Because It Didn’t Work The First Four Times

Gee, that doesn’t sound like a threat at all.

44 Replies to “Because It Didn’t Work The First Four Times”

  1. I, for one, cannot wait till Alberta either passes the “Alberta Sovereignty Act” or the “Notwithstanding Clause” to fight against the Tyranny of Trudeau and his minions.

  2. Does he really live in a bubble?
    Even his beloved MSM puppets are not able to muster up any fearmongering stories about ‘the deadly Big C’.
    The truth is out.

    Obviously he got a phone call from Uncle Klaus.

    Oh, and pass the gravol. I actually listened to him for the first time in a year.

    1. I find that, once one accepts the implied negative consequence, the initial threat loses it’s power over you. In this case, to a large extent, the health care system isn’t worth saving. With less than 50% having received even a third shot to date, he’s got a long way to go!

  3. Justin Trudeau is a science denier.

    Many studies, statistics have been published that show vaccines cause more problems than they solve,

    More vaccinated people require hospitalisation for covid than non vaccinated

    the number of health problems caused by those vaccines is higher than for any other vaccine.

    And it is now no longer denied that certain medication such as Ivermectin do work.

    The facts are there, the science is there and Justin Trudeau is denying the science, he is a science denier.

  4. What part of the word “NO” does the PMO have difficulty with?

    This guy couldn’t save his own a**; why would you want him to “Save” your healthcare system; which they have consistently effed up for, at least the past 30 years?


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group

  5. Anyone watching closely saw Moderna and Pfizer stock take a dip today. This is despite the CDC approving 13 to 1 to approve the latest boosters. So why the dip? Well, the CDC was forced to mention the fact that they approved the boosters without one iota of human testing to support their decision. The FDA rubber stamped the CDC’s position (which is perverted and disturbing).

    It seems clear that there is a growing skepticism (even among the lemmings) and indifference to their latest miracle drug and it seems Trudeau is going to try and make the decision for you.

    Can we please have a detailed forensic financial evaluation on all politicians as a norm? I find it hard to believe that there isn’t under the table profiting going on. There is no other reason for such an enthusiastic endorsement of nonsense.

    1. I don’t follow these things much anymore as I lost interest in BS some time ago.
      … but is that correct, no testing on the new injections? Holy shit. They are tanking all faith in public health agencies for a generation.

    1. Reminds me of some misheard lyrics I misheard. The song “watching the detectives” by Elvis Costello I thought was “washing the defectives” and I could never figure out why Eric Clapton was singing about “angina”.

  6. They Live …… is all I can say to explain the utter incompetence of these absolute idiots we have for “leaders” and the people that vote them in.
    The health care here in Ontario is on the ropes already.
    So many things are , but nobody wants to say it.
    Hard times are a coming, and mostly because of these WEF idiots.
    And not some unavoidable accident.

  7. Rumor has it that Fat F*** Ford, got so excited about the perspective of more lockdowns, that he was trying to find his private parts for a whole half hour, until he run out of breath.

  8. All he has to do is say you can’t go to a restaurant. Or get the provinces fo but giving them some cash, Friend of mines nephew had chest pain after the first shot, didn’t get the second until he couldn’t go out to a restaurant. Then he got the second. Was ok but goes to snow what a bunch of compliant, stupid people live in Canada.

  9. I was born Canadian and have lived here for 73 years. It is only in the regime of our latest PM that I feel sick to my stomach every time I hear his pronouncements. Is it wrong to feel such loathing for a man? Perhaps he is just a handsome (to women and gays) mediocrity and has by chance and birth ascended to a station far beyond his abilities and is merely flailing around without a malevolent agenda. In that case I should feel compassion and not hatred. But I am not that noble and magnanimous. I cannot hear him without being infuriated and embarrassed that he is the leader of my country.
    I recently made a feeble protest at the direction of my country by building a flag pole on my property and flying the beloved Red Ensign. I will not fly the Maple Leaf flag until the sight of it makes me proud.

    1. He is not handsome. I am ashamed to be a woman, if that’s how women decide who to vote for.

      And yes, I get sick to my stomach when I hear him talk. He is beyond reprehensible.

  10. “Every collectivist Revolution rides in on a Trojan Horse of “Emergency”. It was the tactic of Lenin, Hitler and Mussolini in the collectivist sweep over a dozen minor countries of Europe. It was the cry of men striving to get on horseback and “emergency” became the justification of subsequent steps. This technique of creating emergency is the greatest achievement that demography attained.”
    Herbert Hoover

  11. Because you don’t get the full myocardial effect until the 4th shot.

    ps. This is the leader of the government that lost money selling pot. Yeah, you should take him verrrry seriously.

  12. I guess Canadian government “science” is still denying the effectiveness of naturally acquired immunity and the prevalence of immunity in the population (estimated at 99% in countries like the UK). Here’s a video by Dr. John Campbell for 1 of many references.

    Canada’s government and public health agencies are not in the least bit credible or following the science. It also explains the Trudeau Liberal government’s decision to not scrap the ArriveCan app. More travel restrictions, I assume. Canadians have to stop complying with this B,S,

  13. If these government and media assholes gave a shit about anyone’s health and surviving Covid then they would be publishing every bit of information about strengthening immunity naturally.
    Instead they deny that anything other than another shot of the Jonestown Juice helps.
    It is a cult of evil idiots.

  14. Excuse me Mr. Truideau, but government’s job is not to push me full of drugs to protect health care.

  15. The simpering tit is still spouting this drivel for one reason: the Opposition colluded with him for the better part of two years on the suppression of our liberties, and by doing so, compromised itself on speaking out about our crumbling economy and the covid lies. Their cowardly complicity holds them powerless.

  16. It wont be over until assclown is out of office.. How do you climb down on how he treated Canadians and not look like a fool?..
    You dont.. You double down and hope other events clear the slate for you..

    What is it?.. 3 more years until he wins again :).. Term limits Canada, term limits.. Cruel and unusual punishment.. The only thing worse than looking at Trudeau is listening to him..

  17. Correct me if I am wrong but the new improved Moderna trial consisted of eight mice-and we have no idea if those eight survived the shot? How the hello can any government approve a drug without proper legal clinical trials? He can take his lisp and his vaccine and shove it up his nose. Every single world leader that forced those experimental jabs on the peasants should be facing Nuremberg trials.

  18. Justine sure loves being a little, petty tyrant, doesn’t he?

    “Take the jab or I’ll lock you down, HARD!”

  19. Words cannot begin to describe how much I loathe this lying, stupid, self-righteous, entitled and tyrannical piece of shït.

    If anyone next dies from the clot shot boosters, I hope he’s first on the list and on the express train to hell, where he belongs.

  20. Basic Dick can take his threats and shove them up Klaus Schwabs anus then he can go back to Davos and suck on Klaus Schwabs anus for the rest of his life.

    Does anyone besides the Media listen to this psychopath ?

    I demand the same privilege’s as Basic Turdhole… I want a private jet that can take me anywhere in the world at anytime I desire and like Dear Turdhole I won’t wear a face tampon while I am on the jet and I will “vacation” in places that do not have any fascistic anti science health restrictions, like Costa Rica for instance. Hey , if the basic dictator can do it then why can’t I ?

    Why do Canadians need to be injected with an experimental drug at the whim of the Basic Dick, but people in Turdholes favorite vacation spot don ‘t ?

    Why do Costa Ricans have more freedom then Canadians ?
    Why don’t Costa Ricans need to have an experimental drug forcibly injected into their bodies, but Canadians do ?
    Why are Costa Ricans immune to CCP virus’s but Canadians are not ?
    Why does the Basic Dick vacation in Costa Rica ? a country without restrictions ?
    Does Basic Turdhole worry that his favorite vacation spot does not have any CCP style restrictions ?
    Why must Canadians endure their human rights being trampled by the WEF Government and their RCMP gestapo, but not the people in Turdholes favorite vacation spot ? Why is Basic Turdhole ignoring the science ?

    Only in Canada they say.

    Why isn’t their an avalanche when you need one ?

  21. Don’t comply with their bs. No masks, no tests, no covid bs. I’m not doing any of their garbage ever. They can arrest me for all I care. Do not comply.

    1. Wish there was an upvote button for that! But that is the correct approach: do not comply. As unvaxxed, hubby and I have learned to live with no restaurants, no travel, etc. This will end, eventually–pray for it, quite seriously, that God will remove the demons inspiring the WEF tyranny. They want you afraid; don’t be afraid.
