17 Replies to “Our Security Is In Good Hands.”

    1. I used to be in (CDN Forces), what was called Com Research…a euphemism for Electronic Spying. But that was pre digital age…

      We used Underwood typewriters and would take a Morse code message that had been speeded up a few thousand times so as to constitute a “burst transmission”…then slow it down (If it was even caught..?), and type it out….5 Character groups. “trxiw tfggb tbpos wjhzq sdplv” etc. None had a clue as to what was actually in the message, that was senior NCO & officer country.

      Interestingly enough, the Russian Language had/has 5 or more characters than our 26… I cannot recall whether we had special keys or we had to dbl type ea character by putting a bar over the top of the letters to denote one of them….and all of it coming at 18-20WPM. Too far down history lane for me…

      Old WW2 Headphones and Manual Underwoods – Canadian HI TECH of the early 70’s

      Them were the days – UNification was in full swing too. Downright FUGLY Green UNIFORMS …all for 125/Month.

  1. Half a billion is a rounding error on the amount of waste the Government of Canada consumes taxpayer money with each year

  2. Good enough for gov’t work.

    ‘Sides, $500 million doens’t buy as much as it used to.

  3. The important thing is that everyone is involved is making good money and is not burdened with anything like actual work for the pay they receive. Work like keeping receipts and submitting them like some kind of common private sector employee.

    1. The “important thing” is maintaining head count and the budget to maintain it.
      Everything government does is to preserve government.
      Results become important only when there is an investigation by those pesky elected types that will make the bureaucracy appear before committee and explain what it is government is actually doing.

      Think Kate had a solution to all of this government “efficiency”.

      Every damn one of them.

  4. Speaking of Turtle Island … the Canadian Government deserves a BRAVO for adopting the First Nations model of security. The Native Peoples were divided into hundreds and hundreds of Tribal Units. It would take more than a cab ride to ascertain the location of their rival Tribe … no, sometimes it took weeks of hard walking and stalking. Bravo Canadian Government! You’re living just like the First Nations

  5. Maybe on the advice from Dear Leader, they attempted some quantuum computin
