Fauci’s Flipflops

All the cool kids are wearing them.

Fauci has a bad habit of seizing onto a small kernel of scientific data, drawing sweeping inferences upon it through unfounded speculation, and then presenting his own exaggerated spin to the public as if it is a matter of scientific fact.

On March 28, 2020 – just shy of a year before his recent tangle with Senator Paul – Fauci aggressively contested the likelihood of reinfection in an interview with the Daily Show’s Trevor Noah. “It’s never 100%,” he explained, “but I’d be willing to bet anything that people who recover are really protected against re-infection.”

The NIH administrator’s many credulous enthusiasts in the news media will likely respond to such contradictory assertions by claiming that Fauci is simply updating his assessment in light of new evidence. Yet his track record over the past year suggests a very different story. Far from incorporating the latest scientific findings, Fauci appears to selectively invoke or downplay the specter of reinfection based on whether or not it serves his political objectives of the moment.


The “public health experts” told us that lockdowns were the key to our salvation. When that didn’t work, they did the same thing with masks, curfews, physical distancing, and the like. They had it all figured out, until they didn’t, and destroyed tens of millions of lives in their attempts to resolve a virus problem. So how could these highly-touted “experts” get everything so catastrophically wrong?

And what exactly is a public health expert anyway?


21 Replies to “Fauci’s Flipflops”

  1. “And what exactly is a public health expert anyway?”

    So true – I mean, who are these people??? And how is it that a billionaire who made shitty software finds himself at the forefront of the vaccination conversation and now wants to throw chalk in the air over Sweden to dim the sunlight only because he thinks it’s a great idea.
    Who the F will rid us of these sociopaths?????

  2. Let Fauci bet anything he wants, except Americans’ lives over covid and its societal effects. He must be dealt out of that game.

    He’s playing the DeMarxist game of intended consequences. Covid, climate change, racism, guns – all “problems” requiring top down interventionist power lusting, corrupt and incompetent politicians looking out for their interests and nobody else’s.

    In fact he’s just one of them – corrupt, incompetent and dishonest, which explains his contradictions for power.

    An old saw. The tell is their conclusions never match their premises, “problems” actually defined as their “solutions” not in effect.

    But the real problems must never be solved or these ne’er to well twits won’t have jobs.

    Government is poor at picking winners but losers are good at picking government, being of the same parasitic pedigree.

  3. The editor-in-chief of Science, the main publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, thundered in one editorial that Trump was a BAD president. Donald Orangemanbad was evidently and clearly anti-science because he sidelined Fauxi. Fauxi, you see, just oozed science with every time he sneezed or belched because he’s an epidemiologist. (“Ooooooohhhhh! He’s an epidemioooooologist….!”)

    No, you fatuous and insufferable twit. Fauxi is an opportunist who knows how to manipulate people for his own gain.

  4. Well, a bunch of oldsters are off the books, a good sized chunk of the small business community is toast, we’ll be reinvigorating the military industrial complex and restarting the s**thole wars, Trump is gone and in his place is a guy with dementia. Sounds like Mission Accomplished to me.

    1. … i his place is some guy controlled by Pelosi, Obama and Brennon.

      It’s amusing to think that Obama’s third term is a gerontocracy.

  5. Nose mask for dining? Kate, along with the crazy lady singing, the folly is strong tonight.

    As some other bright spark said, the Babylon Bee will be going out of business, they cannot compete in THIS reality.

  6. I totally don’t get the criticism of precautions and lockdowns. We can all agree that the US never was very serious about stopping the spread of the coronavirus. In Canada we had way less spread. Australia went all out in locking down and combatting spread.
    As of March 23 the US had 543,843 deaths to Covid. If they accomplished Canada’s death rate they’d have saved the lives of 199,214 people. That’s nearly 200,000 people. However at Australia’s death rate the US would have had 532,043 less deaths to Covid. Half a million lives!
    Not only that, but Australia was able to open up sooner. After all, they didn’t have Covid to worry about. The US still does.
    It seems to me that people are being ideological, but I don’t really understand people well.

    1. The criticism stems from the reality that non-pharmaceutical interventions (masks, lockdowns, “social distancing”) do not work!
      Not to mention that they carry with them a very real and very onerous burden that vastly exceeds any illusory benefits that they might provide. This has been well documented and I’m not going to regurgitate that information here. Do some research, but you’re going to have to venture away from the barrage of fear and propaganda vomited forth by the MSM.

      1. It seemed to have worked for Australia.
        It also seemed to have worked for Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Israel, and Norway. Even Canada did more social distancing and we ended up with a lower death rate than the US.
        I wonder about Australia though. They didn’t have many deaths, and they haven’t had to deal with Covid for months. Personally, I’d rather not have covid around.
        (Cognitive dissonance tell: Mind reading. You don’t actually know what research I’ve done, nor what media I consume.)

        1. Dan Lee, 2 things Dan, one you are misinformed, Two, you don’t understand what the hell you are posting. In the USA the count you are using is BULLSHIT, and canada is far less densely populated. As to the Taiwan, S Korea, Japan, they used trace testing and nipped in the bud that way. In the USA, many of the actual sars-cov-2 deaths, were actually political in nature, and there fore criminal in nature. I never changed my way of life over this shit, accept when forced, as in less restaurant eating, masks at grocery stores, and things like that. Still ran my recycling business, helped my real estate friend .Bought and sold a house, tried buying a small investment building twice. Traveled by truck to hell and back. You really need to get more up dated on your info, and get some one to write down an explanation for you. WITH SLOW CRAYONS!

          1. I think that in some places the reason why lockdowns are less effective is the behaviour of the citizens.
            “I never changed my way of life over this shit” is a common enough opinion to negate much of the benefit of a lockdown.

    2. Edward Teach is correct. Lockdowns do not work to control the virus. There is a ton of evidence. Here is some:
      I think that overall population health is a significant factor regarding deaths. There is little, if anything governments can do to prevent the spread of a virus. Viruses peak and decline between 5 and 7 weeks. The exact same pattern exists with or without lockdowns. Best strategy is just to try to protect the vulnerable.

      1. I’ve thought a lot about the “protect the vulnerable” strategy. Old people in my area have been very careful and have limited their contacts extremely. But there is a limit. They have to see some people, and they are in contact with the minimum number of people possible. With that in effect, the probability of an older person catching Covid is proportional to the incidence of covid in their community. The higher the levels of covid, the more old people will catch it and die. So, really, the most logical way to protect the older people is to have low levels of covid in the community.
        My heart breaks about this. When covid was low, it was safe for us to visit my grandmother. When levels rose, we couldn’t visit her anymore. How is high levels of covid better than low levels?
        When there was no sports on TV, South Korea had baseball because they didn’t have high Covid levels. They knew how to keep a virus from spreading in South Korea. They wore masks, distanced, did serious contact tracing, and had some lockdowns.
        The opera house has been open in Australia for months, but not in North America. They don’t have Covid. They had crazy lockdowns, and the lockdowns worked. If you say that lockdowns don’t work, then how were some countries able to have low infections, and more importantly, low deaths?
        Don’t we all want life without Covid? Why are people fighting for the spreading of Covid? Can’t we agree that we want to work against it? I really don’t understand.

        1. Let’s start at the beginning Dan Lee.
          How about someone answer one question:
          Why is the government imposing lockdowns and spreading fear about an illness that I have a 99% chance of recovery?

  7. Oh, Fauci you so fine,
    Your so fine you blow my mind,
    Oh Fauci,
    Oh Fauci,

    Oh, Fauci you so fine,
    How I love to hear you whine…

    Famous words from Weird Al
    From his I Love Lucy song.

  8. I’ve seen those articles. The telling sentence about the motivations behind the “research” is: “Much of the following list has been put together by data engineer Ivor Cummins, who has waged a year-long educational effort to upend intellectual support for lockdowns.” Is he cherry picking the studies that support what he already believes? That is a logical fallacy.
    The list includes an article arguing that New Zealand didn’t have deaths reduced by its lockdowns. If only we had their failure! They haven’t been over 2 cases per million since August 17, 2020. Imagine if we hadn’t had any serious covid outbreaks since August? What would you be able to do differently if there was no covid around?
    It’s too bad I can’t paste graphs, but you can see that the lockdown seemed to have worked in Ontario. https://public.tableau.com/profile/bill.comeau#!/vizhome/OntarioCovid-19TestsCasesandHospitalizations/Dashboard1

    1. Danny, here in ontario most deaths happened in old age homes, those people can’t get away from it , and are at the mercy of other’s actions. Also New Zealand and Norway have the same problem, damn near NO population. It’s stupid people like you who are the problem!

    2. Look at places that DIDN’T impose lockdowns, and you’ll see a curve that is virtually identical.
      You can’t really compare New Zealand to any place but…New Zealand. They are rather unique. Location, geography, population, isolation…
      Demographics, population density, and weather are the factors that matter when determining the spread of a virus. Nothing else matters.
      Try comparing individual states in the US instead….States that imposed restrictions vs those that did not.

      1. Thank you Edward. People have said that lockdowns don’t work, but you’re the only one who has given any explanation as to why.
        I always thought that to spread a virus it had to travel from one person to another via droplets, the sharing of body fluids, etc. If that’s how a virus is spread, then I can’t possibly give a virus to you if I’m not in the same place as you. That’s the logic behind a lockdown: people are not together, so they can’t spread the virus.
        But, you are telling me that physical proximity has nothing to do with it. I am curious about which weather conditions allow me to spread a virus to you if we are in different buildings. At which age will I be able to give you a virus from a different building?
        I realize that that sounds dumb. Your analysis was at a higher level than the physical causes of virus spread.
        But, the reason why weather affects spread is because in winter Canadians are in buildings together with others more than they are in the summer. Normally, that’s the case.
        But many countries (that you say we can’t learn from) have been able to get results that are vastly different from what they should have gotten if you just took those factors you mentioned into account. Sydney is a city of 5.3 million. How did they have virtually 0 deaths when other cities of comparable sizes with comparable populations and comparable weather had many thousands? I could ask this same question for many successful places. The answer is that they understood how a virus spreads and did things that made conditions where it couldn’t spread. It has worked.

  9. Those nose masks would go great with a pair of Mickey Mouse ears, which is about how I feel about masks.

  10. Fauci and Tam should be charge with crimes against humanity with Hinshaw, et al. as accessories to the crime.
