36 Replies to “I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords”

  1. Here’s the scary part; this Artificial Midwittery is better than what the students can produce on their own.

    1. The really scary part is that this system will continue to get smarter, and the soundness of its reasoning is already vastly superior to our Prime Minister’s.

      1. That is already a pretty low bar to set…

        When the carbon tax rubbish started, I teased friends that every other element should also be taxed for equality! Moreover, since light is likely finite; if the government doesn’t regulate it with a heavy photon tax, we’ll end up not being able to see a thing! And, if the government doesn’t control gravity, we could all just float away!!!

        This tease is getting less and less amusing…

  2. This is actually simple and a no-brainer. All the guvmint needs is to LIE about it: “Speed of Light is 300 miles per hour – and we’ll administer involuntary MAID to anybody who says otherwise!”

    The best point of doing this is that the guvmint changes the “official” speed of light every 15 seconds, and the guvmint is always – ALWAYS – right, so after about a year EVERYBODY will be eligible for involuntary MAID. – “Oh we’re sorry, that was the correct answer 27 seconds ago – bare your arm, citizen!”

  3. This is why I laugh whenever anyone says Artificial Intelligence. It’s SORTING. Plain old sorting and filing, done really fast. And here we see what sorting looks like when written out in essay form.

    To the computer, all words are the same. There is no -meaning- involved, and therefore no communication. That’s how you get the computer telling you the federal government has a role in enforcing the speed of light. It merely generates a sorted list of words that it generates from the question.

    These days the lists are quite good, but the essay is still utterly devoid of meaning.

    1. If that’s the case, how do you explain the fact that it can write computer programs that compile and run, and do this much faster than a human can? It can even write hundreds of them at the same time, something that no human can do. This is referred to as “narrowly super-human performance.”
      Its a hell of a lot more than just sorting and filing, grammar, syntax, etc, are very complex.
      The program is better than most journalists.

      The fact is, the speed of light is regulated, and set as a constant, and is in turn used to define the length of a meter. So, as measurements of the speed of light get more precise, the length of the meter does too.
      This regulation is not done by the feds, though, its done by an international consortium.

      1. The programs ChatGPT writes are garbage. They compile and run because its source is code samples scraped from all over the web. But the programs frequently don’t run without faulting, and for any non-trivial case will be wrong. Ask ChatGPT to write a YAML pipline to deploy a python app or a C# API to convert SI to Imperial units and you’ll get something that works because those programs already exist out there on the public Internet. Ask it to convert a proprietary binary telemetry payload to JSON using the Azure IoT Central schema and it’ll fall down and hurt itself. Any code ChatGPT can write is code no human should have been writing in the first place, because it’s trivial.

      2. “If that’s the case, how do you explain the fact that it can write computer programs that compile and run, and do this much faster than a human can?”

        A “Chinese Room” can in principle translate Chinese into English, write a computer program, play chess or do most any rule-based game or task. This does not mean that the Chinese Room can be said to -understand- the task it is doing. It doesn’t. It takes an input, performs an algorithm on it, and produces an output.

        Leading us to the -absurdity- of the notion that the government could enforce the speed of light. Universal constants can only be measured, but the program doesn’t know that. Can’t know it. And while the government could pass a law stating the speed of light is a certain value, that doesn’t mean anything. The speed of light is what it is, regardless of what any law or custom says about it. The computer doesn’t know that either.

        Governments do things like that in real life all the time. An example is the state legislature of Indiana nearly passing a bill that made Pi 3.2 instead of 3.1415etc. The computer doesn’t see anything wrong with that. It is merely an input value. A -human- will understand that the legislature can do whatever it wants, but the value of Pi will not change.

        The program is not -intelligent-. It can’t in principle know what a government is, what a regulation is, what enforcement is, or what the speed of light is. It just sorts words. -WE-, the humans, impute meaning to what the computer program wrote. It does not. If there is a meaningful thought in what was written, that is entirely accidental.

  4. 1. well, they own the science and they’re a tyrannical agency that can do anything they like since nobody will ever hold them accountable.
    2. reasons
    3. it’s 2023

  5. I had exactly this experience with my father the other day. He said he was watching a science fiction movie that was incredibly fake. At one point the captain of the star ship asked how far away the aliens were. “One thousand meters” to which the captain said “ok – slow to Mach One” which had my father in stitches. “Do you know how many km you travel in 10 seconds at Mach One?” he asked, still laughing. “The captain would crash into the aliens before his next line.”. Being a bit of a dick I asked my father if he knew what the speed of sound was in a vacuum, the answer to which he didn’t know. “Zero meters/second” I answered. He thought about that for a second and then asked “do you think they’re still out there?”. So yes, asking AI questions leads to a more accurate conversation.

  6. The output sounds like typical governmental spokesperson/academic balderdash. Easy to see with a critical eye, but sounds like everything else put out there as “truth”. With the current state of humanity, it is easy to see why people fall for this as “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. Thank you, Mr Arthur C. Clarke.
    Now, one may find it more useful to ask “How do I change the alternator on my 2005 Toyota Corolla v6?”.
    Agree with Phantom, it’s computer aided sorting, so, high speed google-fu, destined to make everyone ‘equal’ until it comes time to break out the tools and change that alternator..
    Garbage in=garbage out..

    1. To most people, cell phones, cars, GPS, and computers are magic.
      Most people don’t have a clue as to how most tech works, then again, most people don’t know how a freakin’ candle works.

  7. If you aren’t frightened half to death that AI so “logically” and glibly argues for Overriding constitutional restrictions in order to “solve” an unsolvable problem … then you deserve MAID.

    1. You can’t stuff the genie back in the bottle. Cowering in fear before it is not gonna help anyone, quite the opposite, in fact.

  8. Idiots.
    If you asked it to explain why the moon is made of green cheese, and to structure the answer in the style of Dr. Seuss, it would do so, and all of you people would expound on how stupid it is, when, in reality, it is doing exactly as its told.
    I suppose you guys would rather it develop consciousness.
    it can already write satire better than professional satirists, in fact, at least one satirist website has already gone behind a paywall to prevent future AIs from using their content.

  9. More like an artificial art student. No intelligence, artificial or otherwise was shown in the essays given. It’s a glorified search engine.

    1. A glorified search engine, that can write computer programs that actually work, around 500x faster than a person can, and write hundreds if not thousands of them at the same time.

    1. We know they would if they could. And make light wear a helmet and seatbelt.
      For the children, no less.

  10. Cern Switzerland announced that a few of their neutrinos clocked in at 2 billionth of a second faster than the speed of light in their latest experiment. Strangely they’ve since walked back that claim.
    That’d throw the world of physics into a tail spin.
    Great name for a breakfast cereal though.

    1. 2 billionths of a second is not a measure of speed or velocity.
      Tell me, do you mislead people on purpose, or out of ignorance?

      1. Oh please, just FO. Provide for the rest of us your self endorsed expertise on this matter and then move the hell on ok? C’mon…let’s go, I know you want too.
        You’re the same ahole I’m sure, who tutored me some time ago on your vast knowledge of tensor calculus.
        Correct me good sir and then FO, ok?
        And oh yeah, it’s all on “purpose”. “Misleading people since 1956″…yup, that’s my motto alrighty.

        Quoting Caddyshack – “Well, we’re waiting!!!”

        1. OK. Velocity and speed are measured in units of length divided by time, so a measure of time is not a measure of speed or velocity.
          I know it might be a bit too complicated for ya, and that being the case, well, you know…better to keep your mouth shut and be thought of as a fool than to open it and remove all doubt, but the choice is yours.

  11. AI will never achieve sentient on it’s own thinking. That is given by GOD. We are not GOD, not even a god.

    Sure it can store, calculate and compile information at an ever increasing, astonishing rate, but has no more “thinking” capacity than the basic adding machines of the past.

    1. We are created in his image. We can push AI as far as we like, and it isn’t for you to say how far is too far, its for God and God alone. The people who are pushing the boundaries of physics, computers, etc, are the people who are actually exploring Creation, and the people who try to stop them work for Satan, trying to hide the glory that is Creation from Man.

      1. Yes creation.

        Genesis 2:7 “Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” NIV

        Only GOD can impart life, man can’t. The most advanced AI will still have the sentient self awareness of a mechanical washing machine timer, a tool, nothing more.

  12. This must be the source of the whole “I disagree with you about (insert any argument here), therefore you are a racist misogynist”.

  13. Write an essay explaining why violating the laws of thermodynamics should be a federal felony.
