66 Replies to “Some Forthright Words from a Newfie”

    1. Indeed. Get to the point, and quickly. Be prepared and organized before you start, don’t figure out what you’re trying to say, while you’re saying it.

    2. I tried………cute……..drinks maybe but my feeling is that whatever your point was I may assume you have snakes in yer head. But lets go out

    3. Love the “snakes in yer head” comment by Tom./sarc
      I wanted to hear what she had to say and have the time. Then I read all the 25,000 comments on You Tube which were very interesting. Certainly more interesting than the majority of comments on SDA. This young lady has come out of a black hole with her family’s support, but it has shaken her that friends she held dear have abandoned her, and none too kindly. Many of the commenters to her video have experienced the same thing as they are leaving their years in a world of anarchy also. As many said, you’re leaving a cult: the left is a cult. Who can now deny that.
      All of the Americans will be be voting for Trump. Having been there, they know the danger this movement is to the U.S. and know he is the only answer. With few exceptions for atheists, they have returned to the faith of their fathers so something mighty good is coming out of this.
      She, who once had orange ratty hair, has changed so that she now resembles the young ladies of the forties and fifties, a time before the young began rebelling in their search for freedom from all restrictions. I say, God bless her.

  1. I don’t get it. if these individuals don’t respect you, or credit you with having your own agency, how are they your friends. They never were. If they were they wouldn’t demand you be a clone, a moon to their sun, but encourage you to explore other ideas and find your own path.
    When I was a kid, people of different political perspectives got along. I think the cause for today’s antagonism is the devolution of the media. The media is increasingly blatantly corporatist and click bait is the source of their traffic and revenues. Ergo they don’t feature the routine and mundane but focus, magnify, and amplify the bizarre and extreme. They disseminate rumours, take a lot of stuff out of context to smear others, try to bait people into making rash statements, and some even fabricate stories through photo shopping and editing audio. It has come to function like the freak show at a circus. So much of what is published sounds like the guy at the end of the bar who is in his cups. Back in the day, adults knew it for what it was and ignored it.

    1. Exasperated – You say that when you were young people of different political persuasions got along. I agree with you. I think that what has changed is that in the past, everyone at least worked under the assumption that everyone wanted what was best for the nation, the only disagreement was on how was the best way to achieve it. Now, the opposition doesn’t even want the nation to exist and is actively doing everything they can to destroy it. The left want us dead, and under those circumstances it’s pretty hard to find common ground.

  2. Don’t begin a talk with “so.” Don’t go on and on. State your thesis, support it with maybe three points, make a brief conclusion, and sign off.

    1. I think it was cathartic for her, rather than a formal argument. She is not trying to persuade you. She is just explaining her experience. I believe she hopes and expects her former friends will tune in. She does focus on a puzzling phenomenon — the vast cultural divide. I certainly empathize with her experience. It is also interesting to see what a young person may face when expressing conservative views.

      1. Yes that was my thought too, LindaL. She could have made an argument, demonstrated her point and such in 5 minutes. But she was soul searching while speaking.

    2. Whats up with you 3 above….eh?

      “sorry honey, no time”
      “I dont get it”
      “Dont begin a talk with so”

      ……………… don’t listen to, or have time for YOUR kids either…?

      She is simply in her own way explaining what I believe is happening to not only College / University folk…but many of us far removed from such centres of marxist madness.
      aka The Cultural Divide.

      I was recently called a full on TRAITOR to Canada by someone whom I considered a good friend. Given I served in our Armed Forces and don’t take kindly to being labelled a FKN traitor. That was enough for him I guess … All because I defended Donald Trump on his NAFTA stance after Freeland/Trudeau were shitting on him behind his back. The hatred from him (my “friend”), was simply dripping from his mouth….palatable in fact.

      This from a “Canadian” who like so many of the Liberal IMBECILEs on the LEFT has fully and totally swallowed the RED pill and become an appendage of CNN in his/her hatred of Donald TRUMP while continuing to praise the “wondrful” leadership of that most Useless POTUS ever, Obama….yet has no time to acknowledge the utter country destroying Disaster that Trudeau-Butts have foisted on his OWN adopted land. Totally intent of the US while the ground beheath him crumbles.

      So yea, maybe this little 17 min video was a bit long in the going, She’s not Alex Jones…
      But she articulates the experince well.
      I can Totally Relate. Hey, She’s still young….keep that in mind.


      1. All of you. Stop being a bunch of whiners and crybabies. There will always be critics. Use their criticism to steel your resolve, build your armour and push you farther. Cut the oh poor me, ” I was in the Armed Forces” crap. Mock them. Belittle them. Smile bemusedly at them. Humiliate them. Or just ignore them. You have more important things to do. You are slaying dragons not swatting at flies or yelling at barking dogs.

        1. You just demonstrated that you have no respect whatsoever for the sacrifices made by members of the armed services. Most who served have a deep love of country, and all did make certain sacrifices serving in the Armed Forces. That is worthy of respect.

          Keep the hard words for those who are trying to destroy you; they are the ones who deserve it.

          1. I’m in the CAF…been in 33 years…I will concede that some may have a “deep love of country”. However, many have joined for a steady job (Maritimers and Atlantic Canadians)…many still (Quebecers I’m looking at you) joined for the free stuff. But So What is right…if Trump has taught us anything…it’s that you’re a fool to follow Queensberry Rules if the other side is using street-fighter “rules”. The other thing I learned in the CAF is that the only way to really stop a bully is to beat the living crap out of him (by any means possible)….then when he’s down–keep kicking him until he can’t stand up. Then when you do let him up punch his lights out again…so he remembers not to fµck with you EVER again. You must have been in the Air Force–it’s like 50%+ women.

        2. Nobody is whinning sonny boy.
          I simply stated what was what….if you’ve got a problem with that.?

      2. “Whats up with you 3 above….eh?

        “sorry honey, no time”
        “I dont get it”
        “Dont begin a talk with so””

        No kidding!
        This is why we’re losing…

      3. I have see here earlier work before she deleted her old videos (lots of them). She was a Newfie who was living in Ireland. Her videos were never about trying to make a point or proselytising. They were generally a young girl working her way through some ideas about her life as she was also working through Jordan Peterson’s book. I am not sure, but I think she was also dealing with some issues of depression and family back then as well.

        As far as the lack of brevity, she is nowhere near as bad as Stefan Molyneux.

        From the about page:
        OHAI! I’m CC.

        Watch me unpack my mind while fidgeting and waving my hands around like a madman.


        Please join in on the convo about politics, philosophy, religion, culture, art, identity, history, meditation, and the world as we know it- to help me and yourself get a hold on this mess.


        Steakman, I think you meant they were blue pilled. It is a matrix reference, where the red pill is what lets you see the truth. A little confusing up here with the party colors. The black pill reference in her banning Alex Jones video is about when you see the truth and fell like it is hopeless.

      4. Many have had an unpleasant response from both family and friends for voicing support for President Trump.
        This I attribute to American media representation of American politics, coupled with a mirroring of American media here in Canada. The unsettling thing is that otherwise liberal Canadians are becoming aggressive about American politics.

      5. Yes, come on people, don’t expect a polished performance – just be supportive of someone who is working through some issues to come to a “good” conclusion.

  3. The political herd on the left is well along at morphing into an unthinking clone of the low rent, tribal, sports herds where shouting obscenities at their visiting rivals during games now passes for loyal fan support of the home team.

  4. I really appreciate the post which Kate gave us regarding the differences between the Liberal vs Conservative mindset.

    Right leaning are able to understand the left, empathize and process their point of view.

    The left are unable to, they are truly closed minded, they see the right as evil and demand we change to their point of view or they wish they could eliminate those whom they deem unfit to live and function according to their paradigm.

    We on the right need to fully and soberly grasp this truth. To not take heed, is to hasten our demise.

    The young Newfie is very much in tune with her feelings, but a good long draught of cognitive smelling salts of the history of the left and their death camps and starvation which killed 100’s of millions would be required to snap her back into the present. History not learned and relying totally on feelings is suicide.

    The Right is waking, the left had best prepare.

    1. Most of what’s left of the ‘right’, had better lose 50 to 100 pounds before they go marching off the war.
      Ever see that kids movie about a robot? … all the humans looked like sacks of lard and rode around in vehicles so they wouldn’t have to walk. That is how I see much of the western world. Fat louts laying about in front of a TV eating and drinking garbage.

      We have become weak and soft and we tolerate the left to an absurd degree.

      I don’t see a happy ending here at all.

      1. WALL-E, I believe, is the movie you are referring to.

        But I remember reading a strip in MAD Magazine back in the 60’s that noted the proliferation of skateboards and scooters, and predicted that soon Americans will be fat tubs of goo, carted around in scooters – with a cartoon that looked distressingly like many Wal-Marts, full of seniors on mobility devices – and said that we would all then “be pushovers for hungry men from the East!” with a drawing of gaunt, obviously Asian, men in military garb with rifles and bayonets running in, eyes gleaming, as they viewed the helpless slabs of flesh in front.

  5. Please forgive me for my ignorance of Canadian slang. Does “Newfie” mean someone who lives in Newfoundland?

    1. some Newfoundlanders see the word as a pejorative especially if it carries a negative connotation.
      not that i’m beyond using pejoratives if the situation merits…
      A Newfoundland joke I was told while having a beer with some local boys on the island.
      Q: What’s red, white and blue and floating the the bay?
      A: A main-lander that’s told one too many newfie jokes.

  6. Boring! I’ll never know what her problem is because I simply don’t care. And I likely agree with her.

  7. The Left has no time for FACT or REASON…they simply FEEL…and when confronted with facts they dont like or that dont jive, their minds go into a full on near epilleptic seizure
    while the mouth disconnects and instantly starts SCREAMING & SCREECHING all the usual epitaths.

    This is prevalent throughout the LEFT….

    Liberalism is a Full on DISEASE that can and absolutely WILL cause massive Deaths.
    Non revisionist History is full of that.

  8. is that a baseball bat behind her?

    are her tolerant leftists friends members of Antifa and she fears they will pay her a visit or they made dead threats ?

  9. She really touches on a disconnect, similar to what many #walkaway participants have, that I often hear from fellow conservatives. This is what I would like to address.

    On one hand, I read arrogant comments here everyday on how average Canadians are just plain stupid, incapable of rational thought, etc,etc…. not enlightened and morally correct like us superior Conservatives. The exact same damn type of dismissive attitudes that this gal and others regularly claim they received from her leftist friends.

    Then, on the other hand, most of us claim to understand and see the incredible depth of leftist propaganda that all Canadians have to contend with. The entire public education system, ALL mainstream media, virtually ALL social media, most parents, Hollywood, peers, TV(especially late night hosts), feminists, social activists, etc, etc, etc, FREAKING ETC.! Where is the countering conservative influence in their lives… Rebel Media? Andrew Scheer? HAHaHa.

    This articulate young lady is proof that you don’t have to be stupid to be dragged along by intense groupthink. What hope would she have had to ‘see the light’ if not for the loving encouragement of a conservative-grounded family? I propose virtually none. What hope to see beyond their indoctrination do the ones she left behind have? Again, virtually none. And it has little to do with intelligence. There is a big difference between ignorance and stupidity, lots of truly intelligent people are ignorant.

    Calling young people stupid for simply being raised in this social cesspool is no less ignorant than calling a Christian stupid for being raised in their particular church. And before anyone emotionally jumps to their keyboard, I am not focusing on rightness or wrongness here, just intensity of conviction vs true open mindedness. Something for those without bunkered mentalities to think about, anyways.

  10. How much damage did she do to Canadian society before her deprogramming?

    There should be some sort of accountability. She owes rational thinking some atonement, this video is a good start.

  11. “..Calling young people stupid for simply being raised in this social cesspool is no less ignorant than calling a Christian stupid for being raised in their particular church…”

    Great Point. The onslaught of LEFTIST Mindthink is beyond belief as you have noted. NoWhere is there a Strong Credible counter. A REAL Problem…and until Anti Trust Laws are utilized against the Web Giants – we are hooped to say the least.

    The only real Common Sense BEACON I see is Donald TRUMP, ergo the insane Hatred of the LEFT towards him.

  12. What she said resonated strongly with me. I’m a conservative minded person living in the SF Bay Area. If I were to openly espouse my political beliefs I’d almost certainly be unemployable in the tech sector and many of my friends – who are truly friends – would stop talking with me. That said, I talk around the fact that Trump isn’t the devil incarnate and Trudeau isn’t the second coming of Jesus Christ.

    At the end of the day, as I learned years ago, it’s very unlikely that you & I will ever change a person’s opinion about something we say or write. I respect the fact that different people have different political views. While I strongly believe that many of these views are misguided, I didn’t walk the road they did to get to where they are today.

  13. So, my little intelligence vs ignorance rant leads me to my next point…

    Along with stopping the insidious partisan behavior of the MSM, there is another vital strategy that we Conservatives need to adopt to ‘wake up’ the population. I have rallied on this point for years on SDA, thankfully, some on the right are finally starting to clue in.

    We must challenge the partisan/cultural left to open and very public debates. I am not talking the farcical election clown-shows we see, but proper, formal debate where the logic behind arguments reign supreme, not the emotion.

    We saw how the newest star of American Socialism, Ocasio-Cortez, reacted to the request for a debate from Ben Shapiro. She personally attacked him and then ran scared. No doubt, because she knew he would destroy her BS beliefs.

    Now, after Kanye West’s treatment by leftist’s following his SNL pro-Trump oration, we have another Conservative openly challenging left-think. Candace Owens has called out Chris Evans(actor)for his attack on the black West’s intelligence and challenged him to a public debate. “@ChrisEvans the offer still stands: Debate me, and see how much more educated black conservatives are than you.”

    We Conservatives have truth on our side and it is well past time we create forums where we can openly wield it as the powerful weapon it is.

    1. I have only two words for you … moral relativism. Those two words have been used to utterly DESTROY your … truth. Until those words are killed off … your Muslim Terrorist will remain their Freedom Fighter.

      The left took out your “truth” … decades ago.

    2. Better to pay them back in their own coin.

      You have a right to defend yourself from aggression.

    3. What utter nonsense.

      Have you tried reasoning with a rabid animal? How did that work out for you?
      When you catch the flu, how does logical debate work to get rid of that?

      Socialists, have ipso facto rejected reason and logic in all its forms. Therefore, it is not possible to debate them, reason with them, talk them down…

      Applying logic and reason to a socialist, has the same effect as moving lead plates with an electromagnet. You can do it all day, and not a single plate will be moved.

      1. I never claimed we could change the minds of dedicated evil leftists through debate, I was clearly talking about breaking through to the millions of low-info voters who have been taken in by the left’s never-ending barrage of lies. Or do winning elections not matter to you guys, anymore?

        Good Fucking Grief!!

  14. TLDW (too long didn’t watch) version.

    Girl grows up in “traditional conservative” family.
    Becomes more left in her thinking. Calling herself a “libertarian” or “anarchist” never so far left as communist.
    At university most of her friends are more moderate “liberal”

    *** important point***
    These friends are ok with her being more left.

    She leaves university and has experiences that bring her back to the right, for which she is grateful.
    Old university peer group says she has gone too far, that she has been manipulated old men and false news. That she has internalized misogyny.
    She’s sad that that peer group is unable to look past a few of her beliefs, and see the person.
    She now laments losing that peer group.
    Sad that the prior peer group sees some of the opinions she now holds is her personally mocking them.
    That she will criticize or express herself about “radical left wing ideology” and “socialism” in general but is made out as attacking individuals.

    She had to lose her friends to gain herself.

    1. When did “anarchist” and “libertarian” become interchangeable terms? Did I miss that class in college?

      1. The words aren’t interchangeable.
        They are close to each other on the spectrum.
        Moving right (away from the collective) toward the individual you get to libertarianism, continuing right to the end of the spectrum is anarchy (which doesn’t mean violence).

        Mr. Libertarian Murray Rothbard called himself an anarcho-capitalist. He didn’t believe in a limited night watchman state. He believed in NO STATE. A radically utopian, unrealizable world view, unless unchangeable human nature changes.

  15. What’s interesting is, that the lady recognized the brainwash in the supposedly free thinking and soak the wisdom of the world place like university.
    From afar it seems that the universities are teaching stuff that includes heavy doses of forced “proper” ideology and thinking. Though the thinking is not really thinking, it has to have the prescribed perspective, otherwise it’s unacceptable.

    Feeling sorry for the lady is not helpful. Helpful for her to be, would be to look outside, take a hike, go up the mountain, walk.
    This is not an advice, just something to perhaps try.
    Learned long time ago that any help is only and only ask questions, to suppose that one has any bloody idea to suggest remedy is complete nonsense.

    She could pick up Peterson’s book 12 rules….. The book is not for some kind of lonely hearts club. It says the life is suffering and really tough, it is up to each to get hold of it and work their damndest (don’t know it that is actual word though you get the drift) hard to make it better, for self and those around you. Been done every day by millions.

    One can understand that only she knows and have positions on things.

    The lady took steps to get out of the theology of socialism/fascism. That is a good sign. She is on the way to recovery from the ideology of destruction of the human soul.

    Now that she is truly free, she will do well. She seems to be confident, that comes with freeing oneself of what is false.

    To speak the truth will make one completely at odds with most people.

    Aristotle wrote of truth in the Metaphysics, “To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true” (Wikipedia)

  16. One of the great simplifications of my life occurred when I stopped CARING about what other people “thought” of me. For starters, people … even my closest friends … don’t know shit about me. And frankly, most people don’t know shit about who THEMSELVES either. In our shallow, video game culture, most people just want a controller and a couch. They’ve spent ZERO time introspectively developing their own souls past the superficial soundbyte stage of establishing their “identity”. Once you stop caring about how … other people … “see you” and “opine about you” … you are free to explore who YOU truly are. This lovely young girl has just taken her first step on this journey.

    However, I am going to suggest to her this process is neither unique to HER (and her rabid leftist friends) nor unique to our CULTURE and times. What she is experiencing is called … growing up … and growing into your own person. I tip my cap to her, because it can be lonely at first. Notice how easy she describes her rebellion against her conservative parents… why? Because that is a natural, normal process of all offspring (leaving the nest). She doesn’t realize it, but that action is far more INvoluntary … than voluntary. What she is now experiencing is ALL HER. She is developing her own personal identity … and she is frankly … a rare one. One willing to risk “alienating” her current friends in the search and discovery of herself (think Kanye West). Leaving the “group” should make her PROUD.

    I will dare say that for the FIRST time in her life … she is truly thinking for herself … becoming herself. Good luck and God’s speed at coming to learn what really matters in life (hint: it’s not what other people “think” of you … for that is a worthless intransigent feeeeeeeling …).

    Oh, and BTW … love the accent!

    1. One of the great simplifications of my life occurred when I stopped CARING about what other people “thought” of me.

      As Polonius told his son Laertes in Act 1, Scene 3 of Hamlet:

      “This above all: to thine own self be true,
      And it must follow, as the night the day,
      Thou canst not then be false to any man.”

      1. Why should we care what some dead old white man in a puffy shirt had to say … ? Ohhhhhh yeahhhh … he wrote of fundamental TRUTH of the human condition. No wonder the Left wants to dump Shakespeare for some Bush Tribe witch doctor’s mythology

  17. So… (heh)
    Immediately I go to the bat in the corner, no ring, exposed closet in room with furniture, and those shoes, eeeeesh. There’s a whole world right there. Oh, and the water with lemon and hair play, Puh-leaze!

    All these videos are stylized either indicating the sheep-like mindset of the walk away movement or how too videos. Rest assured they’re not walking to our side (thank God) rather they are stepping back from radical leftist politics. They seek the mythical old school Democrat party or a moderate liberal party. They are expressing nostalgia for what was and is a bigger lie. (The Kennedys did not die by the hands of conservatives.)

    This one explains that she found her conservative family upbringing confining. Obviously unsuccessful in life she’s running back to family still not yet fully realizing that she never had friends. You share core values with friends. Liberals have no core values. Does she?

    The walk away movement is a group of frightened kids running from a burning barn after playing with matches.

    1. Immediately I go to the bat in the corner, no ring, exposed closet in room with furniture, and those shoes, eeeeesh. There’s a whole world right there. Oh, and the water with lemon and hair play, Puh-leaze!

      The first thing going through my mind was “begone, thot”. As Aaron Clarey has pointed out, nobody would be paying any attention to conservathots if they weren’t pretty little girls.

    2. My eye also IMMEDIATELY picked up on the baseball bat. Sheesh … she doesn’t look like a softballer to me … wink, wink … dog whistle lesbophobia. Please tell me that she doesn’t NEED a baseball bat … in Newfoundland for Christ’s sake! Newfoundland!!?? Really!!??

      The walk away movement is a group of frightened kids running from a burning barn after playing with matches … PERFECT!!! The “dumpster fire” they claim Trump is … is actually their own high rise apartment fire. A death trap of their own construct.

  18. “you don’t have to be stupid to be dragged along by intense groupthink.” Canadian Observer

    And that is the main problem of Group Think… I have spent my 77 years living a very LUCKY life.

    It is not(IMHO) a coincidence that EVERYONE seem to be hardwired to have experienced similar paths & life choices. We are not individually unique….We have all made the same, or similar mistakes under the same. or similar circumstances….

    The problem with Group think is that the WORST person will dominate the narrative & because everyone can relate the whole group becomes radicalized….

    IMHO the phycologists need self therapy.. All their patients are freaks & the necessary empathy results in them becoming dangerous freaks

  19. The young lady expresses a difficult truth (though it takes her some time). It is painful when immediate family members, children and even one’s spouse, have swallowed the Kool-aid. What to do, shun them all and go live as a hermit, a perceived crank because they cannot abide your pushback when they start spouting opinions you vehemently disagree with or “facts” that are false?

  20. I noticed something similar with one of my mates during my time as a freshman.

    Several years later, I found out that he had become a raving leftist. He was convinced that socialism/communism was the wave of the future and that all right-thinking people, those who know the truth, would embrace it, thereby ensuring universal peace and justice. I didn’t, which irritated him immensely.

    He used to mock my political inclinations to his social circle, introducing me as a neo-fascist, but a nice guy once one got to know me. It was as if he saw me as a lost soul who would eventually see the error of his ways and convert to the same vile ideology that he followed. Those views irked me because I think he actually believed them.

    We eventually lost contact with each other, partly because I didn’t appreciate his comments about me. The last I heard, he had become an ordained clergyman. I’m sure he preached many a sermon from the gospels of Mao, Marx, Lenin, and St. Josef Stalin.

  21. Good truthful personal account from someone who’s figured out that taking a principled moral stand in life comes at a cost. Hearing her story gives me a smidge more hope in the direction our young people are heading and also confirms the importance of having a strong traditional supportive family. Bravo!

  22. Oh for crying out Pete’s sake people..

    Given that (freeking obvious) point, all credibility is gone. Back-filling a story of failure and using the ‘walk away’ video thing as a dating app (hair, make-up, necklace but no earrings) is as ludicrous and absurd as that heavily condensated snifter of water and lemon. The whole thing is an anthem of tone deaf narcissism from a mindset that is equally capable of offering testimony against Kavanaugh as it is of becoming a nun or both for that matter.

    Calgonite take me away.

  23. “I choose authenticity. … caring about truth. … done bending a knee.”

    Brilliant. Absolutely, spot-on brilliant.

  24. I loved your presentation. I had the same experience. First year university, everyone lost their religion. By the time we all graduated, my friends were card-carrying leftists.
    However, for some reason, in my case, the programming didn’t take. When our group of friends got together, I found myself increasingly the odd-man-out. The others all thought and said the same things, in the exact same words. It was scary.
    Decades have past since then, and none of those people are in my life.
    It’s OK. My wife and I stayed married and had a lot of kids. Now we have a lot of grand-children.
    Life is full of choices. Thank God, when it comes to the really important issues, I made the right choices.

  25. She should dump social media altogether and she would never know what others are saying.

    She would then be free.
