39 Replies to “‘Are You Jesus-Splaining Immigration To Me?!?’”

  1. Reminder that globalists have no gods but money and power, that their ideology is Satanic, their hatred for the God of Israel and His only Son our Lord knows no bounds, and that they dream of the happy day that the last Christian is martyred by being hanged by the entrails of the last Jew.

    In the world the globalists have in store for us, there will be no place for Christians or Jews even as slaves. Anybody who tells you otherwise is a fool or a liar.

    1. AKanadian, yup, the “kristians” killing 6.7 million Jews was just so there were enough entrails to hang you. Just how stupid are you any ways????

      1. Adolph only USED Christians/Christianity to toss Jews on the heaping bodies of undesirables … unsuited for his eugenic future. Adolph was really a “green” … a Gaia worshipper.

        The REAL Christians … like Dietrich Bonhoeffer … were imprisoned and executed by good ol Adolph.

        1. Many of Hitler’s henchmen definitely worshiped the false gods of their Germanic ancestors.

          It’s not clear that Hitler himself worshipped anything but power, though he liked the idea of posterity worshipping him as a god.

          Hitler is hated by globalists today not for killing Christians or Jews but for biting the hands of industry and fimance that fed him until 1938. National Socialism was designed as a form of socialism less likely to take away the working man’s incentive to produce. The financiers who bankrolled Germany’s re-armament hadn’t counted on nighttime air raids blowing their City of London offices to smithereens.

      2. just what Christian or Christians killed Jews? The Nazis were not Christians. Get a brain transplant, your current one is not working.

  2. ““In federal prison?” Schlichter shot back. “Apparently we’ve got to import a bunch of immigrants to do the time American convicts won’t do. “”


  3. I’ll do a little Jesusplaining …

    Flooding a country with low wage, low educated, slaves, who displace an equal number of American workers and suppress wages is not a Christian value. When the only ones profiting from the cheap wages are the elites, who have benefitted disproportionately while the average middle class worker still makes a 1984 wage … if they have a job at all. I believe I know how Christ feels about obscenely wealthy men obscenely profiting from crushingly-low wages. Christ sees the BIG picture … not the pinhole this pinhead is looking through.

    And let me remind this twit who invokes the name of Christ in this ILLEGAL activity … that Jesus/God/Holy Spirit ONLY cares about your own personal salvation and enlightenment. Shoving Jesus into the middle of ILLEGAL immigration as IF he has a clue about His Words or meanings is crass and reeks of desperation. So, are we to believe that Jesus doesn’t care about displaced American workers ? Jesus hates Black-Americans who have been most damaged by the “benevolent” open borders policies of teleprompted-Christians like Obama Hussein Obama?

    1. I guess you didn’t see the part of the headline that said it was about CANADIAN officials, not AMERICAN officials. We here in Canuckistan get subjected to enough garbage about ‘MURRCAN stuff. We’ve got our own garbage to deal with and we certainly don’t need someone trying to turn every single discussion into a chat about ‘MURRCA. So lets just shut up about ‘MURRCA on this Canadian blog and deal with the referenced Canadian news items. M . . kay?

      1. You might want to check Kate’s link, and then think about apologizing to Kenji our American friend.

      2. Hey Buddy,

        Who are you to talk to Kenji like that? We are all North Americans you got that? Take out your atlas and stare at it. I too think you should apologize to our affable American friend.


      3. liberal socialists are the same on both sides of the border. they hate freedom.

      4. John use your imagination. Replace American with Canadian and you are good to go.

      5. Thank you, my friends. I very much appreciate you springing to my defense. And let it be said that I am here to LEARN more about my Canadian neighbors … not here to shove ‘merica down anyone’s gullet. I don’t feel it is right that you all know a lot more about the USA, than I do about Canada. And remember! My only daughter is marrying a Canadian gentleman in the next 6mos. … in Vancouver (Hongcouver?). I am trying to learn more about Canada in an effort to understand him. He is a fantastic future son in law BTW.

        1. You’re welcome, Kenji!
          Brevity is the soul of wit. You made me burst out in a spittle, laughing, with your quick reply to JohnPeg when you said, simply, ” you’ve mangled my accent!”

      6. How much cash have you sent Kate’s way? I’ve sent plenty, not as much as she deserves or needs to fund the site but undoubtedly more than you. Miss my red, white and blue axx.

    2. Well said Kenji. The Democrats want open borders and more lefty voters and the unscrupulous business owner wants cheap slave labour and could care less about the long term ramifications to the country. They are like the person that smuggles and sells arms to an enemy during wartime.

    3. ITT, economic illiterates who think they’re entitled to high wages and no competition.

      I get to hire who I want, and if that means Pedro from the Home Depot parking lot then that’s who it is. There’s little evidence that mass immigration depresses wages and even if it did, so what? Automation also ‘depresses wages’. Tough cheese. “Displaced American workers” need to take some responsibility and move to where the work is. Get a degree.

      1. Wow, UnMe is a Libertarian. Who knew? The issue is that countries live and die by rule of law. The higher the corruption, the less prosperous the country. If 12 million immigrants are deemed to be “illegal”, that represents 12 million undocumented people who are breaking the law just by being in the country. Immigration laws were put in place for many reasons. The US has failed to enforce the law and there have been many negative consequences (and a number of positive benefits for those who have illegally employed these immigrants). You tell American workers to get a degree (good one). Many Americans are now telling non-Americans to “get in line” for legal immigration.

        1. “The higher the corruption, the less prosperous the country. ”

          Surprisingly untrue! India got more corrupt as it got more prosperous-bribes had to be paid out to move good around.

          ” Immigration laws were put in place for many reasons.”

          Almost all of them stupid.

          “If 12 million immigrants are deemed to be “illegal”, that represents 12 million undocumented people who are breaking the law just by being in the country.”

          Then legalize them.

          1. “Surprisingly untrue! India got more corrupt as it got more prosperous-bribes had to be paid out to move good around.” OK, but your example seems to have corruption following prosperity, not prosperity resulting from corruption. Even the UN, which is hardly a paradigm of virtue, notes that corruption “is the single greatest obstacle to economic and social development around the world” (https://www.unric.org/en/latest-un-buzz/28897-zero-corruption-100-development). My point isn’t really focused on corruption per se, it is that a country whose citizens live by the rule of law will always be more prosperous than one whose citizens contemptuously flout their laws. But even the best intentioned or strictest laws (e.g. dictatorships) will fail their citizens if they don’t have a culture of compliance or a moral compass that understands the harm that breaking laws can have.

            “Almost all of them stupid” Really? You’re advocating open borders? You don’t believe in screening individuals coming into the country? Justin Trudeau may have an opening for you. Or, you can agree to screening millions of newcomers? Now there is a make-work project. Commoditization of skilled and unskilled labour and professionals would result. I have a libertarian friend who claims that the smallest countries are the most prosperous, e.g. Switzerland, Luxembourg. I would think that open borders would create the opposite, a much larger, and hence, less prosperous country.

      2. @UnMe: You don’t get to hire who want if that person isn’t an American citizen.

        It really is that simple.

  4. Remember Andrea Horwath wants to make Ontario a sanctuary for illegals

    1. One of the most sobering realizations about Canada today is that Ontario is the most indebted sub-national government in the world, with $1 billion a month interest payments nownthe fourth biggest item in the budget, and yet more than half of Ontarians wanted to vote for the party that created the debt or a party that promised to make it worse.

      Paraphrasing King Theoden facing the Orc army in LOTR, what can man do in the face of such madness.

      1. I don’t understand how people rationalize their votes under these circumstances. Detroit, Baltimore, St Louis and so on haven’t seen Republican governance in decades, the ’60s in some cases, and have become unsalvageable sh!tholes as a result. Yet people still elect Dims. It’s the epitome of a failed IQ test.

    2. Thankfully, Andrea can huff and puff and blow anybody she wants and it still ain’t going to happen.

  5. Canada last year:

    “America is racist for trying to stop migration from the third world. Canada welcomes you”

    Canada now:

    “We’re swamped by migration from the third world. Please, racist America, help us make it stop.”

    Trudeau’s idiotic tweet may be the most expensive tweet ever. He should be personally bankrupted before the Canadian taxpayer sends a single penny.
