66 Replies to “February 5, 2025: Reader Tips”

    1. Well that would prevent orks from invading. Giving up their nukes was the biggest mistake Ukraine made.

      Anyway, they seem to have just gotten JASSM-ER (1000km range) from US and Trump appears to have lifted the ban on their use against targets within Orgrimmmar. Good if true. No ork should feel safe.

        1. You haven’t been paying attention, have you? Russia deployed nukes to Belarus and sold missile technology to NK and Iran, what do you think Japan, SK, Saudi Retardia will do next? What do you think Pakistan will do sitting next to nuclear Iran? Will they increase their stockpile or not? China is building a lot more nukes, what do you think India will do in response to Pakistan and China building up? And those are just immediate consequences within the next five years or so. In the long run, you can expect France and UK increasing their stockpile. Also what do you think Egypt will do sitting next to nuclear Israel, Iran and soon Saudi? What do you think Australia will be forced to do (kicking and screaming)? Then Indonesia. And on and on.

          Within max three decades, everyone who will be able to afford them will have nukes. This gini is not going back in the bottle.

    2. That insane little midget, with his suitcase sized coke habit, is a real piece of work.
      He’s *lost* $100BILLION, but he wants a nuke?
      He needs Russian Rehab. I hear Siberia is nice this time of year.

  1. In the Rubin video Bernie makes a comment about his best selling books. Funny how all these Democrats land big book contracts and they all become best sellers. Hilary Clinton, Michelle O, Barry O, Bernie Sanders all became multi millionaires from their book deals. I have yet to see any of these books on coffee tables, libraries, subway cars, airplanes, or actually being read by anyone. I suspect the truth of the best seller lists is actually the product of money laundering. I suspect that Soros or an underling from his organization lays it out to a publishing company that if they print ‘x’ number of books they will all sell for ‘y’ amount. Said books are printed and then purchased and consigned to either the deep six somewhere in the Pacific or quietly burned in an industrial furnace. Mission accomplished millionaires created that ‘owe’ an allegiance to Soros all done under the guise of legality. Everybody is happy, publisher makes money, politicians make money, Soros is happy he has his ‘legally’ paid for goony birds that promise to deliver when they get elected. A win/win situation for everybody concerned except Trump came along and upset the apple cart. The simplest money laundering scheme imaginable and it all seems legal and above board.

    1. i was in indigo , there were shelves of Sophie Trudeau books. not for sale , they were marked to send back to the publishers.

    2. It makes sense and when it comes to Hillary, I would rather she have her books burned, because I suspect she has intimate knowledge of the BTU heat content of burning bodies!

      1. Word will come down from Fat Ford’s attorney general – throw the book at them. There weren’t good serfs and didn’t lay down to die.

    1. The punishment started with seizing the gun. Recovering the gun as well as getting his FAC licence back will be a nightmare.

    1. F’n Trudeau Sr. We had no reason to fly these people to Canada from Uganda and elsewhere.

      They should have gone back to their homelands mainly Pakistan and some Indians.

      I have met too many people who said they were “Indians” who I later found out were Pakistanis.

  2. Mark Carney (Canada’s future Prime Minister) is in Windsor pledging more money for NATO and lower taxes for the Middle Class.

  3. WARMINGTON: There are many signs of Toronto’s economic decline

    If Saaed was heading into a safe injection site, it would have been all hands on deck in an effort to get him in there.

    If the new immigrant to Canada, who arrived in Toronto from Saudi Arabia in 2024, had been setting up a tent in a city park, there would have been little fuss. Or robbing a store or stealing a car.

    But the father of two small kids, who is driving for Door Dash, found out Tuesday what Toronto won’t tolerate — the hard way…

    I guess we have a shortage of Door Dash drivers. A middle-aged Canadian who lives in my building used to deliver via his ebike for Door Dash and was told to accept a cut in pay or he would be replaced by a “temporary foreign worker” and warned not to go to anybody or he would be placed on a “bad employee list” for employers so he would never get another job. He was too afraid to go to the labour board or anywhere else to complain.

  4. I bet this looks like the list of groups Liberal MP and Minister of International Development of Canada Ahmed Hussen funds at Canadian tax payers’ expense.

    Disabled ‘Climate Leaders’ in Asia, ‘Indigenous Language Tech’ in Latin America, and Terror Sympathizers in the Middle East: Where the Biden Admin Funneled USAID Money

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