Sask. need to get a set of balls and get on with the Jail Break from the Canadian PENAL COLONY. What does it take to convince people to wake up. You are not in Kansas anymore Dorothy. Alberta and Sask. need to draft that UDI and get it ratified and start the process. Get out of the asylum. And do not ever surrender your firearms. Do you not see the crazy going on. They want you dead.

    1. Watcher hits it.
      Only with our own country can we have a power base to drive these idiots from our midst .
      With nowhere to stand we can only watch aghast as the insanity spreads.
      Whatever they worship in that church,it ain’t Christianity as I knew it.
      Evil exists and we get a picture of the evil in Gang Greens souls when ever they make foul projections such as these.
      We need a new country.
      One where we recognize insanity is contageous.

      1. There are no fewer idiots in your midst than in anyone else’s. You just had an NDP government at the Provincial level and all your big cities are run by the same kind of idiots. I have no idea why Albertans think they are saner than the rest of us. History doesn’t show that to be true. Separate, if that’s what you decide, I don’t care one way or another, but you still have no shortage of your own idiots to deal with.

  2. Hysteria pimps pimping hysteria, it’s what they do. The mindless mushy middle buy it or at least think that you can compromise with it. Jimmie Jones had followers including Gerry Brown and Jimmie Carter and so does Suzuki and Co. Canadians have been forced to pay for a venue for Suzuki to warp at least two generations of young people. Those people are now running the country (into the ground).

    1. I see an irony in what the ‘green’ speaker was saying. The left has the habit of accusing others of what they are doing themselves. I have known many energy workers in my life … ones who work in camps where they build things we need. The last thing those men think about is ‘child porn’. That is something the left spends a lot of time thinking about.

      You may have noted that lately the left rejoice in sexualizing children and telling them that they can choose a gender. Then they monstrously go about dressing boys like girls then put them on hormone therapy and worse … The left also has no problem murdering a child at the point of birth … if mommy changes her mind.

      These people are a sickness on our society … they must be dealt with in the most harsh terms. Or they will screw us over bigly and freedom will vanish. And yes, as another commenter stated, these sub-humans want us dead.

      You see how tolerating vast numbers illegal aliens has lead to an ever increasing flow … Same thing with these green fools. If you tolerate them, they interpret that as acquiescence and agreement and they move forward right onto your shoes.

      Speak up while you still can.

  3. Strange.

    There have been pipelines before and no noticeable jump in human trafficking.

    However, there is a huge increase in human trafficking and female abuse in Canada under the Trudeau government.

    I’m sure it’s nothing.

    1. It is what happens when you allow the country to turn into a sponge for every third world illiterate welfare seeker.

  4. The heir to eugenics; if you cannot control who gets to be born, control what can be consumed by those already here.

  5. Australian Power prices up 63pc since 2007, ACCC report shows, as watchdog casts doubt on Clean Energy Target.
    They used to have the cheapest electricity prices in the world.
    The Labor-Green Party ran its campaign, ‘To Finish The Green New Deal they started. Most of them are now Gone.

    Canadians need to finish what the Australians have started.

    1. From the article

      The Canadian version is adding more emphasis on the inclusion of Indigenous practices.

      Oooh, I’m tempted; I’m sorely tempted 🙂


      The Green New Deal “must be based on Indigenous knowledge and science and cut Canada’s emissions in half in 11 years,” according to the Council of Canadians, one of many partnering groups

      Using wood, stone and bone tools will not only cut emissions in half, it would cut the population in half too. But, then, that is the green misanthropic goal.

  6. I grew up in an oilpatch town that was also near a major hydro development. Nothing like what they described ever happened.

    Of course, none of them ever set foot in towns like that, so, I guess, they weren’t contaminated with first-hand knowledge of what actually goes on in those places.

  7. Penn Teller says that he rapes and murders exactly as many women as he wants to: None.

    I’m not sure that any of these projecting liberals can say the same thing.
    Maybe someone should ask them.
    I don’t think we should be in the same country as these liberals if they are that strongly inclined to rape and murder.

    1. Written by someone who never had a proper job nor any responsibilities in her entire life.

  8. human trafficking, and child-porn rings.” And these people want to govern a nation… Are you sure they are not talking about Liberal conventions in Toronto?

  9. Like I keep saying: scratch a globalist hard enough, liberal or socialist, and you will find a pervert unfit to set foot outside a lunatic asylum.

    The abominations the globalists accuse the inhabitants of “man camps” of—on the basis of no evidence whatsoever—is nothing more or less than what globalists think about when they abuse themselves.

    Forget Orwell. You want to know what our masters really dream about, and you have the stomach, go read the 120 Days of Sodom, the magnum opus of that celebrated leftist deputy to the first French National Assembly, the Marquis de Sade. Privileged perverts torturing, raping, murdering and eating children for the sheer disgusting thrill of it.

    Meanwhile, oilpatch employees are lucky if they even get to have any sex, paid for or no. They have far too much work to do and are too tired afterwards to do much of anything but eat and sleep.

    1. A bold and far reaching plan to cut emissions in half in 11 years in line with Indigenous knowledge and climate science, create more than a million good jobs you can support a family with, and build inclusive communities in the process. ***************************

      Oh Boy!
      A million new Jobs, a family, and inclusive, socialist paradisiac new communities in the process.
      Sign Me Up.

      1. I wonder how many of those new jobs will be for shepherds. And who is going to teach them that work. Because without fossil fuels for heat and for plastic based fleece clothing, we are going to be wearing wool. Lots and lots of natural wool. Where are we going to get the sheep, where are they going to be raised, and who wants to spend their working life living alone in remote country looking after a flock of sheep? Or are they going to be raised in pens in a factory farm?

        When you get these people alone or in small groups, ask them, nicely, of course, just out of curiousity what the world is going to be like without fossil fuels? What energy source is going to be used to mine what materials that they are going to make into solar panels and batteries. How many people do they think can be supported in such an economy, and who do they think is going to be making the decisions about which people get to be born and which get kept alive? Is that the job they see themselves in?

        1. Where are we going to get the sheep

          We’ll have to steal them from our Moslem overlords.

          How many people do they think can be supported in such an economy, and who do they think is going to be making the decisions about which people get to be born and which get kept alive? Is that the job they see themselves in?

          Think Year Zero. It worked so well in Cambodia, didn’t it?

        2. I’m starting a teepee construction plant; I’ll make loads of Wampum.

        3. And don’t forget to mention how those flocks will be protected against predators after all the guns are banned.

      2. FL, everybody ignores the constant importation of third world CO2 expellers. How the hell do you cut CO2 while increasing the population? Is everybody stupid?

    2. That is quite a list of useful idiots and dingbats who support the green new deal. The brain washing is working as planned.

    1. The statements by the lefties in that twitter thread simply reinforce my belief that Canada is on the brink of massive violence. The absurdity of many statements is echoed almost daily in various contacts in everyday life. They are like some strange audio tape, with no actual original thoughts but spew the latest lib talking points. If they will listen, you can use facts to explain how they are incorrect, they’ll nod, and start off with the same nonsense that was just disproven. I’m not even sure we’re the same species anymore

  10. While reading Terry’s article, remember Vladimir Lenin was also a lawyer by trade until his thugs took over Russia. The person mouthing the obscenities quoted in the article is a lawyer.

  11. When you reward commies with government cheese what else should we expect? Starve the people who are pulling the levers of power in this country and we will get our liberty back. Keep growing the government at the peril of freedom.

    Enjoy the decline.

    1. Do not under estimate the stupidity of the Canadian voter. Consider that half of them were educated in the current Marxist run public education system where most of them bought into world class bullshit that they now believe with all their hearts … no minds needed, just a lot of emotion and faux caring.

      1. The average Canadian is really stupid. And half of them are even dumber than that …

  12. Maybe it’s time for Alberta and Saskatchewan to take the summer off. Province wide holiday for all pipelines leaving Alberta and Saskatchewan until after the October election. Canadians don’t want our crappy oil anyway so let’s help our fellow countrymen realize their dreams. We should quit sending our taxes to Ottawa as well. What are they going to do?

  13. And the usual suspects, Naomi Klein, Suzuki, Palmeter, United “church”, all haters of western society. Palmeter in particular is a real piece of work. In her twisted view, her native ancestors were brain surgeons and on the level of Aristotle with their infinite wisdom.
    In reality, their existence wasn’t advanced much beyond that of cavemen.

  14. Gerry Pournelle’s iron law of bureaucracy in action. The government of Canada, the Conservative party of Canada, the Saskatchewan party, the government of Saskatchewan,…

    Any organization you can name, only serves itself. They don’t serve you, anything they say, any promise they make, is a lie.

    Any organization you start, sooner or later, is subverted and will only serve itself.

    I do not know how long Max’s People’s party has, but months to years at most before it only serves itself.

    1. Libertarians and Conservatives understand this law. That is why they consider government a necessary evil and must be kept as small as possible; be given, allowed to take, as few responsibilities as possible. The only way to keep politicians’ and bureaucrats’ hands out of the cookie jar is to make it as small as possible.

      (Yes, there are legitimate roles for government)

  15. Sure, and Hillary Clinton has to have twice a week fresh injections of aborted fetus blood. Afterwards, she eats the organ meat sautéed in fair trade non GMO organic grape seed oil.

  16. Oh you mean the Naomi Klein who admits she is a communist, and is a strong supporter of Maduro? Make Canada Venezuela!

    1. She’s the same Naomi Klein who’s an advisor to the Bishop of Rome, which only confirms that he’s a communist himself.

    2. ah, ms klein ‘de’clined THREE TIMES following msgs to her web site to opine on venez’was’a current condition.
      doin resergch came the lie reply.

  17. It is interesting to me that a church like the one in the article, claiming to be Christian, (or maybe they don’t), has missed the point entirely: Remove the beam from your own eye before you try and remove the speck from your brother’s eye. In short, as a Christian, one is to look at one’s own character, and failings before trying to change the character of another. As to human trafficking and child porn, how about the undisputed fact that most of the young aboriginal women violated or killed know their attackers (being mostly aboriginal men). If I were Pam Palmeter and interested in real change, I wouldn’t be blaming white man for that problem but look to fix my own house first.

  18. Eons ago, I spent the summer in a camp consisting of all men. Apparently I missed all the perversion, We were working 12 hours a day and worried mostly about eating and sleeping. I got drunk once and went to work so hungover I almost got fired. Never did that again. If we got rained out, I went home for a day or two.

  19. First of all, I suspect any data they have is highly torqued to give them the answer they wanted. I’d like to see the numbers. What was the crime rate of those communities before? Did they compare rates with other temporary communities?

    I’m of the understanding that high rates of sexual assault occur at universities, does that mean we need to dismantle universities? Of course not. Progressives are demonization blue collar men and only blue collar men because it takes away the progressives guilt about throwing thousands and thousands of blue collar, working class families out of work and permanently destroying their likelihoods.

    Anecdotally, our small community has had pipeline camps here twice,10 years ago and again last year. We had man camps and guys buying room and board in family homes. They were here for many months each time. The crime rate did not increase and there was no reports in the robust rumor and gossip network of any sexual assaults. These are guys working long hours and long weeks in physically demanding jobs. They worked, slept and went home to their families. The demonization and scapegoating of hard working men and women by upper-middle class snobs and bigots with a political agenda is itself criminal, imo.

  20. The wife and I did the Parliament Hill tourist thing seven years ago, staying at a nice downtown hotel, having a great time.
    After some skirmish between Israel and one of the H’s, we noticed about 40 protesters with signs handing out pamphlets.
    All very peaceful and civilized, and not disrupting traffic too much; actually quite well organized for that busy part of the city.
    Despite the wife’s protest, I decided to engage them; a young man approached me with a pamphlet, eager for a conversation.
    I politely declined, stating I could not accept material from any group that stands for the eradication of the state of Israel.
    He looked at me, quite stunned at what I had just said, cognitive dissonance in high dudgeon, then he hesitated …
    Then he looked at me and said, not really sure himself that oh no that wasn’t true, that was just propaganda. I bid him adieu.
    My point? He, like the green new raw dealers, are too emotionally anchored in their beliefs to consider or weigh rebuttal.
    That encounter is where totalitarianism starts, where only one idea has power and dissent is violence, its purveyors dehumanized.

    1. Nice work that time.

      In this instance these people are wishing the eradication of Canada as a coherent twenty-first nation and taking it back to a subsistence level tribal wilderness.

      What is really sad is that a significant portion of our society are listening to these madmen and entertaining their ideas. What they don’t realize is these ideas and plans carried to their logical conclusion will make Stalin and Mao look like pikers.

  21. Gerald Butts, Tzepoirah Berman – Naomi Klein – David Suzuki – Shannon Phillips – Catheirne McKenna, Elizabeth May, Andrew Weaver…..GREEN FILTH – ratfuckers the lot of them. They dont want to just shut down fossil fuels – they want us all gone and preferrably DEAD….Just ask BUTTS.

    And as per always – Virulent Hatred projected at those of us who work in the Oil n Gas Inudstry and must leave home for protracted lengths of time to do so.
    Not one of these Fucks has a clue as to who we are – Mostly married skilled tradesmen trying to feed their families.
    Not one of these FUCKS has ever worked a 13 hr shift – for 21 DAYS STRAIGHT. Child porn.?? I Murdering indigenous women.? Certifiably INSANE Accusations.

    In alignment with Watcher.
    A: I’m voting for MAX as is my wife and my 2 adult children.
    B: Mr Kenney as I wrote to you last week:
    Enough TALK – Git er Done..!!
