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Other than Turd, NO ONE has gotten more career mileage from being a buffoon and clown than Boob Rae.
What a Tard!
Totally agree.
Always the smartest commie in the room.
Looks good on him.
“I made that comment when I was in private life.”
And if Justin Trudeau and those who voted for him had more brains than God gave gravel Bob Rae would have spent the rest of his life in private life instead of receiving another sinecure at taxpayer expense.
what a parasite he has been
this grifter has been on the public teat almost as long as Ralph Goodale
Bob Rae has never received a dollar not first beaten out of a taxpayer. He is just another parasite, feeding on Canadians.
Yup. A tick. Looks like he sucks farts through a straw with that mouth.
Sucks farts out of dead monkeys.
Another member of the Great Canadian Brain Trust. Between “Sunny Days” and “Rae Days” it is a wonder that Canadians have survived this long. It is just a matter of time before we can hang a similar moniker on Singh, Freeland, and Carney. I believe Rae has dropped a few articles in the ‘RED Star’ and The Grope and Flail along with other retired politicians and other would be journalists of the Liberal/NDP cult. Amazingly some Canadians have had their eyes opened in the last two weeks, think what will come to pass before the next Canadian election. Winning, and I’m loving it!
Bob Rae is what a “Canadian” actually looks and sounds like. Sorry folks, as Carlin said, “It’s a big group and you’re not in it,” even if you live down the street from him.
Rae is “Team Canada,” already bought and sold decades ago.
Bob Rae is living proof that there is not an angstrom of daylight between the dippers and the libs. Commie is as commie does. The sooner he’s returned to ‘private life’, and permanently, the better.
He has never spent a day in “private life” at least not one earning or producing anything, he is a parasite.
I loved Bob and Ray!
I think I misunderstood the assignment …
Trudeau’s choice for our Czar?
Bob Rae lives in taxpayer funded quarters in New York as ambassador to the UN in the same building as the old location for the consul general, that the CBC said was listed for over $13million, not the $9 million condo that is for the Tom Clark, the consul general, who is assigned to New York.
This may be the old unit: https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/1220-Park-Ave-B_New-York_NY_10128_M47875-43140?from=srp-list-card
What’s never explained is why we need 2 of them in New York, when it should be one job.
Tom Clark would likely let him “move” in. Blech!
Interesting that it is listed for $13,000,000. It has been on the market several times since the late teens initially starting at $28,000,000. No idea what it cost to acquire or to renovate (likely multiple times) over the years. Sounds like it a great investment for Canadians /s
I went to college for 2 years in my early 30’s. First year I got a student loan for $1500. Second year I got nothing as bob rae was premier. All student loans to white males were cancelled. That’s the day I stopped caring about Canada and have refused to ever wear the Canadian flag on any piece of clothing or on my house. I know I’m above fighting age now but I would not fight for this country. Ever.
Bob Rae won a fluke election more than 30 years ago. So disastrous was his run that the ndp has yet to return to power.
One of his ‘advisors’ was Bob White president of the UAW at the time. They flirted with the idea of defaulting on Ontario s debt.
When he was interim leader of the libranos he challenged Harper to a duel…on piano. Ha ha
The Bong gave him the plumb UN appointment. A reward for being a loyal foot soldier.
Oh my. I thought that old commie was dead! Well I’ll be hornswauggled
Rae should be shot with his own ball of shit.
But I’m willing to contribute some of my own.
I thought the saying was, “Herpes the gift that keeps on giving,” though politically it may be one and the same.
“I did not have sex with that woman…Ms. Liewinski.”
Anyone mocking these clowns, just remember, we are the ones being grifted. Haha.
Bob Rae is the kind of guy you send to negotiate with the hungry aliens.
Buffalo Bob…….the gift that keeps on taking.