26 Replies to “Let Them Burn Tesla’s”

  1. I see these things and I always wonder if the idiots who build them even thought of putting a machine on there to broom the crap off them.

    They get dusty. They get snow on them. They get leaves on them. Some guy has to go out there and clean them all the time. By hand? Really? Come on.

    Similar to the way nobody thought of ice buildup on windmills with blades the size of a 747 wing. In Alberta.

    This is how you can tell that governments are not serious about their global warming/sustainable energy crap. They don’t bother with proper engineering, they just put up any old thing.

    1. They should put some 20K generators out there with heat blowers to keep the snow off. Better yet build a big coal plant in the open field to keep the generators running and save on a little diesel. Voila’ – solar panels now working!

      1. Silly, silly, Paul. Heavy equipment is soooooo “capitalist”. The correct solution is to hire hundreds of workers from “underserved communities” to broom-off the snow. Full employment! Think of it as a global warming WPA

        1. Ooooooh, now there’s an idea!

          We could use people that cross Roxham Rd, and have the RC’s hand deliver their bags to the “farm”. Just put a palatial estate out there with a “WokeAdvisor” to supervise the workers, and give them a little plot of solar panels each to maintain. We’ll call it “anti-capitalist green Neo-feudalism project #1” so no one gets offended. White people need not apply to legally stamp it “Social Justice compliant”.

          1. “It’s high time all the white folk be unemployed, Right?”

            Absolutely Right!

            I walked away from my job this COVID 2021 – was on a H1-B working visa to the US, my personal income taxes were previously well into 6 figures per year for this corrupt government, along with many spin off expenses – No More, my “specialized position” has since been obsoleted by my company, no more payroll taxes to anyone from me going forward – PS: I don’t need the money, “Let’s go Trudeau” Happy 2022!

    1. Here’s what I don’t get. Take that money spent on solar and wind, put it into natural gas plants instead and retire coal. Far better for the planet, better bang for the buck, and cleaner air all in one.

      Natural gas plants are so incredibly cheap that there would’ve been money left over.

      1. Whoever you are don’t use the “AllanS” moniker, it belongs to a racist hetrophobe that frequents SDA and you give him an ounce of credibility with those kinds of comments!

      2. Far better for the planet, better bang for the buck, and cleaner air all in one

        It’s adorable you think those were ever the goals.

  2. from Ron:

    “..You never make yourself look good by trying to making others look bad. Settled science is often bad science. Life is about where you put your faith…”

    MY “faith” lies in my immediate Family & shrinking # of best friends, my Immune system, My generator, my Truck and the hand skills I learned from working as a tradesMAN & Inspector for 40 years in the patch….oh, and a damned good bush survival course from the military.

    There is No Science today – just propaganda – lies and utter Bullshit.

  3. You can bet that some politician received a kickback for it. They know the previous one did not work. These crooks just want their cut from the taxpayers trough.

  4. Pretty hard to eliminate fossil fuels (well at least control and ration its use for the pleebs) without people asking questions.

    For the pleebs to happily weave the rope with which they will be hung, you need to have an alternative energy plan. It doesn’t have to work, and doesn’t matter if it works – it just needs to feed the narrative and make low information liberals feel good about themselves.

  5. Since I RESEARCH ALOT of different areas, I can tell you exactly why this switch over to electric vehicle will FAIL SPECTACULARLY!
    The difference from AC/DC power our current light weight power grid was designed back in the day of two choices to power the world and our dependency on electricity.
    Our politicians are under the false impression to switch over to DC power will be by our current line capacities.
    We would need much thickness of cables to hold at least 10 nuclear power plants to our current one.
    Hence the electric vehicle fires can’t take the capacity difference to switch over to the DC system.
    The power harnesses are not thick enough wiring and overheat.
    Wind turbines and solar panels are a fantasy that can’t hold the immense electric power generation that we need to switch over to electric vehicles.
    Many engineers and mechanics are not familiar with the difference of AC to DC power generation.
    So, car fires and electric vehicle failure will be our new normal.

    1. DC power cannot travel as far as AC. For DC, a everyone would practically need their own generator. AC can travel thousands of miles keeping the generators centralized. That was the selling point of AC and what put Edison’s dream out of business.

  6. What about the Spanish solution?
    Fire up those diesel gensets to run stadium lights above the solar panels.
    Reap those lovely government guaranteed price/kW/hr the idiots subsidize..
    And it took until an outside observer asked how they were generating “Solar Power” at night,before anyone noticed..
    2009 or 2012 there abouts..
    Good enough for government.
    And even though they attempted to charge the Solar Power Providers with fraud,it remains debatable..
    Cause the “power” sold to the State Authority was in fact generated by the solar panels..
    I recall the profit was 50c per kWhr..
    We should do the same,uses the coal fired plants to run banks of lights over solar panels and market it as 100% Solar 24 7.
    Exported to all Liberal Enclaves.
    Which would be more honest than any Government Statement.
