51 Replies to “I, Nippleon”

  1. Since ‘the establishment’ is trying to prevent everyone from hearing his wise words, let me remind you of the following lyrics from Tom MacDonald….

    “If a man has mental illness, call him crazy, say it silently
    When country’s going crazy, we accept it as society.”

    This woke-cult crap has gone beyond even parody levels.

    1. The good news is that this will end badly for them, everyone else too, but definitely badly for them.

  2. No, now suckling from the government teat should be replaced by suckling the hind teat of a boar hog…!!

    All brought to you by the boobs that ostensibly lead you…down the garden path to civilizational destruction.

    If the males of the species were intended to suckle their young, then God or evolution (take yer pick) would have provided the mammary glands to do so. So all the woke BULL SHYTE will not make it so, with or without silicone implants.

    Well the woke dystopians sure know how to induce the gag reflex before the first sip of coffee in the morning…


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North

    1. I’m thinking “mammary glands” is perhaps the root of “mama”. (and “mammals?) If that is, indeed the case, we should call them “milk things” to avoid offending. The whole thing is astonishingly stupid. What’s next, huthing and wothing?

      1. “I’m thinking “mammary glands” is perhaps the root of “mama”.”

        Other way around. “Ma” is primal.

        “we should call them “milk things” . . .”


        1. Mammary is from the Latin, mamma, meaning breast.
          Etymology is fun.
          How about calling it Puppy Milk? Puppies….yeah!

        2. So on the other hand an erect penis should be called a sperm injection unit? These morons are determined to change the world into their version of reality. Lock these bastards up and never let them pollute the gene pool again!

      2. Why not take our lead from HRH Prinz Sock Monkey: “milk-box thingies” ?
        Just a thought…

  3. I wonder how long until strictly female anatomical body parts are “rebranded” to sanitize language of more feminine medical references. The funniest thing is how a hospital chooses to take a knee to what not so long ago was classified as mental illness. The hyper-sensitivity of biological male trans individuals is off the scale and its prescribed treatment is brown shirt Fascism. They’d get much further with funny bone and thick skin transplants. Appeasement of ideological bullies never seems to work as there’s no micro-aggression too small.

  4. WTF is next in this crazy world. The Medical Establishment is a disgrace, people need to tell these perverts to just fuck off not interested and do not care about your mental illness. Just stay to fuck away from me.

  5. Gee if the words hurt them so much wait till we start using sticks and stones because that is inevitably the only way normalcy returns.

      1. Buddy, me too, as I now make it a prime duty to read and put context to Kate’s skilled lead-ins:-))

  6. It: Doctor, I don’t understand. My (adopted) baby refuses to suck my nipple. What is wrong?

    Progressive Doctor: It must be a conservative. Let it stave to death.

  7. “We just want the same right to marry who we want, that’s all” they kept telling us.
    “Oh alright, if that’s what you want” we said.
    And the drawbridge was lowered never to be raised ever again…

  8. Please excuse me for a moment while I find a liberal. To puke on his shoes. And other parts if he is slow to comprehend.
    Wish me luck.

  9. Every single day the stupid gets deeper and more stupid. Do any of these people have a functioning brain? Don’t answer, I know they do not.

    1. “Brain” will probably be next. Maybe it’ll be called “skull stuffing” or something as idiotic like that.

  10. Once again with feeling: “The American Psychiatric Association estimates that 20% of the adult population is walking around with a diagnosable mental illness.”

    I think they’re light in the pot.

  11. Just play along and nobody has to lose their careers.
    Lord, I have to use my imagination less to indulge a four year old who wants to play.

  12. I was lost when we were told we should use terms like “front hole” and “back hole”.

    1. Unthang…

      Really my dear boy.? Why would you say such a thing..??

      I’m surprised that you haven’t grown/built yer own…!

      So much easier then to abide by Theresa Thams advice to “entertain” theyself no.??

    2. Well, of course, you would think that, clockwork boy. Un Human. Sad Pronoun Boy.
      Now, piss off, yet again.
      And, yes, you are a sad loser, despite thinking that you just scored with that obvious loser attempt at irking those of us who laugh heartily in derision at the face of your failed attempts.

  13. “Chest milk”? Have to be honest, I threw up a little when I read that.

  14. I’m going with the term ‘milk wagons’. Example of usage: Will you lookit’ the milk wagons on that chick?!
    It just works.
    Won’t even mention nipples, which comes from the Japanese term for children.

  15. So I take it tatas, melons, knockers, funbags, gazongas, jugs are out as well? How about “first impressions?”? Still no? “Front deck?” “Sweater puppies?”

  16. I think this tranny business is one area where accelerationism could actually work. Most people know that changing everything to cater to a tiny minority of mentally deranged people is downright silly and they oppose it all. Most won’t say so because they don’t want to called a racistsexistbigothomophobe. When obvious males start changing in women’s locker rooms you’ll see a massive backlash. The whole women’s sports and affirmative action programs could too (hopefully).

  17. So its not “breast cancer”, it’s “chest cancer”?

    They don’t call what we have a “prostate” for nothing. Oh, thats “prostrate”. Well, one can understand the confusion, eh?

  18. Medical school, what… third semester. Good puss; bad puss.
    And more than half of them will take that seriously.
    I have yet to find a doctor who’s much brighter than any decent mechanic.
