14 Replies to “You’ll Love Being Chinese”

  1. There will be backlash, especially in the US where a reasonable percentage of the population knows and understands what freedom really means.

  2. The media is excited that China has promised to give two billion does of its garbage vaccine to countries, in order to fight the bio weapon virus it created. I’m sure there will be no strings attached.

  3. If “mandatory” fails to work…

    …then it’s camps and killings.

    In authoritarian states, the state is never wrong and there’s always somebody to blame for a failure.

  4. (((If “mandatory” fails to work, then what do politicians do for an encore? Cross their fingers, try to ride it out, pray that nature takes its course, as it has in the past and may do again. But they’ll have to settle for partial control over events because complete control is not an option. At least the vaccines work well enough to prevent serious death and the old luck of homo sapiens might still hold. Good old humanity could yet pull it off. Yet we might do well to remember Ian Malcolm’s words to John Hammond in the novel Jurassic Park:)))


    This OpEd fell flat for me because of this paragraph (which, by the way, was the heart of its content based on the title). First, I cringe when someone tries to make their point by quoting a piece of fictional dialogue (one made famous by infamous Hollywood to boot). If you can’t supply dialogue of real living people to make your point, perhaps you need to rethink your topic du jour.

    Secondly, and more importantly….what planet does this guy live on? Does he really believe politicians (especially Leftist Politicians) will “try to ride it out, hoping for the best?” They live for this stuff. It’s a golden ticket to institute complete control that removes the pesky red tape associated with “normal” times. It’s a fast track for instituting their ideology. He has the idiocy to state that politicians (again, Leftist Politicians) will have to “settle for partial control.”

    That’s almost comical in it’s naivete. Think about this for a sec. Currently, the “Infrastructure Bill” is addressing just about every pet liberal project from the last two decades. Said “Infrastructure Bill” is directly related to the pandemic in its “necessity.” Now, tell me again how they will just sit back and settle for partial control.

    This OpEd is ridiculous.

    1. i like michael crichton’s writing even if the messenger (not so much) is flawed in so many ways.

  5. They are compensating for their powerlessness over nature by intensifying their power over men.

    That … is the point. Looking to “science” and medicine to “save” everyone is doomed to failure. We have come to believe that Doctors and Medicine can “fix” everything … but they cannot. Yes, Western medicine is GREAT! But it cannot overcome the power of a loosed virus. Only Nature can do that.

    So now … our government and unelected health officials are using MASKS and leaky vaccinations as their power over nature. But both are degenerating into power over men.

  6. It’s no longer about Covid, it’s a about control and how much freedom and liberty they can take from us. Keep in mind our liberal judges have ruled over and over that if the goberment violates our rights they do so for our own good. Our charter isn’t worth the paper it’s written on thanks to liberal judges, frankly I’m done being a subject of Justine’s regime.

  7. The bottom line is that HISTORY (that which has been in REVISION since I was born), would have shown these Colossal global Morons that quarantine’s have never ever worked in the million or so years that mankind has been plagued by various pestilence from time to time.

    AND they Goddamned well know it too.

    100% CONTROL….over the common cold ffs. I have yet to see any DATA showing how many supposedly Died from this BS Variant..

    The SCAM continues… Betting that “Epsilon” is on Deck for the spring…Any Takers.??

    Fk your Variant(s)
    Fk your Masks
    Fk your Profijab VidVax

    1. I would NEVER take that bet …
      To use a tired/retired quote … “This is the new normal”. Perpetual pandemic. Perpetual “Emergency”

  8. Speaking of Chinese, the CCP is talking locking down Wuhan again.

    You’ve seen the claims by the CCP their latest outbreak is the Delta variant that was somehow brought back to China.

    More likely the CCP are lying through their teeth yet again.

    Any bets that there has been another release/escape from the Wuhan Institute of Virology?

    Let’s call it Foxtrot Tango.

  9. “They are compensating for their powerlessness over nature by intensifying their power over men. The idea, born of frustration with the partial failure of previous and much-touted efforts, is that with enough control, the march to normalcy can be resumed.”

    Wretchard the cat is starting from a false premise. They never wanted to “return to normal”. They wanted the power they are grasping at all along. Put another way, they were always seeking a “new normal”. It starts by assuming they ever had good intentions.

    Even the great ones miss the mark sometimes.
