14 Replies to “Mischief Is Important”

  1. If the Universe is expanding… That would necessary mean that the Earth is expanding.. right?

    1. A different Chris…

      Why? I don’t follow your logic. Things would just get farther apart from one another.
      PS. We geologists measure that type of thing. The Earth is not changing in size (mass) (although it very, VERY slowly changes shape depending on relative changes in distance from the Moon and Sun)

      Good on you Kate for disturbing the excrement.

    1. The only point I really got is that you can make the ‘meat puppets’ do a lot of dancing for only $5.

    1. Talk about your EVIL simulation theory! The Biden cabal has run a devastating simulation theory on the American nation … attempting to reverse its natural expansion in a microsecond of time … and imploding the whole place.

      Ohhhhhhhh mommmmaaaaaa … how I miss PDJT

      That reminds me … time to give Kate another $10. She winds me up pretty good too. 🙂

  2. To be clear, Randall Carlson is one of my favourite podcasts, though it can get pretty deep in the weeds at times. I was just having a little fun with them.

    1. It’s pretty clear Randal didn’t know just how to respond, and he’s really never at a loss of words.

    2. I can answer your question. The universe is definitely expanding. There is no evidence that it is a simulation embedded in a deeper reality; that’s just another way of saying “turtles all the way down”.

    3. Liked that Kate. You need to have an open mind to all opinion.

      I’ve once seen an object in the pitch black night sky, along with my son, one clear summer night that shocked us. Looked like what might have been the space station traveling overhead. I’ve spotted satellites overhead before but this was different. The thing that made it unique is that it turned 90 degree from it’s perceived travel path and kept on going within a blink of the eye. There are lots of mysteries in the universe and on this earth to this day.

      I’m sure there are some who are in tune with the earth to an extent that they can detect water sources below the ground. Lots of forgotten knowledge through the ages IMO.

