I Thought We Were Going To Be The 51st State?

Reuters- Trump, in shock announcement, says U.S. wants to take over Gaza Strip

“The U.S. will take over the Gaza Strip, and we will do a job with it too,” Trump told reporters. “We’ll own it and be responsible for dismantling all of the dangerous unexploded bombs and other weapons on the site.”

“If it’s necessary, we’ll do that, we’re going to take over that piece, we’re going to develop it, create thousands and thousands of jobs, and it’ll be something that the entire Middle East can be very proud of,” Trump added.

CBC- Trump proposes ‘permanently’ displacing Palestinians so U.S. can take over Gaza

66 Replies to “I Thought We Were Going To Be The 51st State?”

  1. What does he propose to do with the so-called ‘Palestinians’? You clearly cannot leave them there. And if the Jews are going to move back in, why does the US need to be involved at all? Not seeing the upside here for the Americans.

    1. Perhaps he want’s part of it to become the new US Middle East military base, hopefully to replace the two-timing Qatari’s who not only fund terrorism, then say they should head negotiations as a neutral party, but are now lobbying for a Nobel Peace Prize for being part of the negotiations for getting back the hostages not murdered by the Gaza Arabs!

      It’s about time the US stops helping the economy of Qatar by having the base there.

  2. I don’t think he said he “wants to” have the US take over Gaza
    I think he said he will.


    They’ll be sent to neighbouring countries, I didn’t hear anyone “ask” if they’ll take them, nor that the Israelis will move back into Gaza.

    There is some talk of the USA building a military base in Gaza, and closing their base in Qatar
    That earned Nobel Peace Prize is going to be sweet…

    Hopefully the garbage dump at the CBC gets to report that in November as well.

    1. Correct. Those neighbouring Arab/Muslim countries/kingdoms did their part over the years to enable Palestinianism for they thought they could take advantage of these anti-infidel “operations.” They will play their part in undoing their efforts.

      1. It was mentioned (asked by one of the journalists?) at their news conference that annexation of Judea & Samaria are still on the table.

        I hope they’re cleared from that area as well and all of Israel is peaceful
        This could be a clinic in how to deal with mass terrorist actions like the 7th of October

      2. “Correct. Those neighbouring Arab/Muslim countries/kingdoms did their part over the years to enable Palestinianism for they thought they could take advantage of these anti-infidel “operations.” They will play their part in undoing their efforts.”

        That makes sense.

    2. “I don’t think he said he “wants to” have the US take over Gaza”

      Then you need to re-learn how to read. He said just that, and that he wants to turn Gaza into the new Riviera.

      1. He’s saying a lot and then delivering in other directions. Keeping everyone uncertain.

        The reporting continues to sell gotcha or confirmation bias.

        What does he really want? Who knows?

  3. Awesome! Trump can move all the Palestinians to Canada! Sorry, mates. But isn’t that your government’s wet dream? To diversify the death out of your country.

    1. Gee IDK … kinda rough weather off the Gaza Coast … Biden’s Navy couldn’t even keep their floating pier together …

  4. All it will take is a few suicide bombers and Gaza will become Iraq all over again. That’s the last place American troops ought to go.

  5. That sounds like the border between North and South Koreas.
    Maybe it would be better with landmines instead of people? Is that the idea?
    I don’t see anyone wanting to live in Gaza without some kind of political motivation anymore.
    That’s a funny thought: the real citizens of the world are unexploded ordinance.

  6. Not sure I would want to be an American trying to do something with the most retrograde sociology on the planet but one could argue that they already own the place given all money they’ve poured into the UN and UNWRA and going back to the PLA etc.

  7. Sorry Trump … I have no fkcus to give about Gaza … or the Gaza peoples … or Hamas … or Muslims of any description… or “Palestine”.

    Better to redevelop Pacific Palisades.

        1. Unburdened by what has burned before.
          It would be in perfect concert with Newsom’s plans for California to relocate all the Gazans to Pacific Palisades.

  8. Trump has been an isolationist up till now, avoiding involving the U.S. in messy foreign adventures.

    So now he sticks his hand in the biggest hornet’s nest in the Middle East.

    1. It’s been a hornet’s nest because it’s full of hornets.
      If one were to remove the hornets, and just leave the nest…

      I think the surrounding kingdoms have been consulted on this plan.

      1. The surrounding nations have assiduously refused to take in “Palestinians” for the last 76 years.

        Where’s Trump going to send them — Antarctica?

    2. “Trump has been an isolationist up till now, avoiding involving the U.S. in messy foreign adventures.

      So now he sticks his hand in the biggest hornet’s nest in the Middle East.”

      Where were you when he created the Abraham Accords? If he hadn’t run out of time, Donald Trump would have pulled off the impossible: peace in the Middle East. Every US President in the last 50 years had tried, but only Trump had the brains to approach it like a business problem, not a political one.

  9. What I love about all of this is the legacy media can’t catch their breath! They don’t have the energy to stay offended and spout moral indignation everyday.

  10. Now it becomes abundantly clear how Trump convinced Bibi to accept a seemingly ridiculous cease-fire agreement with Ham-Ass! I speculated that something had to be cooking behind the scenes to get Bibi to accept a deal that clearly does not serve Israel’s security interests.

    Now allow me to fantasize a scenario…
    What do we do with the Gazans?
    Ship them off and have them build settlements in northern Canada. That should satisfy the turd’s immigration fantasies.
    Yes, I’m sure they’ll find Arctic winters quite refreshing after living all their lives in a sweltering dessert…
    And the isolation should keep the rest of the kanuckistans quite safe, and being so far away from the US border, the Americans will have nothing to fear from potential terrorists infiltrating their territory. And if the pro Ham-Ass protesters object, we can easily ship them all off to join their buddies up north. Citizens or not, since they’re not actually leaving the country, there should be no issues with deportations.
    Win, win, win all around! Peace in the middle east, Canada gets what it wanted, and deserves, getting it’s hundred-million immigrants. The US controls Gaza and turns it into a paradise by the seashore, and Israel gets the security it should have had a long time ago.
    Well… a man can dream, can he?

    I’m considering writing for the Babylon Bee. Whadya-think?

    1. The Israelis want the Palestinians sent to Ireland, the most overrated country in the European Union, notable for three things:

      1. Its government’s complicity in tax evasion by American globalists.
      2. The sickening anti-Semitism of its elites.
      3. The ugliest and most ornery women in Europe.

      A proper seeing-to by blue-balled Palestinian thugs in broad daylight will do your average Irish woman a world of good. Better that than letting an Arab lay a hand on another daughter of Israel.

  11. My guess is the end game is to force the surrounding countries to deal with the mess they have been funding and supporting. And they won’t want that mess sent to their countries.

  12. Given that the US is little more than a branch operation of Israel…….. I am sure the Palestinian people are asking themselves “What’s in it for us”?

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