“Safe and Effective”

One of the very few journalists in Canada raising the alarm bells on paediatric Covid vaccinations is Anthony Fuery.

Parents, in Canada, he urges “would be well-advised to read what the NACI release on kids’ vaccines actually says — it is far less of a ringing endorsement than many would have you believe“.  Read the whole thing, as I did, here.

Meanwhile, a question for Sick Children’s Hospital in Toronto.

If these vaccines are “safe and effective” for kids, and side effects so very rare, why did you need to prepare an entire, official protocol for dealing with post- mRNA vaccine-induced Myocarditis and Pericarditis?

And if parents think vaccinating their children is so groovy, why is the government of any province in this godforsaken country enabling paediatric vaccination without parental consent?

And if the vaccinations are so great, why do TV doctors and public health officials need to blow through taxpayers’ money like drunken sailors, portraying themselves as superheroes and appealing directly to children without paying any price? Is Covid just their bank machine, their celebrity generator, their reason for living? Is sacrificing children just a next, necessary step for them to continue to terrify and control the population while never missing a paycheque, children’s hearts be damned?

And if vaccinating kids without parental consent doesn’t ring any alarm bells, maybe vaccinating infants and toddlers will. 


90 Replies to ““Safe and Effective””

  1. Virtue signaling run amok. Did anyone think they’d stop at orange t-shirts and Pride signs? This is what good people do, you evil white supremacist, racist mfers.

        1. The fittest are those who do not take the jab. Our pure blood will eventually become a desired commodity.

  2. wow take 55 mins and if you have not listened to ( watched )this Tucker interview with Robert Kennedy Jr .. it is a must .. i had to listen twice to absorb it and ordered the book .. Like all SDA regs i keep with the scam that is Covid but this is an amazing amount of new details .. to myself for sure


    1. Am half way through ….time for AM Walk and breaky…
      So far am gobsmacked (although I shouldn’t be), at the Collusion and Incredulous info re the Pharma Industry. Simply wow.

  3. I saw a post on Twitter yesterday.

    They are trying to scare people into getting the vaccination because it works. They’re trying to scare people into getting a booster because the vaccination doesn’t work.

    1. That is what I call logic in the era of “covid”. You are not wearing any deodorant so mine won’t work, it’s your fault my deodorant doesn’t work.

    2. John

      …and there you have COVID Logic Folks….oops didn’t see your post VOWG. 100% bang on.

      Complete Insanity reigns.

  4. The media cartel propaganda is full time on.
    The ruling class can’t lose the hold now. The ruling class would be in law suit ocean if they let up for one day.
    If you listen to the radio yappers, it’s hard on the ears and brain, they won’t allow, won’t interview other doctors and experts, heh, that have different experience and perspective.
    So, the mass media hysteria making is in full swing and will be for some time.
    The talkers complain about “social media” that there is a lot of misinformation, (NOUN, false or inaccurate information, especially that which is deliberately intended to deceive.)
    Yes, there is that, though they, the media cartel, will throw in the basket anybody that will produce actual information.
    The biggest lie of the media is the misinformation about the double vaxed people getting the Wuhan flu and perishing.
    The wording is “its rare”, which it is not if it happens to you or one near you. Guessing that they mean that those that die are a throwaway people that interfere with the institutional doctrine.

    A little story, could have been made up or not:
    Serbian doctor told an anecdote few weeks ago on national television debating the vaxing.
    The difference between vaxed* and unvaxed*.
    Can either one get the Wuhan virus* – yes
    Can both of them transmit the Wuhan virus – yes
    Can both end up in the intensive care – yes
    Can both have severe reaction – yes
    Can both die of Wuhan virus – yes
    So, what is the difference?
    Well, the unvaxed can’t die because of the vax.

    *Vaxed, unvaxed, Wuhan virus, my edit on account that it is not a vaccine.

    1. “So, what is the difference?
      Well, the unvaxed can’t die because of the vax.”

      Actually the unvaxed can die because of the vax due to being infected by viral shedding from the vaxxed.

  5. What the hello, why are they targeting children who are not in any danger via the virus, are they attempting to create a sure fire method of enforced vaccines for profit? How much money have our various levels of government made or were given by big pharma?

    1. The vaccine pushers want to completely wipe out any control group. That’s why they’re already testing it on 6mo and up. With no control group, side effects of the vaccines can never be effectively proven. Random heart attacks and sudden deaths amongst those who should be at zero risk of them will just become a fact of life.

      Much like, and I almost hate to go here, autism. Almost nonexistent 50-60 years ago, ridiculously common now.

  6. Next: kids aged 2 mothsto 5 years.
    Next: babies still in the womb to 2 months of age.

    And make the above mandatory. /sarc

  7. There is no way politicians, public health authorities and pharmaceutical companies can feign innocence on the harms of giving these vaccines to kids. The know that young kids aren’t at risk. They know the risk of adverse affects from the mRNA and viral vector vaccines. They know there is no emergency for children. They know there are treatments.

    They are simply doing it because they can do experimental gene therapy on kids under the cover of a “pandemic”. This is something they would never be allowed to do otherwise.

    The FDA official gave it away when he said “”We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it,” said panel member Dr. Eric Rubin during the hearing. “That’s just the way it goes.”

    How is that anywhere in the vicinity of “First Do No Harm”

  8. So let’s summarize the NACI paper for all the folks who didn’t read it:

    1 – The risk to children from COVID is so low it was a waste of time to even come up with a low dose version for them

    2 – There hasn’t been enough testing of the vaccine in kids to know if there’s myocarditis risk or any other severe outcomes and just in case don’t administer any other vaccines within 2 weeks of this one

    3 – It is essential that children aged 5-11 years and their parents are supported and respected in their decisions regarding COVID-19 vaccinations for their children, whatever decisions they make, and are not stigmatized for accepting, or not accepting, the vaccination offer.

    #3 will be ignored for sure.



    Trolls will not respond to your valid points, the more you engage them, the longer they stick around, they are not here for discussion, they are here to annoy, disrupt and provoke without any true intention to logically discuss anything.

    IGNORE IT! Same goes for the others. Even though we disagree with Allah, constantly, he does discuss, though we oppose. So, that’s a list of 1. The rest of them are to be IGNORED, ALWAYS.

    1. Agree. It’s not about the discussion. It would be pathetic; Trolls needing negative attention because negative attention is better than no attention, if I actually cared.

  10. I’ve seen lots of deaths of apparently healthy young celebrities recently. No explanation or cause of death mentioned. Actors, athletes, etc. I wonder why?

        1. True enough. The Athletic is MSM, and they’ve tried here to explain that inconvenient stat away. But, nonetheless, it’s obvious enough that they feel the need to do so and that stat of a collapse every 4 days isn’t going away (and might get worse).

  11. “Is Covid just their bank machine, their celebrity generator, their reason for living? Is sacrificing children just a next, necessary step for them to continue to terrify and control the population while never missing a paycheque, children’s hearts be damned?”

    Munchausen By Proxy Syndrome.

    They care more than you do, and they have the vaccine passport to prove it!

  12. The CKOM afternoon dummy was gushing about how kids could now get the vaccine.
    They had on a little girl who recovered from covid talking about how wonderful it was that she could now get vaccinated. It was a typical ‘Good News, Everybody!’ story from the idiots.

    These media people have no brains.
    Have they never heard of natural immunity?
