Showing Up To Riot

Why I am in the House today

Before I deny unanimous consent to the motion which will be introduced in the House of Commons today (and also to leave a record, in case the Government behaves responsibly and eliminates the need for me to do so), I think I ought to go onto the public record, explaining my reasons for denying my consent to the motion which will be presented today when the House begins its emergency sitting. I ought also to outline the changes which would have to be made, in order for me to give my consent.
Moreover, I need to explain why I turned up in the House of Commons at all today, despite a request from the Whips of all parties that their members stay away from the House of Commons, and notwithstanding the Prime Minister’s admonishment that Canadians “go home and stay home.” This second explanation will follow, after I have dealt with the first item.

@Kady has the legalities.

He says this as though it’s a bad thing — Scott Reid wants to be the Rand Paul of Canada.

Updates below.

107 Replies to “Showing Up To Riot”

  1. From the Twit thread, Lib partisans are fully on board with their TOTALITARIANISM.

    It is downright disgusting what this country is heading towards.

    Chiner, or else!

    1. I saw a bit of Baby Docs presser out side his(our) residence today. He was asked in french about the gov. using Telecom data as a surveillance tool.. Baby Doc squirmed as is his fashion when playing make believe with the truth, as he said all options are on the table but they aren’t using it as yet.. What did I miss here.. What does spying on Canadians who don’t like this dictator on training wheels, have to do with whuhan response?.. Anyone know?

      1. Remember, in Edmonton they are acting as an early trial of the WhoWhaWay Gee Five internet. Could that be why tanks were headed to Edt a few days ago?

    2. Don’t ya just love it. I was forced back from Florida because of this crap. OK folks, now people in both America and Canada are finding out just how easy it is for a government to deny you all freedoms. Time to tell them where to go and force them to go there.

  2. Despite the emergency, this (triple) bill must be defeated.
    I e-mailed my MP this morning and insisted he oppose it.

    1. mike I don’t know who your mp is but its for sure its a commie. So what’s the point???

  3. Why in hell do the Liberals want to govern as fascists? It would have been a simple matter to present the legislation to Parliament before they vote on it. Scrutiny of any legislation is utmost. Turdeau sat on his ass while the China flu invaded our country and lied every day up until a few days ago about screening travelers. And the Bloc is going to ensure the shit head is our PM for the next 3 1/2 years.

    1. Huh ? Yet these are the people who claim Trump destroyed our Democracy? As THEY do it … right before your very eyes. Wow! I pray for my Canadian Neighbors (and Canadian son-in-Law … and Canadian, by law, grandson).

    1. NOne of the new measures should tramp on, or overlap, the efforts of the Provinces who are closer to the ground. Simply transfer the money to the Provinces and get the federal gov’t the hell out of the way.

      Who here trusts Shiny more than you provincial leadership?

  4. Thank god we have at least one principled politician in this country. Scheer’s CPC is so afraid of looking bad that they’re willing to let Trudeau become more of a dictator than he already is.

  5. I like Scott Reid. He used to be my MP until they changed riding boundaries. He is a very thoughtful and quiet spoken person. I am glad to see him getting some profile. We need more MP’s like him.
    On another note — not really relevant, but interesting. Scott Reid comes from a very wealthy family. His father started the Giant Tiger Stores in Canada. These remain very successful, and are especially important in smaller Ontario/Quebec communities that don’t have the bigger chains. Not sure how common Giant Tiger is out West. Quite a fun story of entrepreneurship. GT remains a family business.

    1. I should add that I think Reid has a lot of integrity and that taking a stand against this is a morally courageous position, and the right thing to do. I would like to see more Conservatives showing up to oppose this,

      1. Scott Red also wrote a book about the financial costs of official bilingualism. Strangely the book was well received by the establishment media.

        1. Very well researched book that shows the inherent bigotry and grotesque costs of Peeair Turdoe’s forced french racket… I highly recommend, if you can find it. Scott Reid has always struck me as a principled man.

        2. That is why he is relatively unknown. Naming any of the negatives regarding official bilingualism in a no no in politically correct Ottawa.

        3. Bilingualism was PET’s gift to quebek. The fwenchman never really trusted him and played along because of the benefits. They never considered him one of their ‘sons’. He felt their rejection.

          Bilingualism ethnically cleansed the federal civil service and ensured quebeckie a seat at the head of every table. Few outside of quebek have the home grown advantage of learning french at heel of their mother. Even the bush fwench that most of quebekers speak is more acceptable than the french immersion you might study and learn in TROC. In addition in the civil service they trade on their fwench name. You will advance only so far in the civil service without being fully bilingual.

          It a game forever rigged against the anglos. A punishment for the way they have been treated since the Plains of Abraham.

    2. I found Scott Reid’s explanation very informative. And largely agree with him.

      Kate, thanks for posting.

    3. Three Giant Tigers here in ‘Toon, Linda, so I’m sure they are in Regina and at least larger western cities.

  6. This whole charade of a government could have been taken down by just having 34 Cuckservitive MPs SHOW UP and push for no confidence?

    1. Excellent point !

      Continue to make it in other public forums, even MMSM, until that realization if widespread. Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, missing in thought and action.

      1. Watched Scheerly Dead this AM. Pussy! Still playing “House of Commons, the Game”.

        1. Would you sooner he refused to oppose this legislation and simply rubber stamp it?

          Just askin’

          1. No, they should move for no confidence. The screwed up look on the space cadet’s face while Turdeau walks away alone would make it worth while.

            Isn’t it Strategy 101 to know majority in the HoC at all times during miniority governments?

          2. The worst thing the CPC could do right now is force a vote of non confidence. For openers they very likely couldn’t win it and secondly they would be pummeled at the polls if they did. There is no upside to defeating the government this early in the crisis.

            The CPC needs to get it’s leadership question resolved post haste. Have a leader ready to go. If the libranos think they have a chance at a majority they will engineer the fall of their own government. The CPC needs to be ready to take over.

    2. That proves they don’t want power they just want the paycheque.
      (& therefore the gold plated pension)

    3. Risky strategy. You just know the Conservatives would have been accused of “playing politics” at a time of crisis. And with the MSM in bed with JT and his buds, an ensuing election would probably have ended up with the Lieberals forming a majority gov’t.

  7. Weird thing going on here.
    Why is this “limited meeting” even taking place?
    These Politicians and their minions have spent billions of tax payer dollars expanding and promoting use of the internet,yet teleconferencing is beyond their skill set?
    There is absolutely no reason these useless parasites cannot work from their homes or offices.
    Electronic verification is apparently good enough for our bank accounts,but not adequate for a online vote by politicians?
    The Uni-Party stench is overpowering on this one.
    I shall proceed on the design work for repurposing,in the name of the economic environment,those tax subsidized wind mills as reincarnations of Madame Guillotine.
    With a tip speed of 200 mph all they lack is a synchronized feed ,to connect tip with neck.

    1. Thanks for that mental image JR. That will keep me smiling for hours. I can’t remember when I’ve had as pleasing a vision pop into my head.

  8. We must ask the army to arrest the turd before he ruins the country beyond repair.

    1. One would actually have to have army of patriots, I’m going to say our current force of bureaucrats would be fully in support of their masters.

  9. Squat from my CPC MP, who I will name: Stephanie Kusie – Midnapore Alberta. Received a brochure on taxes, latest. Dead Silence should be the name of a band. I didn’t vote for her last election. I don’t do Confiberal, or BLOC, NDP or Green Commie.


    1. PO’ed. I live in Walden.
      My reply is a copy/paste of your comment.

      Same useless smiling dipshit CPC MP.
      I use her propaganda crap to light fires.
      My vote went PPC.

      I will note, that one of the main Gun/Ammo stores in the city is completely overwhelmned with sales and applications for their FAC or PAl classes.

      I will join that…along with some friends.
      Trade in my Nikon D750 & Gear for an SKS, a crate of 7.62 and Glock.

  10. This won’t play well at all. Trudeau already withdrew the tax and spend provisions. There’s going to be lots of time to make hay here later. There’s going to be some public enquiries for sure. Pelosi just got wacked for holding up trumpbux.

    1. Were the tax and spend provisions along with enacting the Emergency Measures Act little Turds endgame along???
      Keep importing the inoculum daily from China to force an emergency lockdown of the country??
      Why did Trudeau float the idea of enacting the War Measures Act a week ago?
      Venezuelan Bus drivers and Canadian part time drama teachers, all little dictators who have never done anything productive but destroy wealthy countries.

  11. From nothing to see here, banning international flights is racist, we’ve got this under control, to what appears to be a grasp for Authoritarianism in the blink of an eye. Sure inspires confidence. Who’s actually steering this ship?

      1. We were a hair away from becoming a dictatorial communist state.

        As one Canadian I thank God for what didn’t transpire today.

        If they try to pass it and succeed we are at war, bullets flying

    1. HAHAHAHA! Chrystia Cheeselegs Soros Girl is running the show now, while Sock Buoy hides at “home”. Comes out like a “woke rodent’ to bloviate his talking points and answer soft ball questions. We’re in good hands. Morneau is running the printing press. “One for me, one for Sockie, one for the rest of you. The CPC needs a coup to remain relevant.

      1. Softball questions? These were carefully scripted questions by the propaganda ministry. In spite of that, Blackie still stammered and stuttered while responding

  12. Trudeau and the Liberals are pond scum.
    Trust them and they’ll take everything from you and tell you it was for your own good.
    Think I’ll send some thankful emails and maybe a couple nasty ones.

  13. Scott Reid now is the only Member of Parliament in whom I have some confidence to be:
    1. Competent to hold elected office.

    2. Loyal to Canada, as a nation-state, and it’s historical traditions of Parliamentary government.

    3. He should be heading a commission on re-introducing the study of history into Canadian education, replacing the current Marxist subversive indoctrination, though a compare and contrast aspect would be educational. Shame the provincial governments into living up to their constitutional responsibilities.

    4. Since there is no justifiable reason for the Members of Parliament to not show up to work, within social distancing parameters, only those who do so, should continue to be paid. Otherwise declare a by-election for the rest to be held once the quarantine is over.

    5. Those, who have lost confidence in the competence and loyalty of the current federal political party leadership, have that confirmed.

  14. Trudeau’s hidden agenda is coming into the light.
    Did the media find Stephen Harper’s Hidden Agenda yet?
    There sure talked about it a lot about 15 years ago.
    I wonder if they ever found it?

    1. But… But… pm prancing princess can’t order the cops to move Big Chief Toothless Do Nothing from blocking Much needed Supply moving trains, But “Just Watch Me” get them to move that senior from the aspirin aisle at the super store..

  15. And the heriditary “chief” is about to be anointed. But watch the news, Donald is the real problem.

  16. The shut down of NYC missed an important International gateway … The UN must be vacated & the facilities used for Health Care….Diplomatic Visa’s voided… The use of the Javits Center is a Boondoggle giveaway to OC ..80% of the equipment will never be used unless bribes are paid….An empty hole


    1. That would be a good shot across the bow to the GlowBullists. It’s the Chicoms that control this country and the sooner we crack that nut the better for Canadians. That means making sure the Turd’s reign is over. Don’t count on the milk stained lips of the Squish will support the the move nor the Kbec’ers. Prayers for the safety of true Canadians to hold on.


  17. Scott Reid: “whatever the merits of the content of Bills C-10, C-11 and C-12—the House of Commons can never give its consent to a measure, the content of which has not yet been revealed to the House.”
    This is reminiscent of Pelosi on Obamacare” “We have to pass it to see what’s in it.” That was stampede through with a great sense if urgency. Liberals are trying the same stunt. It is not necessary for a relief package to be provided. A clearbpower grab and thankfully we have at least one vigilant MP.

    1. Constant Trudeau Vision only publishes what their Liberal masters direct them to. They’re not backing off, they are looking for another way to do an end run to achieve their Communist utopia.

  18. L-Yes, it’s wikipedia… but so far this page is not a revisionist Marxist document. He was a Reformer, interesting and yes, more trustworthy than the current cabal running the C.P.C. ., . His moral/political stature exceeds the rest of his caucus added up !

    In the chaos of battle, he grabbed the fallen Standard (of Parliamentary democracy) rallying Canadians against the Trudeau regimes tyrannical proclivities.

    If he could get away with it, Trudeau would have Scot Reid imprisoned, like happened to the doctor in China who publicly warned against the Chinese Communist Party virus. Likely, Andrew Scheer would succumb to pressure and oust him from caucus as has happened to Senator Lyn Beyak, too. If he could get away with it.

  19. Not sure who the slime balls are that run the corrupt Liberal party and I can’t stand to listen to the Meth head actor, Juthtin the Turdhole, his acting skills are just as bad as they”ve ever been just a lot more lispy these days, too much meth and vodka. Thank you to Mr Reid for doing the right thing… I just hope Scott Reid is ready for the Turdhole Media to attack him now. The Turdhole Media are not going to be happy that some lowly MP has stood in the way of the Turdholes dictatorial power grab. Get ready to be savaged by Turdhole Media Mr. Reid. Turdhole and his corrupt Media will not stop here… its only going to get worse.

    1. Reid hints that Chrysta is running things. Likely so, and likely she is in regular consultation with Butts who gets his orders from even bigger cheeses, like Soros.

  20. Scott Reid will be the next prime minister of Canada—assuming Justin’s not the last.

    God bless and keep Mr. Reid—and may the devil take Justin Trudeau and all the leaders of the bogus opposition. Quickly, if you don’t mind, Old Nick.

    (That includes Max Bernier, who did precisely nothing to stop this while he had the chance.)

    1. When did Bernier have a chance to stop this? Bernier tried to stop this and was vilified for it. I think he did his best.

      1. Being a minister in several Tory governments must count, surely? Including a stint as foreign minister.

        1. Yes, but what did you want him to stop? He tried for leadership of the Party, and lost that. I don’t blame Bernier for the sorry state of our politics.

          1. I wanted him to stop CSA putting the electrical code into their wallet when PSKnight pointed to what the courts were doing, Linda. What did we hear from him? Crickets.

  21. This country has been a quasi-dictatorship since the first Trudeau.

    Who did anything about it?

    When Justin the F@g said that he loved China, who removed him from office? When he stopped a criminal investigation into his office, where was the coup?

    Tell Canadians that Trump will take away their “free” healthcare and abortions and they will gladly embrace a tax hike and pay rise for MPs because they are too stupid to do anything else.

    We are at the end of where the Liberals want to take us. Now begin our lives as China’s North American vassal state.

    I said that there would be no election in this country ever again. I see that I’ve called it.

    1. “Now begin our lives as China’s North American vassal state.”

      Silliness and stupidity. The United States will not allow Canada to become any kind of vassal state to the PRC.

      “This country has been a quasi-dictatorship since the first Trudeau.”

      Your obtuseness gets even worse. Remember all the PMs we had since 1984? Mulroney twice, Chretien? Harper? Martin? Some of them may have been poor but not one could be described as having dictatorial powers. Give it up, OK, step away from the keyboard; you’re in danger of blowing your circuits.

      1. That’s adorable, cgh.

        Why exactly would Trump risk men for this – how did some put it? – “a loose confederation of provinces”?

        Who is it again who cozied up to dictatorships and whose son is repeating that error? Who was it again who sent sixteen tonnes of aid to his favourite basic dictatorship?

        Who tried to sneak in unlimited spending and other powers?

        Who was that again?

        Maybe you need to step away from the keyboard.

    2. That’s why Trump finally closed the border to Chinese spies and germ warfare agents—oh, sorry, “non-essential travel.”

      We’ve been a Chinese province for quite a while. It’s just that we’re finally being treated like one.

      Take comfort from the fact that we’re the only province of China President Trump could conceivably liberate without starting a nuclear war. He may not have a choice about that much longer either. The last thing he needs is another failing state next door.

      There is a good possibility now that Justin will the last prime minister of Canada.

    1. Funny, I hear Bernier supporters handing seats over to the Liberals.
      With that fool in charge, the Grits would surely have a majority by now.

      1. “Do you have a favourite?”

        No. It’s such a difficult choice you see. I mean, you and all the others enjoy it so much that it’s difficult to pick a favourite. I just whistle, ” Justin! Go get ’em Justin.” And you all just stand there, waiting for him…tongues out.

    2. I am in agreement with the sheep vid Jamie. I’m an old guy but recognize truth when I see it. Let’s push harder next time if that time ever comes along again under current fiasco.


  22. “…the Grits would surely have a majority by now…”

    Majority, sorority. Who needs one when you have scheer the steer and his little lambs baaaaaacking you?

      1. “Sorry, what were you bleating about again?”

        See! That’s the trouble with travelling in big flocks. First thing to go is your hearing. That way you never hear the other little rams yell when they get the snip. Now quit wasting time and get in line.

  23. Local radio station tried to make a deal about Andrew Scheer giving a speech today about Parliament cooperating during this virus crisis.
    Canadians would be better off hearing what Ezra Levant has to say.

  24. If Justine can get the bill passed he ensures his newbie MPs (four years in) get their pensions because they need to stay in office until December of this year. The liberals are out of control greedy despots.

  25. Anyone do the math on JAGMEATS Idiocy..??
    He wants to give EVERY Canadian $2,000.
    Hmm lets see what that amounts to now eh.??

    Meh, just a paltry 700 Billion Dollars….based on population of 35,000,000
    Fk me gently, the stoopid is unstoppable within the Socialist KAmp.

    Thank you Mr. Scott Reid. A lone voice of SANITY. I’m not sure if most Canadians are aware of the massive ASTEROID we have just dodged…for now.

    1. This 2019-2020 session is definitely a Seinfeldian one.

      Today, the Government should’ve been defeated. No confidence. Over money.

      Then we could have had an election. Would’ve been the cheapest election in history. Because of WuFlu: No signs, no MPs in town halls, no studio debates, — just everyone from their home offices yapping, babbling, squawking, bleating and whining away!

      It would’ve been a beautiful thing. The opposition I dare say, have let us down. They missed a royal opportunity as Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition. Shame on them.

      At least Mr Scott Reid did something. Where’s the old guard to advise? What’s going on?

      Back to checking out everyone’s home offices. For now.
      Crazy World.

      1. Oh, right, their raise was probably in that $Money Bill.
        That’s why they all dissed Canadians.
        Ne’er-do-wells, the lot of them!

    2. Math is hard.
      Ahem… 70-Billion, not 700.

      Thank you Scott Reid for preventing the destruction of 800+ years of parliamentary democracy.

  26. Pierre Poilevre or Scott Reid to replace Scheerly Stupid.

    Not P-P-P-Peter M-M-Mckay who will try to out virtue signal twinkle socks.

    And, for the record, I love Giant Tiger. I’ll shop there even more after this.

  27. Trudeau looked like a lying, greasy, creepy used car salesman today.

    ‘Let government solve your problems’

    Because, by not screening passengers at airports, he has Canadian blood all over his hands, as does the media.

    Justin Trudeau really, really cares about you!!

    1. Justin is a lying, greasy, creepy phony, but let’s not insult used car sales people. Many are very decent.

  28. Sent Poilievre and Reid support emails, for standing up against the thieving tyrant LIEberals.

    A couple of politicos with a conscience, go figure!

  29. The contrast between the surly aggression toward taxpayers by our “leaders”(Stay home or else) and their total ass kissing of the “Eco-Blockaders” is too funny.
    Their demands that we TRUST them after decades of blatant lying to us,is almost too much to take.
    Oh well,the essentials are all taken care of in this household,next.. sighting in the ones that have not been used in years.
    All hail Saint Allan Rockhead.
    Who knew that St Allan would be the patron saint of all Preppers and doubters..

  30. Thank you Scott Reid! History will show that you were a man of integrity and a man of valour on this date.

    When principles and character intersect, the right thing is done in times of crisis like we are in right now.

    Now, if only we had an MSM which had that same twinkle of character we could have it spread all over the nation and world what kind of dictator we have in Canada, and the need for some fumigation in Parliament.

    Prayers are needed. The people of Canada needed this wake-up call. Will they heed that call though.

    1. Until the paid off media is in prisoned it’s a Up Hill battle

      We just all need to keep our foot on the gas pedal and we shall succeed

    2. There is a lame-@$$ effort to boycott Giant Tiger (of which Scott Reid is heir) because he had the audacity to do what the taxpayers pay him to do.

      Do buy your Easter candy there.

  31. “The opposition I dare say, have let us down.”

    Yes Nancy Ross, they have. But only to the point of absolute betrayal on what matters most: our freedoms.

    This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. Scheer and his crew have been showing their yellow incompetence since supporting turdo on the Paris climate accord. Consistently and continually.

  32. What has just happened? The CPC MPs, instead of toppling the turdoe’s government, handed the dictatorship over C.A.N.A.D.A. to him?
    Congratulation, assholes. The treason is in the CPC MPs DNA. They always betray those who vote for them, like clockwork.
    They could have toppled, arrested, and tried the slimeball for a whole slew of offenses, but instead they perpetuated his dictatorship.
