5 Replies to “Dementia Update”

  1. Maybe God has forsaken them?
    The King of Spades and our Pope on the Rope are not doing very well at all physically.
    Respect is earned and these creatures that currently rule us are evil individuals at least from my perspective.
    Neither individual could attend their perspective mass which is a huge event.

  2. I hope when Ol’ Joe goes to the fire down below he spends an eternity choking on d!ck$.

    1. Eternal weeping and gnashing of teeth. And Biden will be anger-whispering and old man yelling at no one … for eternity.

      You ARE what you live

  3. The “bribe’m” administration has made it crystal clear what they serve. If you can’t see it by now, condolences.

  4. The idiot Trump is not far behind and arguably catching up.

    Spewing mush and garbage.

    Just like you clowns here.
