12 Replies to ““Houston, we have temperature record.””

  1. Hot and humid today with thunderstorms in the afternoon. 90f.

    The most perfectly normal last week of July imaginable. Despite all the extreme warnings and flaming red weather maps

    1. I am with you on that, summer, ahhhh. Golf this am, later a swim and some cold beer.

  2. We are in Amsterdam and it’s 16, cloudy and rainy. Been like that for the last 4 days coming from Cologne. It was warm in Prague 2 weeks ago when I was there up to 30 for 2 hours in the afternoon for a couple of days. Other than that temps have been summery nice.

    It might hot in Spain, Portugal and France., but it is every summer. That’s why most Parisiens go to Nice on the Medditeranian to get out of the heat in July. They have been doing this for a couple hundred of years.

  3. I saw a video where it was unfortunately mentioned that these “climate experts” were not taking the ambient air temperature at the standard 6 feet above the ground. Instead, they were measuring the heat of the pavement. That would tend to increase the temperature I suspect.

    Hmm…..wonder if it was accidental?

    1. I was at the Wawa, Ontario airport a few years back. The weather station is conveniently located right behind the (very small) terminal. Everywhere around was paved. A large snow machine idled 30-40 feet away for several tens of minutes before driving away. A few minutes later a lady came out to take some weather readings. The wind sock at the terminal didn’t work because of the large storage buildings located near the terminal. We were moved to the end of the runway where the wind sock located there worked quite well. It was funny looking over at the wind sock (not moving) at the terminal and the weather station almost up against it, and then looking at the wind sock near us, snapping in a strong cold wind. Our pilot made a joke about calling the airport for weather information.

  4. I noticed in one of these panic-driven clips of “hottest on record” that the people in it were wearing winter-sized parkas! Must have been down under, still…. [sigh], they must think we’re really that stupid!

    Not only are these fraudsters taking readings of ground temperature instead of air temperature, they also moved the sensors to “heat islands.” Concrete urban jungles in the cities, and at airports, while removing sensors from the mountains and seashores.

    Anything they can do to gin up the panic, I suppose, including OUTRIGHT LIE about the data!!!

  5. The media cartel will never say that it is the sun, the mightiest of all that makes the weather.

    “Giant sunspot grew 10 times wider than Earth in just 48 hours, then spat X-class flare right at us”

    It happened a few weeks ago.
    It is why the weather is wacky.
    The media cartel keeps banging their collective heads on the global warming caused by you.

    Been thinking, which activity is always dangerous:
    71% of Earth is water while 29% is land.
    Human beings occupy around 50-70 percent of the Earth’s land surface.
    1. This means that either 10% of Earth is inhabited by humans or 90% of Earth is covered by humans, including populated areas and an ever-expanding network of roads, train tracks, highways, farms, and industrial land2.
    80 per cent of Canada is uninhabited
    Despite having a population of more than 310 million people, 47 percent of the USA remains unoccupied.
    65 percent of the Earth unexplored.
    And they are insisting that humans control the climate.
    Well, good luck.

  6. Ohhhhhhhhhh mommmaaaaaaaa … it got HOT for a few days here at the end of July in my perfect-climate Bay Area suburb … then the fog rolled in and cooled it off. And it got warm again … and then the fog rolled in … ohhhhhhhhhhhhh mommaaaaaaaa … the local weather girl in the tight dress went crazy … oohhhhhhhhhhhh mommmmaaaaaaa … global warming she said.

    I said … same as it ever was. Same as it ever … was.

  7. Climate Porn..
    Is boring.
    The scam Artistes are not even trying.
    “Hottest temperature ever recorded”,With a careful exclusion of the required details..
    What record?
    Starting when?
    And how many previously published “records” did you have to ignore or erase to make that claim?
    “Its unprecedented”..everything is if you were born yesterday.
    The Cult of Calamitous Climate is a sad sack effort.
    One that would only work on a truly dumb population..
    Oh crap! Can Ah Duh.
