79 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Prime Minister!”

  1. Message to the Saudi Crown Prince: Please please please cut off your Oil Tankers to Canada. Does anyone have any of the old bumper stickers from the NEP days: “Let the Eastern Bastards Freeze in the Dark”. Trump isn’t in a mood to help them either. Venezuela is now sufficiently socialized to be out of the picture so it just might become Beer and Popcorn time.

  2. When intellectual fly weights like Trudeau and Freeland are in charge of nation we should expect just such treatment from other nations. I suspect this has more to do with liberal support of muslim brotherhood than anything else. Well except maybe Trump using the Arab nations to slap Canada’s two clowns silly.

    1. Another win for WonderBoy, after being thrown out of China and laughed at in India.

      Yes I too am looking for the deeper reason.

      1. Heh. But we will not find the deeper reason discussed among the respective web pages of CBC News, the Toronto Star or the Globe and Mail. These pages are too busy regurgitating press releases from Foreign Affairs Canada.

    2. ” I suspect this has more to do with liberal support of muslim brotherhood than anything else.”

      I know what it’s about.
      The Canadian Government sold the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia armored vehicles and in the sales contract the agreement with the KSA, stipulated by the Canadian Government, was that the KSA could not and would not use the armored vehicles that Canada sold them against Saudi civilians.

      Well guess what? KSA did use these armored vehicles against their own civilians and the Canadian Government is pissed.

      Now you know what the rest of the poorly informed people on this thread do not know. You’re welcome.

      1. Just one problem with your theory. Canada sold KSA vehicles and Canada is getting kicked across the world stage by KSA. It That doesn’t sound like Canada if mad at KSA it means the KSA is mad at Canada.

  3. Holy sheet SuperDork and GreenQueen are in deep do-doo.
    Second that thought John.
    Never rely on foreigners for your energy. Just sayin’

    1. We do have a Green Queen in Canada (also known as Climate Barbie), but I believe Freeland is better designated the Purple Queen in honour of her appearance in that too small purple dress.

    1. More amused that the Sauds and Chinese have finally figured out what a monumental blunder it was to install Justin Trudeau as their puppet.

      If it’s any consolation, President Trump will now be spared having to send the Marines to evict Justin from Rideau Cottage. The Chinese and the Sauds will be happy to do the job for him.

      Were I Trump (or Putin or Netanyahu), I would be laughing myself sick right now.

    2. Not at all, but there’s a bigger game going on and I think the Crown Prince just cracked the whip on Trudeau.

    3. Andrew, point well taken. I too resent the ongoing Muslim-based human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia. But these cultural abuses are not the examples Justin Trudeau is harping on. Saudi Arabia and Iran are competing against each other, and I for one dislike both sides.

      P.s. Justin’s far-left brother Alexandre a number of years ago produced a three-part documentary, shown on the CBC National news, supporting Iran. Honest Reporting Canada exposed the fact that the documentary was partially funded by the fundamentalist Iranian government. My reading of the tea leaves is that Justin leans towards Iran. I read the Globe and Mail, and that left-leaning newspaper has been carrying a spate of stories criticizing Saudi Arabia and supporting Iran. And don’t forget that Donald Trump has been agitating against the Obama-led nuclear deal. Justin and his corporate-media cheerleaders supporter the deal.

      1. david, you and andrew may one day understand the saying, “the enemy of my enemy”.

    4. Heh, no one here likes the Saudi’s, the laugh is that the “Progressive” Left continues to eat their own. The answer is “And suddenly the Progressive Liberal hates the Saudi’s”, like a misogynistic, homophobic, non-white culture of death and slavery is all of the sudden “bad”. What happened there?

      But Progressives can relax, no doubt Turdeau will capitulate and give away half the country to the Saudi’s before the end of the year. A few dozen more mosques and the promise of Sharia law to enrich Canadian leftist with some fine culture.

      Too bad, dumping 16,000 Saudi “students” sounded pretty good for awhile.

      1. On Monday, it canceled educational exchange programs between the two countries, including scholarships and fellowships, and stated that all its students currently in Canada would be relocated to other countries. The Saudi state airline suspended flights in and out of Toronto.

        There’s probably a down side I’m not seeing.

    5. I have no love for Saudi Arabia.
      However, the radicals that want to overthrow them and install a so-called Islamic republic like the one ISIS envisions (which by comparison makes the Saudis look like choir boys) I have nothing but fear and loathing.

    6. Whatever gave you that idea? We simply recognize another huge failure by the JV team in Ottawa, no love for anyone expressed or implied.

    7. Actually I quite admire the MODERN direction SA has taken … since MY President took office. Some really corrupt, pro-Izlamist, friends of HER, have been … uh … removed from power. It’s all GOOD to me!

    8. The problem, Andrew, is that the KSA, is actually reforming their weirdo society. Why not have a wee bit of patience and keep ones cakehole shut? But if it was turned to glass tomorrow … meh.

  4. No. I have about as much use for the Saudis and their retrograde theocracy as I have for the Spawn and his green theocracy and Archbishop Butts.

  5. “But the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and the Palestinian Authority have announced they stand with Saudi Arabia, raising the possibility that Canada may face escalating repercussions across the region.

    yeah… and Trump has yet to b!tch slap Canadians for electing Justunme. If I was Canadian i might seriously consider emigrating.

  6. The House of Saud hardly needed an ambassador to Canada in the first place when it had an ambassador to communist China.

    Rest assured there are very angry words being sent to Beijing from Riyadh as I type this.

    Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland were only supposed to prattle about human rights as propaganda against Russia (the mortal enemy of China) and Israel (the mortal enemy of Islam) for daring to do what was necessary to secure the existence of the Russian and Jewish peoples and a future for their children.

    Allowing Canada to openly condemn the House of Saud was never part of the deal the Sauds had with the Chinese communists.

    Globalist stooges who get too big for their britches and openly turn on their paymasters invariably pay dearly for their treachery sooner rather than later.
    Communist China needs Saudi oil a lot more than it needs the Shiny Pony.

    Expect the mainstream media to finally spill the beans on why Justin was let go from his teaching job well in advance of the 2019 election.

    1. Why should Russian, European, American, etc. Jewish peoples be permitted to occupy “Israel”, a country that their forefathers were evicted from hundreds of years ago?
      Their children would be far more secure in North America.

  7. I am willing to bet Trump suggested this action to the KSA. Trump and MBS are pretty close.

    1. Based on zero evidence. Believe me, Trump does not have to ask for KSA’s help against Trudeau. Trudeau did this all by himself. As in …

      Gee, what happened? Back in college, whenever we virtue signalled, the school administration always caved, no matter how ridiculous the demands.

      Of course, Canada can be self sufficient in oil if it wanted to be, and if Trudeau really considered western Canada to be part of the country. Fully explore the tarsands and build the trans-Canadian pipeline. In the meantime, use trucks. They are still more environmentally friendly than oil tankers. Then, Mr. Trudeau, you can virtue signal to KSA all you want to, with little consequence.

      1. “based on zero evidence.” Well FFS, all of us are speculating here right?. Fact is that there is a high degree of cooperation going on right now between the US and the KSA (and Israel) with respect to surrounding and crushing Iran using all economic and banking leverage means available and in managing the price of oil. That cooperation extends to many countries in the Gulf. The fact that so many other countries immediately took the KSA’s lead and piled on suggests a coordinated action. Trump lumps Canada in with the EU-NATO cabal that are currently cooperating very reluctantly if at all in terms of ponying up $ as well as their reluctance to back up Trump on the Iranian deal to say nothing of their one-sided trade deals with the US. Any chance Trump gets to put pressure on Canada to get in line, he is going to use it.

        1. What are the chances that Canada will go along with MY President’s reimposition of sanctions against Iran? Soon … Canada will be deemed an enemy-State and subject to the same sanctions.

          I really HOPE the people of Canada can regain control of their country from the radicals who are running it into the ground.

          1. Nah, I ‘d like to see this played out, thanks. It’s entertaining & a great nation building opportunity, to boot.

          2. I agree with PO’ed in AB. Fatchances of that. This is becoming more entertaining every day.

  8. We have lots of oil but the treehuggers in the east didn’t want it. Thanks to our man/child leader and his progressive policies life could get a lot more interesting. I can hardly wait for boy blunder to come up with his next brain fart as eastern Canada comes to the realization that everything in this country moves on wheels or wings , …… and none of this green garbage can replace good ‘ol oil. Stock up on popcorn and marvel as our illustrious leader explains his way out of this one, and if you think the price of gas is high now ,….. just give it a bit more time.


    1. Not to nitpick, Peter, but ships don’t move on wheels or wings. 🙂 otherwise I agree and will stock up on beer and popcorn.

  9. I did some research this morning. The Saudis are our 4th largest importers of hard red spring wheat. Any other markets Trudeau is going to totally screw up?

    1. I don’t spend much time worrying about where essential commodities such as oil/gas, grain, potash, etc will be sold. I KNOW they will be sold. If Bob doesn’t buy them, then John will. The world needs them, they will sell. Someone always wants to eat, just make them hungry enough and they will pay.

      Plus, if ever there was yet another reason why the liberals shouldn’t sell our grain – could you imagine if this kindergarten team still had the wheat board!!!!

      1. “If Bob doesn’t buy them, then John will.”

        Absolutely. Imagine an auction with 200 bidders. One goes home and leaves 199. Not a disaster. Commodities trade themselves. Why does that sound familiar?

  10. I’m glad the Saudi students will be gone. Good riddance.
    But now Turdeau gets to stop any more armoured vehicle shipments to Saudi. I am not sure if any are left to ship.

    And as for oil from Saudi, I don’t think it will stop. But if it does Climate Barbie and Bombardier will announce two new electric cars, made in Quebec. The first will be called the Justin, and the second the Sophie. Both to be subsidized by a $5000 per year tax on SUVs and pickup trucks

    1. The schools those students attended made a lot of capital off of.
      Think about that for a moment?
      Our universities have lost some of that “other people’s money”.
      Who does that hurt the most?

  11. I’ve been following the Saudi case for a couple years. It’s appalling.

    But everyone has figured out Canada now. We’re prattling virtue-signallers with absolutely zero influence on the world stage. There was a time when we had the ear of the US and could exercise some influence through Washington.

    Not only has that been thrown away due to yet more self-serving prattle, but the Saudis are likely thinking they can in fact curry favour with Washington by smacking Trudeau around.

    Think about where we are today. We block our own oil pipelines to the east, thereby become more dependent on Saudi imports (about 11% of total and rising), flick ash in Riyadh’s eye, alienate our closest ally so that the socialist leader of Mexico is invited to trade talks while were not, and our useless PM disappears for weeks to surf only to return for more selfies at a pride march and then a junket to San Fran.

    1. I think you mean self-righteous, not self-serving. Trudeau and Climate Barbies’s virtue signalling is only doing a disservice to us.

  12. As expected the corrupt corporate Media machine is running some serious PR for the Groper and the Nazi Grandaughter… The Sauds are upset because Canada is standing up for human rights… thats the spin coming out of Butts ass and regurgitated by the Media… so you see, the pervert and the Nazi are heros cause the Media said so… soon the Media will be telling Trudopians to vote for the imbecile globalist puppet again, and Trudopians will oblige.

    1. If Canada is standing up for human rights, then why do Butts and Turdeau support the Palestinians? Oh and didn’t the Palestinians (those great believers in human rights) just say they stood by the Saudis?

    1. Here is my definition:

      Canada is a collection of random provinces and territories that did not join with the original 13 colonies at the time of the American Revolution nor did they exercise their opportunity for freedom during the War of 1812. At the time, it did not really matter because there was no one here except for some British garrisons and French settlers. The land was unsuitable for agriculture, cold and produce little if any revenue. Frankly, the place was just not worth fighting for and was easily ignored by the US who were mainly interested in survival during the American Revolution and even in the War of 1812. From 1812 to the Civil War, expansion was driven by the Louisiana Purchase and the Mexican War which garnered vast territories and was an enormous preoccupation with US Administrations. The Oregon Treaty with Britain “54 – 40 or fight” could have easily resulted in all of western Canada ultimately becoming part of the US but “unfortunately” the 49th parallel was chosen. After the Civil War, there was a real fear northern troops would be used to occupy the remaining worthless British colonies the the north and this sparked Confederation. So to sum up, the only reason Canada exists is because we were always just an annoying distraction to the north whose economic value was not worth the expenditure to capture either by negotiation or by military action. There was always richer territory somewhere else for the US to focus on in its fulfillment and Canada was never a high priority. It still isn’t.

      1. Canada has an abundance of natural resources, oil, gas, etc plus we’re part of their border. What are you talking about? You were good, until your last 2 sentences.

        1. Mid east oil is dirt cheap. Controlling that so as to gain leverage on others is key. Canadian Oilsands oil is borderline economics and geographically next to impossible to bring to market as US blocks all Canadian tidewater exports to maintain their discount. So yes, Canada is definitely a marginal player. As far as metals go we are not that big. Agriculture we grow low value crops like wheat and canola that just don’t yield all that much and require millions of $ of investment to get a sketchy single digit ROI. Forestry we cannot compete with cheap tropical fibre that grows year round versus our 30 day growing season (the time when the actual trunk of a tree grows). I maintain Canada is a marginal player when it comes to natural resources.

          1. You used a lotta words just to tell us that we’re useless & we’r fucked. O,k, ya. So we are.

      2. Heh! 100% Merican history salad. One of the most challenging tasks on earth is to be an American historian and keep a straight face.

  13. CBC and the rest of the Canadian Marxists finally noticed human rights abuses in a Muslim country.

    Wil they notice how Muslims treat women in Canada?

    1. Liberals and NDP by their actions imply that muslim men in Canada have a right to force women to wear head coverings and face coverings.

  14. The National Liberal Propaganda machine aka CBC said that Canada will need to rely on it’s “allies” to help resolve the mess….Bhahahahahahahahah, snork, cough, spit LOL!

    Yea, don’t build the pipeline east ya morons, and Trumps an idiot yada yada yada……..A f*cking substitute drama teacher, snork, oh gaaawd.

    1. With Trudeau at the helm, I no longer know who our allies are. Technically the US, but I see no reason for the US to go to bat for us, given Justin’s contempt for Trump. The UN is run by Muslims these days, so they won’t want to interfere with the Saudi action. I think everyone is sick of Justin’s virtue signaling and they may see this as an opportunity to teach him a lesson.

  15. I’d like to think that Socks and Freeland were capable of three-dimensional chess and that they have intentionally used an emblematic human rights issue to irritate the Saudis, cut off their oil, and thus build a stronger appetite amongst the progressive base for domestic pipelines, and Alberta’s sweet oil. It would almost be Trumpesque. Sadly, I suspect that it is yet another bungled file with more clowns yet to emerge from the little electric car.

    1. If he approved the energy east pipeline he will lose liberal seats in Quebec, and gain 0 seats in the west as that bridge was burned 30 years ago.
      He’s between a rock and a hard place now and in these kinds of situations a minister is usually fired.

  16. Hey lets play a game of what if.
    What if this blogger and his sister are actually operatives for a foreign entity, not national in nature but more towards one with the goal of imposing its agenda on a global scale.
    And what if this “entity” includes such notable organizations such as the Clinton foundation.
    And what if what this “blogger” has been advocating isn’t to necessarily free Saudi’s from oppression but in reality replace the oppressors with new one’s along the lines of what happened in Iran.
    Now having set those what ifs on the table lets move on to the knowns.
    The KSA makes money on the sale of its oil.
    The KSA wants to buy the military hardware from that US Corporate branch plant in Canada.
    The KSA has expressed its dissatisfaction with the current Canadian government, with the specific statement that interference in their internal affairs gives them license (hell lets call it a social license) to interfere in our internal affairs.
    So what does this mean?
    It means that the KSA could be taking actions that will effect the Trudeau government that they feel is of no benefit to them, while leaving the things beneficial unharmed by those same actions.
    In this scenario what would those kinds of actions be? What kind of actions would hurt Trudeau politically but leave the rest unharmed?

    1. Me thinks Pierre was a Russian agent and I suspect Justin is an agent for China. Both loved totalitarian states an their leaders.

    1. Heh idiots, they don’t need to threaten anyway, Canada is chock full of little Jihadist murderers now, it’s only a matter of time until another attack on Canadian soil, and the Liberal retards in power will only apologize for them anyway. Waste of bandwidth.

  17. So many questions.
    Will Trudeau’s government replace the money KSA spent at Canadian schools for those students? Remember that foreign students pay full fare for their tuition at Canadian Universities.
    Who will provide the funds to keep building those fancy mosques across Canada?

  18. The megalomaniacs that run the government of Canada today think that they can tell the Chinese, the Americans and just about any other country how to run them.
    There is not enough information on the transgressions or innocence of the people involved, the media cartel will take care of that.
    Propaganda is in full force. The cartel will run interference and save the skin of the idiots.
    You will submit.

  19. Just my spidey senses and you can debunk it all you want but I think the NSA has some serious sh!t on PM Pervert. Globalists know and this leaves it subject to “carrying out orders” like a good little puppet. Trump also knows and he is countering. MSM takes the Globalist side. Only way to stop it is for it to become public.

  20. You know what’s funny?
    Hearing/seeing the same crowd that pissed all over Harper for giving Putin a tune-up, standing with turdo la doo on this.

  21. These actions are just SA announcing to the Canadian people that the Canadian government has taken a position fundamentally opposed to SA. Hopefully some of the ignorant multitude will think about that and get the point, but of course most people refuse to believe anything except the lie that benefits them.

  22. a statement was sought from the pmo, ‘a canadian is a canadian is a BOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!’
    but seriously. what a bluthering idjit.
    and let me offer an apology for voting for ponysocksturd in order to get my selfish agenda, namely
    LEGALIZE the herb finally.
    harper was going back in time so that wasnt an option.
    but I got what I wanted !!!
    p.s. the windfall? according to my ‘bud’dy, the indies are gonna have to drop their prices to compete with the legal stuff. and in fact, there will be a dumping of this years crop prior to ‘the date’.

    life is good.

    1. And after October 17, Justin and Butts will be perpetually stoned. Government may improve cause they’ll be unable to make it worse.
