9 Replies to “Past Twitter Employees vs. Oil Rig Workers”

  1. Just like with people suffering from phantom honking, I have an infinite amount of phantom compassion.

  2. The bit at the end where they dip into abortions.

    Why are companies willing to do this?

    Cause they hate you. If you were to actually go through with the pregnancy and have the child they would have to allow you to take baby leave. So they pay you, hold your job open and also pay for your temp replacement.


    Allow you leave to get the pregnancy… dealt… with… and you are back on the floor ‘working’ within a couple of days.

    These people don’t seem to grasp this. They think their company loves them. No, their company has done a cost benefit and worked out where they can bribe you to spend more time working for them. They want the employees to think they are getting a good deal so they spend more time in the office. Free lunch? Then the employee can work through their lunch break.

    Spoiler? If I work through my lunch break it is to make up time so I can leave earlier.

    Nap rooms? Keep you at work. Train you that ‘work’ is a place you spend time at for multiple reasons.

    Even with those floatly people who seem to have a job walking around talking to all the other people who seem to have a job walking around the principle is the same. Someone with a spreadsheet has concluded that having them walk around constantly telling their socials what a nice place it is to work has the long term effect of keeping people at the office. If nothing else having gives the average employee that work is this friendly social environment like Uni where you can sit and try and build up the courage to talk to the person you like.

    Look. I have unloaded bulk grain before as a source of income. My current day job is indoors with no heavy lifting and… I sort of miss the bulk grain. Better Team Leads in that gig.

    1. Yeah, the idea of leting women breed, how sexsist!
      Looks like all of the so-called Canadian Right have just gone and sucked on the Left’s cock. Just like the CPC. Canadians hate gun rights, because Canadians hate freedom, and are nothing but a bunch of scared little pussywillows.
      Seat belts, helmets, gun laws, Canadians demand more and more, and now e-bike batteries and drones.

  3. I made a sales call at Amazon about 8 years ago, because we had some products they wanted to add to their panoply of everything they sell (and about which they know nothing). Right off the bat I noted that they live an altered, pseudo-stoned reality. Haughty, supercilious and arrogant. I think I’ve spent $11 with Amazon this year, and even that was tough to stomach.

  4. I’ve always had a soft spot for oil rig workers and diamond drillers. These are hard-working people. I’ve never seen a woman on either and I’ve been around alot of drills.

    I read the “average” Twitter employee was being paid $220,000 USD before Elon pulled up in his sink.
